Film Review: Trainwreck

ca5dbd70-67d0-3f9b-a9d4-41ba4393f5b6Frankly, I am a little embarrassed to say I went to see this move…for God’s sake, I AM an avowed movie snob. But I was on a date night with my daughter Tess and trying to find something I thought she would like. So….I liked it. This is not an American film classic, but Schumer is a really funny person in a slutty, filthy, over the top sort of way. Hader is an excellent foil for her and Quinn, my god…the opining scene is worth five times the price of admission as he explains in a flashback to his very young daughters why he and his wife are getting divorced. The man is a gem. The movie has all the usual Apatow touches and Lebron James is actually quite good as Hader’s good friend and confidant. Schumer wrote the script…good for her. Ok- I did go see this movie AND I did like it-so shoot me.

Notable People: Amy Schumer, Bill Hader, Colin Quinn, Lebron James, Directed by Judd Apatow

Grade: B+

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