Genre: Book
Grade: A-
Notable People: Archer Mayor
Title: Marked Man
Review: The extraordinary 33rd consecutive annual installment in Archer’s long running series finds our hero, Joe Gunther, and his crew alternating between a hard to describe, eccentric and dangerous family in Brattleboro, Vermont, and, a host of low level mobster types in Providence Rhode Island (Little Rhody to the initiated). The long running cast of character is back (not aging, though Joe must be close to 110 by now given that he fought in the Korean War….…guess that is literary license), and Archer does his usual bang up job of exposing and initiating us all to the obscure nooks and crannies of Vermont life. The alternating between two seemingly disembodied storylines was a bit distracting for me in this one, but it all comes tighter eventually. Well written, great dialog, amazing sense of place. I hear number 34 is already written and getting ready for Fall release. You go, Archer!!!!