Stu’s Reviews- #677- Book – “Dressed for Death”- Donna Leon

Genre: Book  

Grade: A-

Notable People: Donna Leon

Title: Dreed for Death

Review: This 1994 novel is the third installment in Leon’s wonderful series featuring Commisario Guido Brunetti foe the Venice Policia. Brunetti is a great character-thoughtful, wise and incredibly ironic. The commentary on the state of Italian life, culture and government is worth it alone foe these reads. And, Leon winds in masterful mysteries full of offbeat characters. This one I tackled the underside of sexual identity way before it’s time and will keep you guessing to the end. This series is major keeper for those of us who like serial reading, mysteries and enigmatic characters-plus its lovingly set in Venice, in all its glory. You can almost feel the gondola ride.

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