Is it Miller Time yet????


“Nothing is often a good thing to do….and always a clever thing to say” ……………………………………………………………………………………Will Durant

“Where are we always going?…….Always home” …………………………………………………………………………………Novalis

“What do I do when my love is away?……..(Does it worry you to be alone?)
  How do I feel by the end of the day?……(Are you sad because you’re on your own?)” ……………………………………………………………John and Paul


“Nothing is often a good thing to do….and always a clever thing to say” ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Will Durant

“Where are we always going?…….Always home” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Novalis

“What do I do when my love is away?……..(Does it worry you to be alone?)
  How do I feel by the end of the day?……(Are you sad because you’re on your own?)” ……………………………………………………………………………. John and Paul

White is the color of my true love’s eyes…. when I rise……when I rise……. Have we had enough yet……every day seems like another 3-6 inches overnight………. seems absurd to bother to even shovel our front walkway……give me more…. give me more……it’s a freakin’ winter wonderland …. shouldn’t we all be in The Keys about now, watching a sunset, sipping margaritas?

Well, it’s Sunday, which is usually the drive and walk day…. but it’s like a frozen tundra out there……so maybe another binge on the ol’ Netflix???!!!

After the chaos of last week lookin’ like some assassination attempt of the Austrio- Hungarian days……we got out of dodge for three days…. up to the less than tropical islands of Lake Champlain…said lake being frozen solid despite its massive size – and playing home to hundreds of lunatic ice fisherman…..stayed at our usual autumnal haunt….a quaint cottage with sunset deck over the lake, sunken living room (really) and a cozy gas fireplace…..hit all the state parks in  nowhere land for trudging snow hikes…and found our Happy Chicken…..a little organic farm in Isle LaMotte….way off the path of civilization….for Mrs. Chicken’s  house made behemoth of a smoked chicken pot pie and her maple ribs….so did not have to leave the confines of home away from home for vittles… to say we barely saw another human for three days……good place to hide out in the winter of COVID…

We took the recuperating Beast (of course) who had a run in this past week with a herding dog, when TQ decided she needed a communion and a walk with the Sovereign of Caravan Gardens- her erstwhile organic employer…..Lucy came back bleeding prodigiously, missing a chunk of ear and head-wrapped like “when Johnny comes marching home”…I offered to go gather the offending mutt and drop her in a hole in The Pond ice, ….but TQ declined the offer….so Lucy now has 1 ¾ ears…

Aren’t we all hoping (even the republicans secretly?) that this week is the dawn of a new day……The new bosses may not be a panacea, but can it possibly get worse…. just a smidgeon of humanity and dignity will seem like a chicken soup for our wounded souls, no????…. I have personally sent a note to The Donald offering him the services of my personal family tailor…. Shlomo and Sons of the Lower East Side….to make him a custom fit orange jumpsuit for his next assignment……and, did anyone notice the article this week, that Ivanka and Jarred did not allow their secret service detachment to use the bathrooms in their house….my sense of irony is going to go cold turkey without these Numchucks around…

After months of no personal contacts, we got out for a lunch this week with the Jewish Pig Farmer and the Empress of Death at their Pine Hollow Farm..…..with a balmy 32 degree day…..the JPF set us up with a  fire pit and covered barn way to sit outside (maskless, mind you) and have his ribs and meatballs…..we spent two hours standing in a circle outside, hopping from one foot to the other, until we finally finished up with TQ’s ambitious flourless, sugarless, carb free chocolate cake (why bother?)….and came home to unthaw….but…human contact?…..Priceless….

The next to latest snowstorm on Friday night left us with 6-8 inches of snow so heavy  it came down off the trees in potentially crushing 50 pound lumps…so just getting to the car was like running the gauntlet….but TQ…undeterred…went to Belmont to spend the last of her 25 hours cleaning the manse of some crazed metaphysical doctor from New York who specializes in oxygen injections to cure cancer….no shit…..but they had not been there for two weeks-so seemed safe enough…and apparently TQ wanted some mad money to spend as she wishes (bedding on the way?)….the roads were so bad she could not get near the house, so I had to drop off and pickup…from which she trundled across their moat to attacks their dust mites….all the while we had no power for four hours… I went over to see The Dumpmaster, where they had power (“tell the little lady, she can come to my house to warm up,” he says, distraught that he got the wrong partner this week)…….stopped at the Belmont Mall to pick up a free fryer and sombrero…..just in case……and then The Beast, little Grace and even the spectral Saffron (formerly Malo and Mahalo) sat huddled around the raging fireplace…waiting for a sign from G_D….or at least from the Green Mountain Power….with no landline or cell service, power outages become particularly exciting here….but then again…..It is winter in Vermont……..

And that, my friend, should be more than enough……stay safe…. don’t go near a state capitol without body armor…. dream about injections……spread the love….

From Me to You, Papi

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