Can you hear The Mountains moan?

My Brothers and Sisters:

“I pack no provisions for my long journey- entering emptiness under the midnight moon” ………………………………………………………………………. Chinese Sage

“Winter solitude—in world of one color, the sound of wind” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Basho

“Heaven help the poor man as he struggles every day
Heaven help the red man if he turns his back away
Heaven help the man who kicks the man who has to crawl
Heaven help us all.” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Charlie Pride (RIP)

My Brothers and Sisters:

“I pack no provisions for my long journey- entering emptiness under the midnight moon” ………………………………………………………………………. Chinese Sage

“Winter solitude—in world of one color, the sound of wind” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Basho

“Heaven help the poor man as he struggles every day
Heaven help the red man if he turns his back away
Heaven help the man who kicks the man who has to crawl
Heaven help us all.” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Charlie Pride (RIP)

Makin’ a list…. checkin’ it twice…. Mama!…….. THE BLOG is here!………….THE BLOG is here! …

The snow is whirlin’……the winds are howlin’……. The POND is fillin’……The day are gettin’ longer, the nights are gettin’ colder…and I wanna go back home…lay my head down on your shoulder……winter on The Mount…. pretty solitary…but keepin’ busy…The Elves are beginning to abound as we brace for the most unusual holiday season……crank up the Zoomin’, please….

The Queen’s lil’ dug-up Christmas tree now has lights and tchotchkes, in the set- free –of the hot tub living room…. thanks to the barn supply left by our dear benefactress, Karen, who is basking in the Vegas sunshine while we dig out the sidewalk…. Had a half foot of snow on the ground unit it rained it away yesterday …. but drove done to Rutland on Tuesday, where it seemed like springtime and nary a flake…. Mt. Holly IS apparently the snow capitol of Vermont…

Got CAR????…yes , we do…having sold the malignant Subaru, we picked up the new Cherokee from Santa Bob on Tuesday…which required a weekly-mandatory stop for lunch…having discovered the secret Italian Super Deli….Paisanos (how original)…which is in the far back of a beer carryout-  on a far back street-  in the middle of nothing….Actually had a grinder named after the local concrete baron, which is better than it sounds…..the place has salamis and prosciutto hanging from the ceiling…almost like being on Bleecker Street…car has now been fitted into the Barn, where it has yet to emerge…who goes anywhere these days?

The Hot Tub is now percolating on the frozen back porch, where it seems to be surviving though it takes about a day to fully heat for use…no leaks yet…lots more space in the living room……

The new cat, who I call Malo, but TQ is calling Mahalo (apparently Malo is Espanola for “bad”, which TQ is not happy with)….has now been spotted three times in in about ten days….she is apparently not all that happy cohabiting with Grace, Lucy or Jenn…though she seems to like Papi….she has come out only long enough to scratch the shit out of TQ’s hand, spread used litter all over the now spacious living room,…and shit behind the TV….but hey…I do all those things too…..assuming it’s The Plaque…..

And how about the Miracle of Zoom?……had a zoom this week with my very old friend, Steve Berman, in Portland (OR), who I have not seen in 20 years….tracked him down and sent him some  music we had been working on…since he was my first adult band mate (not counting the seminal Stu the Shrew and the Wild Men from howling adolescence days) and writing partner back in the Golden 70s….we played in band called “Pipedream”…still is, No

The Nave has assumed the Chanukah cultural mantle…and is sending the family a classic video for each night of the holiday…which is a little like sending rosaries to Muslims…. can you say “Chanukah Harry”?

And…how about…Bebe’s first Santa video-

Took a snow day on Friday…which provided the opportunity for not one….but two Covid -safe carry-out meals in one day….it may be my only contact with other human beings….so hit Ramuntos for the two- slice special for lunch…and then the lil’ Indian palace in the back of the exotic (for Vermont)  grocery for some Saag and Vindaloo take home for dinner….In between , we headed up to scenic Chittenden Dam for a snow walk….and wonderful views of the setting winter sun…love walking up snow covered mountains with shoes with worn out soles…can you say …….on your ass….

Law Enforcement in Vermont……had to get a VIN inspection to send to Ohio for getting the new Jeep titled…and it requires it be confirmed by police types…which are nowhere to be found in our parts…so tracked down Paul the Rotund Town Constable (This…is a REAL Thing) …who came over this morning to VIN me…a bit Sipowitz-like… he may have been packing, but I tried hard not to ask….

And…. the wood is split…after cutting down trees for eight years…. our drunken -forester up the road, Dennis…… showed up this week with his splitter in tow…just back from deer hunting in Coshocton Ohio (no deer, no masks there) and allowed us to split up a cord or two…which we dutifully neatly stacked and tarped…and then made a beeline for the hot tub…. enough fireplace wood now for the next  eight years…..

And…. I’m out of gas…. too much darn activity for one week……mid-40s today so getting out for a drive and dirt road walk…sugar plums dancing….

Be well….be safe….do what you can…oh…oh…. oh…. oh…. stayin’ alive, stayin alive……


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