Last Dance

Ola Mes Amigos:

“Many a tear has to fall, but it’s all…in the game” ……………………………………………………………………………………The Four Tops

“Pipedreams and fantasy schemes; never turns out quite the way it seems” ……………………………………………Ferlin’ Norris

“What is the sound of one hand clapping?” ………………………………………………………………………………………………Are You Kidding Me?

I had big ambitions for the last waltz here…and time got away from me and Sunday became Thursday…and then Vermont became NY state…and here we are in our usual Binghamton haunts along the Ohio jaunts……. Coop Flyin’’ time, a bit of a blur…how ‘bout you, blurred?

Midterms are over……. could have been worse……. except…… in Ohio. What in the world is a JD Vance? Livin’ in purple tonight, but gonna get real red, real quick…. I can live with RED………just not (T)Rump-RED…..lets stick he and Desantis in The Cage and see what happens…a draw to the death?………… what a gift that would be? And maybe take Clarence Thomas in there with them?

But-I certainly digress. Kind of tired; kind of weary, bleary, teary……transitions kind of suck, and we make a royal habit of them.

Speaking of Royal, TQ made her rounds ere The Kingdom this week and sure kept us hoppin’ with lunch/ dinner gatherings for most of the last week-some with the old and loved, some with the new and who knows?

I’ll keep it brief and to the long elusive point:

  • Sundays are made for trips to the sausage maven at Honeypie and splendid walks along shores of recent drained Hapgood Pond
  • Once TQ gets to fixin, and into more fixin….…. the woman spent six hours cursing and trying to put up a state of the art motion light……and then tore into the electric fireplace…. gonna ship her off to Yellowstone to live with the kindred pioneer woman
  • THE POND peaked as were driving away today
  • It is mid-November and 75 degrees- lucky, lucky for us……. devastating for our grandchildren………but hey…it’s about now and about me, right?
  • We had dinner for the first time with The Mad Scientist and his Earthmover Trophy Wife…. with formal dinner service laid out (as in which fork do you use when?) ……and they had a massive GONG from a Tibetan monastery they bought while there, and had shipped home for some ungodly amount of drachma…and then…. had to go to the Newark Docks to see Tony Soprano and pay a daily Vig to get it……we’re going back to these people as soon as we return…. did I mention that Trophy Wife made a lamb cassoulet type thing………Bang a Gong, Big Tony……?
  • If you ever got drugs form Merck (not your street dealer who drives an ancient Mercury sedan…. the giant Pharma pesticide), you may want to look into their contributions to the Aryan war effort ant to DA Fuhrer-fuckhead…. Merck Jerks……
  • Got to gather with the Erstwhile Russian Spy, the World’s Most Beloved School Marm, the Masseuse in the Trailer, the Prince of the Spectrum People and the Empress of General Electric (Ret.) ……. this last week before we left…which is lot of dishes to wash…
  • Had final Monday night pickin and grinnin this week…with more tears shed…as well as chocolate cupcakes……which go only moderately well with fine bourbon……. but we were out the door with the tunes
  • And……… the Dumpmaster would not let go of TQ at the last dump trip….…had to beat him back with a bamboo stick……got a nice dump-dropped bike out of the deal

Go to go find dinner…thinkin’ Lebanese in Vestal…. there is song there, no….…back in the saddle again….

May you winter be divine and may the wind take your troubles away……I’ll catch you on the other side.


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