Stu’s Reviews- #505 Book- “One Last Lie””- Paul Doiron

Genre: Book       

Grade:  B+/B

Notable People: Paul Doiron

Title: “One Last Lie”

Review:    Doiron’s latest in his highly acclaimed Maine Game Warden, Mike Bowditch series…is a bit flat. Though the characters remain vivid and the setting of remote Maine is still sharp and continues to develop, the story seems more farfetched than his usual and rambled on a bit. This one focuses on a long forgotten murder and its long hidden survivors and is set in the rugged areas along the Canadian border. Doiron is a lifelong Mainer and it shows. He’s also quite the naturalist. I probably would not highly recommend this as a standalone book, but it’s a rich continuation of this fine series, which I do highly recommend.

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