Stu’s Reviews- #645- Book – “The Beekeeper of Aleppo “- Christy Lefteri

Genre: Book  

Grade: A-

Notable People: Christy Lefteri

Title: The Beekeeper of Aleppo

Review: Quietly moving book I got for my b’day from old friend Deborah, who now lives in the Michigan woods and frequents her local small town bookstore, and comes away with stuff like this. Lefteri is British from Cypriot refugee parents and has composed a heart wrenching second novel about a family feeling fleeing the ravages of war, hate and brutality in Syria- and their incredible journey across continents, and in the face of all odds, to get to England and safety. Not an easy book, and the I found the constant shifting back and forth in time a bit of a challenge, but the ultimate arc of people’s desire to survive and live in a humane way wins the day. This book took me quite a while to finish as its sometimes troubling and you just need to go in short bursts, but we should all be familiar with this, right?

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