Tripping Though Autumn in the Greens

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday it is:

“I know it was wonderful, but I still don’t know how I did it” ……………………………………………………………………Lawrence Olivier

“Do you suddenly ever find it strange to be yourself?” ……………………………………………………………………………. Clarice Linspector

“In every change, in every failing leaf…there is some pain, some beauty….” ………………………………………………AC Holder

I should probably just let the accompanying photos (way, way too many again, I know, but……) tell the story of Autumn in the mountains……but a few words are de rigueur, no?

(I must apologize, but there are too many photos -89- to attach in the traditional one stop viewing manner in this e-mail, so, you can either got to the website to see them with the link at the top of the e-mail OR go to a Shutterfly album by linking to:

Quickies (not what you think that might be!)

  • Dinner on the ground last Sunday with TJPF and his Empress of Death Bride was an event- classic Indigenous People (read: Indian) Summer afternoon, leaves beginning to peak, warm late afternoon autumn sun, and the masterpiece ribs you would expect from TJPF……………….
  • The Queen is getting out the Vote……mailing out 1342 postcards to malingerers in mostly southern states (can you say Hercules, Arkansas?) …………
  • Feel and Maux left us with LOVE LANGUAGE concept after their visit last week…. things like “you look lovely today, my dear”, and “how lucky we are to have each other” …. I have found my LOVE LANGUAGE to be….” Can you please make the dessert?”, after a night of in-da-couch…… (as opposed to Sativa) ………………
  • Does Chris Wallace deserve man of the year after semi- moderating that shit storm of a debate?
  • The Dumpmaster was beyond aggrieved when I saw him yesterday, after TQ was unable to meet him to explore hacking in to the up- the- hill spring (to fill the dwindling POND) since we had to postpone our fall outing for a day this week…. he demanded to know what I was doing screwing around with his alone time with TQ…………………………………
  • Want to hear a work in progress…. hit the link and open “mix editor”, click play (headphones recommended) …to hear a take of Papi’s new age protest song…. featuring The Prodigal and The Nave….  
  • Granddaughter number two turns two next week…. oh my…a brood of toddlers…

So-we left it all behind for most of the week…. the sturm and drang of Plagues, Race, Elections, Taxes, Socialists (you’re kidding me, right?), Climate Deniers, Debates, Scary political ads…and all the talking heads….and headed out for our first Fall Outing of the year in this, our 26th year of such events in the Greens.

Honestly, the pictures say more than this meager scribe can hope to convey…. but suffice it to say we went to all the Golden Places of Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom. Stayed in a quaint airbnb cottage on beautiful Lake Willoughby in Vermont’s remote and endearing land of few people and much moose (where we almost decided to live…but much better place to visit)…and spent days driving and strolling the bejeweled landscape, coming over and around each mountain pass to catch the full scope of nature’s uber-magnificent glory…, who made this?….Barton, Island Pond, Newport, Derby, Coventry…magic places on a beautiful fall day….little hikes, breakfast sandwiches by serene deserted lakes, Martha’s world famous fried chicken, cemeteries on hilltops to be closer to God, looking done over the towns of those lying there, walks in the woods and on our unparalleled dirt roads….every hairpin turn an opportunity for new breathtaking views…rain, sun. clouds, mist, fog……. all to good to be true (guess This is my love language?) …………

Tonight’s the night……Virtual reunion with my childhood posse from the Bronx- assuming a bunch of seniors can negotiate the Zoom thing……

And that is it…. enjoy the pix, enjoy the day, enjoy your time and ach other……take a break……wear your masks…try to love one another right now…right now…


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