Film Review- American Hustle

Genre: Film

Grade: A-
Notable People: Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner, Directed by David O. Russell
Title: American Hustle

Review – Very entertaining film about ABSCAN Scandal of the early 70’s in New Jersey; a major con game that involved the FBI and all kinds of politicians. Really captures the time and place well and the movie goes along at a wonderful pace- enchanting, engaging, exciting. Bale and Cooper are twin towers trying to outsmart each other and to look the most ridiculous in their ultra 70’s garb. Adams sizzles in a role unlike any she has played before and Lawrence is almost unrecognizable as a gum chewing, beehive-do, wise-ass Jersey girl. Renner steals the show as legendary Camden politico Carmine Polito. Great movie for a cold night. I graded it down a bit, as it seemed a bit predictable and the music people missed an amazing opportunity with the score- which was mediocre. See it- you’ like it.

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