Novel Review- Unspeakable

Genre: Novel

Grade: B (but a good B)
Notable People: Sandra Brown
Title: Unspeakable

Review –full disclosure- this is somewhat of a trashy read. When I travel- I get tired of lugging big hardcovers- so I recently went searching in our inherited library for books our benefactress, Karen, left behind. Well- she had interesting taste. This is a mystery novel that takes place in south Texas and is kind of formulaic- but quite entertaining nonetheless. I can’t say it is very well written- but it sure kept my attention. So- it has a deaf femme fatale character, a Marlboro man with unclear motives, an eighty- year old sheriff who is being forced to retire before he is able to resolve his issues with a thirty year old murder, two of the most sociopathic brothers to grace the written page, an insatiable slut, and a massive halfwit killer who is only deterred from torturing people by available popsicles…what’s not to like? It builds to a massive climax (not one you would have a smoke after) that is reminiscent of the end of a John Wayne movie. So it’s all in all not too great- but I really liked it. Take it to the beach and lie in a chaise lounge…you’ll love the deaf woman.

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