Is it Sunday yet?

Greetings- Shocked to get this in your box on Saturday night….me too…. but TQ, the Beast and I are escaping Dodge, up to The un-tropical Islands (such as they are) for couple of nights……. just need to escape from the drama of this week…ergo the early transmission………………………………………

“Wisdom is better than wit” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………  Jane Austin

“We’re in a kind of repeat McCarthy era. Only this time, to borrow from that old-school communist Karl Marx, history is repeating itself not as tragedy but as farce.” ……………………Jonas Goldberg (conservative writer)

“This is how election results are disputed in a banana a republic…not in our democratic republic” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………George W. Bush

Well, its really hard to talk about this week…and just go on with my usual Blog sermon…I mean, let’s face it……there was nothing usual about this week

In a few words (really)… was kind of like most Plague weeks here in Vermont…..Cold…Snow….More Cold….More Snow….a few bits of sunshine…a lot of ice…..keeping up with The Queens’ projects….getting out for rides, walks and a few take out lunches…..let’s face it….we are all really tired of this…..but now is not the time to let our guard down…like when the war ends, but you haven’t gotten home yet…that is not the time to get yourself shot….I am thinking about chaining my unmasked self to the frond door of the Rutland Regional Medical center until they give me both doses of the vaccine…..after which I plan to go out to eat, see a movie, get sloppy drunk in a bar, and hang out with random strangers up close….THIS is The Dream?

Now…this week in our country…that is another story…We followed a historic night in Georgia, in which a deep southern state elected a Black Man and young Jewish boy to the United States Senate……are you kidding me…… and then…. with images that will take many of us a lifetime to get rid of……it was like watching a real old fashioned lynching up close and persona. Even in the context of having spent the last four years riding a coaster of shock and embarrassment, but this……even though it seems hard not to have imagined that this was a predictable end result to this craziness…still, this is just another level altogether……

I’m not sure what has become of our national integrity that could possibly allow us to get to this point….…and I’m ashamed to admit that I have friends and family who have continued to support this small minded, heartless, deceitful, criminal idiot of a dictator….as well as his minions…. but I still never thought it could go this far…. who are these lunatics? Does anybody actually know any of them? Did they miss breast feeding…or bedtime stories…. or trips to the park………how can we breed so much hatred and ignorance……inspired by the most cowardly public figure of my lifetime…far surpassing Tricky Dick in very way……

Can we continue to think of this as a fair election issue….as a political conundrum…. liberal vs conservative…. Republican vs. Democrat…. I think and hope not

A reckless and despotic coward, and those who have, and continue to, enable him, have led us down a dangerous, primrose path. The new administration and the new congress, controlled by a different party, may not be a panacea……but they deserve a chance to help us return to the democratic ideals that have defined our nation, and all of us………………

I’m not saying this was a third world style Coup, though, in essence, it may have been…………

I’m not saying that getting rid of this very bad man, and his enablers, will make everything come up roses……

I’m not saying that those who disagree with me are all bad people…….

All I am saying….is give peace a chance……


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