Stu’s Reviews- #499- Book- “Night Watch””- Steve Hamilton

Genre: Book   

Grade:  A-

Notable People: Steve Hamilton

Title: “Night Watch”

Review:    Hamilton, the author of the long running and wonderful Alex McKnight mystery series, also writes standalone books and this is his latest….and a total gem. Like film noir??…. this is for you. I can imagine a young Robert Mitchum in the lead role. It’s a murder story shrouded in the cacophony of a man’s devastating grief and loss. Joe Trumbull is quite the everyman- a widower, jazz lover, boxer and ………of all things…. a juvenile probation officer, in…. of all places……Kingston, New York. As someone who has worked in juvenile justice for most of my adult life, this is a rare treat and the life is portrayed pretty well. As someone who has spent considerable time in the sleepy city of Kingston, that an unusual, and appreciated, choice for venue. Honestly, could not put his one down, and devoured it in three readings. Hamilton is really good.

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