Stu’s Reviews- #535 Book- “American Dirt”- Jeanine Cummins

Genre: Book   

Grade:  A

Notable People: Jeanine Cummins

Title:  ” American Dirt”

Review:    Extraordinary!.one of ten best books I’ve read in the last decade, this third novel from Cummins tackles the issue of Mexican migrants in an unbelievably powerful way. It will change your view on this subject-regardless of what your view is. The most recent in a long line culturally sensitive books my daughter lovingly and persistently floats in my direction….is a story for the eons- lovingly told and beautifully written. Mother and her eight-year-old son make the trek by freight trains and foot from Acapulco to El Norte to escape the drug cartels. The many characters they encounter are unforgettable, the intensity beyond words, and the sense of indomitable will to survive and find love and peace……. left me speechless. Stephen King, on the cover reviews, dares anyone to read the first seven pages, and not finish this book. I double the dare. This is an important work for our times- incredibly relevant and topical without being overtly political. Viva la migrante……

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