Stu’s Reviews- #571- Book – “Deal Breaker”- Harlan Coben

Genre: Book

Grade: B+

Notable People:  Harlan Coben

Title: Deal Breaker

Review: Got this book as birthday gift; one in a long series by the prolific Coben, that features Myron Bolitar. Bolitar is fledgling sports agent, former pro football player and FBI special agent, who has a pension foe trouble. It’s an interesting premise and wicked whodunnit with some innovative characters. The writing is above average, but not sterling. Bolitar is somewhat in the classic private eye mode and the book is an illuminating take on the down and dirty of sports agents. Coben has a number of series he writes, and is, coincidentally, the author of “No Second Chance” which was made into a fresh steaming series that I recently watched and was quite good. His books seem to be particularly suitable for transfer to the screen. If you are a big mystery fan, this is a good book- if you are not, it’s a skip.

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