Stu’s Reviews- #749- Film – “Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years”-Hulu

Genre: Film  

Grade: A-

Notable People: John, Paul, George and Ringo, Directed by: Ron Howard

Title:  Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years

Review: the always industrious and creative Ron Howard brings the Beatles touring years (1962-1965) to life with extraordinary footage and interviews with all four of the lads. Terrific images and portrayal of a phenomena unlike any before or since -and unlikely to be repeated again. The throngs of kids (and adults) wanting some piece of these four young men is presented in a manner that defies belief- and they played these massive venues around the world with one personal security person and three roadies-holy cow. It’s good to revisit the brilliance of their flame and the cultural phenomenon that changed the world. If you don’t already, you’ll love Ringo after this one.

Fall Frenzy in the Greens

Happy Indigenous Columbi Weekend:

“Endless is my vow under the azure sky-boundless Autumn” ……………………………………………………… Soen Roshi

“You’ll lose it if you talk about it” …………………………………………………………………………………Ernest Hemingway

“I’m not perfect, but I’m enough” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Carl Rogers

All the schmooze that’s fit to print…………….

Back on the Train- together with Phish (look it up) we got back to some form of para-normal at first of week, no guest, no events, almost 80 degrees (ok, maybe not normal) and leaves starting to have a bit of pop and shimmer……got to gym, where again only person in ghost building……it’s the right time of the night…. TQ into The Mystic, as she gets on the Cider Daze train…and disappears for 12 hours at a time…still no lunch to be found in post-flooded Ludlow

COVID Winning here………Folk Club cancelled this week since everyone who went last week has The Plaque.…digging my masks out of the moth balls….no mas….no mas…

Alternative Music – sine no Monday folk club gathering……. I reluctantly aged to have The Old Vet Doc Who Can’t Hear come over and run through tunes for the Cider Daze set…hard to keep the beat when you can’t hear anything…. foghorn required……with giant flash cards for Braille- form lyrics

Trekking to Find Sister Jane- who made her annual visit this week, after years of lobbying to come for Cider week….trip to Manchester invoked every possible detour and roadblock and 30 MPH leaf-peepers at 8 in the am (don’t they sleep)…highlight was recently flood-reopened scenic Route 131 over to live and let die land, which is down to on lane in 4-5 places….and in one mile-long section has one lane because for there is only one lane!…..the other lane fell into the river and is yet to be found…..managed to only be 10 minute late (though she was 25 minutes early) and did the leisurely overland route through The Mounts home…with stop at folksy grinder place in lovely Puerto Nuevo…and lunch on the ground at the town Green…..followed by the requisite late season Creamee stop (only a B grade- but no complaints from Lucy)

Mountain High Culture Returns– in the form of the Manhattan Shorts film festival (if within  50 miles of a showing site, go see it –a must for film fans)….the annual selection the ten best 10-15 minute films in the world….at our tiny town library with a max of 30 people…which is astoundingly one of only 500 sites worldwide to show the Fest…….all during the same week…top pick for me was the one with a flower store owner with a bull-goose level stutter trying to communicate with Siri for directions…A++++….since Jane had been up for a long time, we only went to first half and left at intermission (Papi went solo for part two the next night)…we l all wore masks and got the dirty looks only potential  plaque bearers can get

Medicine in Rural Vermont– went down to Springfield Hospital –blink and miss it- for a routine scan…was out in 20 minutes ,start to finish….it’s like the gym….my own private hospital……though left my daily planer there, and made two poor employees search every part of the hospital for me when I got home and convulsed…then hunted down a tiny cheap 2024 planner at dollar store……changed all the dates to be 2023 accurate for last three months of year…and put in all my commitments…..then promptly found the missing planner in my car….thinking to blame scan radioactivity……you feel me?

On a Mission from God- put the band back together for Cider Daze—an assembling of six of the finest pre and post octogenarian area musicians for a one off garage band practice……despite Master Jeb consistently introducing us as “Stu and Crew” or “Stu and Friends”, we have now crowned ourselves the Cider Daze Pick-Up (though in a weak moment I had a notion to lobby for us to be “Stu the Shrew and the Wildmen”……this is unbelievably a real name from a 1965 incarnation…..)…like riding a bike (with training wheels) –on to the grove in minutes..…easily entertained, easily prepared…..easily tired out……

Papi and Sister Jane go to Rutland– having lost sight of The Queen for days now, Sister and I spent a lovely 80 degree Thursday afternoon exploring the finer elements of Rutland-life…..Ramuntos (of course), The Mart, Grocery and my new favorite Friday afternoon activity: picking up prepared Italian food at Paisanos, in the back of a beer store…..where I have tamed and befriended the grumpy lady Paisano…who now goes over the planned menu with me and gives me free bread……transport, heat and serve….Did I mention the mountain view when you walk out of the grocery……not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy…. Arrived back in Belmont just I time to get our free Creamees from the General Store in its first public event since closing last year…. OMG…Creamees returning to town…Creamees returning to town

The DAZE-after a week of worry, obsession and little sleep….TQ’s nightmare scenario arrived with a full day of pouring rain on Saturday…she was at The Green pounding the pavement and architecting The Cow Plop at 3 am…..and soaked to the gills when I arrived at noon…astoundingly, The Green was still packed with wet and stubborn Jerseyite leave peepers…..we set up shop in the library to play our set acoustically….and piped it out the Green via speaker…attracting a consistent flow of people coming to get dry…..the rain stopped for a few hours in the afternoon….and the collective Queen and Co. spirits refused to be dampened…..somehow creating lemonade out of cowshit……..

Dinner on the Ground– directly from the Cider downpour, we headed  over to The OddFellows to volunteer serve at the  annual Benefit Supper for the Fire Department….where we were the youngest  people of the crew (that is saying something) and served over 100 family style roast pork dinners to the wet and the hungry……I Iearned a few new things at the dinner: kids only want red desserts, Dennis the former Sate Rep and two-handed Coffee Purveyor never runs out of things to say, even very conservative rural old-timey Vermonters despise The Donald and you gotta watch for the guy who sits at four different tables and eats all-you-can-est dinner at each one…..the post serving dinner with the crew is a very mountain experience that should be filmed foe the Shorts festival….

So, TQ is off to the Daze again today……brandishing her sword at the head of the troops……sister Jane is sleeping off the carbs……and we will join later…….sun is out but it’s peaking at 50 degrees…we have maybe seen the last of 60 for October….…I remain-one joke over the line Sweet Jesus……

Love ya like a rock,


Two Sides of Autumn in the Greens

Good day:

“Sometimes, simply by sitting, the soul collects wisdom” …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Zen Proverb

“I would drive to West of Fargo just to see you once again” ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Ferlin’ Norris

“No seed ever sees the flower” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ram Dass

Well it’s been a strange mix of a week here on The Mount. Fall surrounds us with cool days and chilly nights, the leaves are tumbling, though not filled with color and the leaf-peepers are abounding. We continued our barrage for Jenn’s six decades of birthday experiences with The Queen following up the last extravaganza at the Homestyle Hotel with a lovely dinner at the home of music friends the Capeists (not Papists), then a romantic dinner for two in the five seats only per night- Downtown Grocery in Ludlow, a top five Vermont chic eatery, where the menu in Sanskrit is only scribbled on the board, the price of one entree is more than a meal for two at most places we frequent and the hostess/front of the house keeper/sommelier brought out five bottles for tasting so TQ could decide for  having one glass of wine….and then proceeded to taste each one first to make sure they are still vintage-worthy….and then did this at  every table…how trashed is she by nights end?

Thursday night’s dinner got cancelled due to most recent Covid scare but Friday we went to an impromptu family comforts gathering (more later) and just got back from a delightful weekend getaway to our newest fave place- Troy, NY, where we stayed on the banks of the mighty Hudson next to row houses from the 1600s and wandered the streets of this wonderfully rejuvenated old industrial city that is the home of the very real Uncle Sam!  Wandered into a great Thai lunch, a cozy Eye-talian bistro dinner and a way off the path breakfast from Manna at a 4 by 4 neighborhood joint (Mumu’s) serving Mediterranean breakfast waffles- really!!!!. Who knew the culture mecca of Troy? All of this surrounded a concert at the Carnegie lite Troy Music Hall featuring the Weight Band reincarnating the sounds of THE Band to perfection. Stopped on way home to prepare for two sets of overnight guests for the beginning of our fall infusion, and picking up carloads of mums for the TQ Jones along the way.

After our guests leave this week we resume our barrage with a trip to the Adirondacks and weekend visits from childhood friends-and the beat goes on……all good for us…in a time of plenty.

But, there has been another side to this week and to the last month. One of our oldest and dearest friends, Penny, decided four weeks ago to quit medically fighting the ovarian cancer of 12 years. She has done the most courageous things-; eschewing traditional treatments for wild diets, herbs, trips to Mexican clinics and done well for a decade, before it returned a few years ago. After a round of chemo and a remission, it came back, and she decided enough was enough-taking advantage of Vermont’s constitutionally provided Act 39- which allows for death with dignity via self-medication. For the last three weeks we have surrounded Penny, and the family, from up close, gone through a mountain of goodbyes’, self-realizations, remembrances and resolutions. To be honest, I have never experienced anything like it- the courage, resolve, the level of self-responsibility, the outpourings of love to someone who has been the most beloved teacher in the history of this town, teaching four generations of elementary students with zest, extraordinary dedication and constant aplomb. Jenn I have had the enormous privilege of being part of the inner circle up to this past Tuesday when we said a tentative goodbye; Penny decided that Wednesday was time for her to leave. To say that this has affected and permeated the psyches of almost everyone in this community, is an understatement. It is a new experience to imagine how one should pass from this world and what the options are and what we should have the individual right to do at that decision time- being able to be surrounded by expressions of love, on your own terms and at a time of your own choosing. There is a lot to say about this, but I’ll leave it as a profound experience that is worth learning more about. We are left with a gaping hole of grief, but nothing was left unspoken. We love you, Penny!


Penny Coldwell 1952- 2023

…and the rest of the photos from the week that was:

Tis the Season

Dear Yentas:

“Autumn is the hardest season. The leaves are all falling, and they’re falling like they’re falling in love with the ground.” ………………………………………………Andrea Gibson.

“Everything comes with stuff” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………You Know Who

“What you talking?” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Mr. Kim

Well- it’s been an interesting week here in our hometown…THE POND is going away, the leaves are dropping, Green is less Green, and the nights are getting coder…. this is also The Queen’s BIG-ASS birthday week…. the start of birthday month……well, she is TQ, after all….

Started conspicuously with the planned two nights’ girl’s getaway with the BFF to THE Islands washed out due to Covid washing ashore in the BFF household.…which had even greater implications (foreshadowing here) ……

The nuked escape really hampered my master sneak attack birthday plans…. but made a bunch of excuses to disappear for major dinner making extravaganza shop on Tuesday afternoon…. then more sneak attack to hide all the goods at the fridge/cupboards in the Mt. Holly community center……and hope TQ did not get and urge to inspect her kingdom this week….

So the rest was just herding cats for major surprise birthday dinner on Friday…which involved last minute cancellations, additions, second thoughts, new emigres joining……and a host of cursing up a storm at the home office (read, closet)…..made it through with a nightly dusk walk on the dirt road panoramas with the little beast…and creatively hiding from various recruiting to go to Indiana counties trying to find me and convince me to come do some change work…..cant take any more 14 hour trips to get there…

So…(back to foreshadow) the BFF tested negative all week and again Friday morning, which enabled the erstwhile Former Empress of GE to lure TQ away with lies and deceit in midafternoon…..and allowed Papi to retrieve the goods, fend off 2 or 3 more blah, blah, blahs from the troubled party attendees…..and get home to clean and prepare in earnest…while having to deal with the last cancellation- who showed up in person and in distress to drop off her promised desert and beg off…amazingly she did this while I was holding a meat cleaver…well good riddance, I say…finders keepers- losers weepers…..and the carrot cake was really good as a door prize….at five pm the lades arrived , dropped off anonymously so as not to have any cars ins sight to give the shock value away…..all was good, notwithstanding having wacked off a tiny tip of my finger with the angry cleaver while cooking , setting the table, and making cocktails as they all arrived…they immediately all  had two of the special lemonades we picked up from the Bronx crew last week…and were pretty stuporific hiding in the living room and giggling , when The Empress and TQ waltzed in at 5:15 to a wailing surprise….TQ seemed genuinely shocked to see The Southie from up the hill, Mt. Holly’s most prominent Mother Figure and The Self-Anointed Trophy wife (that was all that was left after the quitters)…so all good, except they were already both looped from the afternoon distraction activities and The Empress immediately spilled the beans that she had made a quick trip up the hill to avoid coming home too early, and insure the surprise would be intact….…and ran in to The other Southie half who asked how the party was-immediately blowing the surprise…f….n’ Southies….

Of course, TQ was confused and still surprised, amazingly…so then I continued to force feed the gals buckets of the lemonade and set about making and servings the four course extravaganza……getting  them sufficiently  tipsy to have them all thinking I war he best partner ever…works every time….all in all a major success…..and BONUS… arranged, precisely at 5:45 almost all the kids, grandkids, extended family and dearest friends  all zoomed in simultaneously to sing Jenn a happy, happy…it was a moment….

So- despite multiple mountain traumas along the way….a success!!!!….and now onto the six decades of birthday experiences  which were to begin Saturday….but put back by an emerging tractor crisis…which the b’day gal pulled b’day privilege and insisted be fixed so she could mow our barely overgrown yard before anyone saw it… found a belt in town and had to convince the local mower guy to come over on a Saturday morning so he and I cod get this ridiculous belt on without taking off the deck…..and TQ could thus joyously mow her domain…in time for Feel et Maux to arrive for an overnight on their way to Maine…

After more lemonades, we had a loopy dust- walk up the hill and then on to dinner at the fabulous and juts post flood reopened Homestyle Hotel in Ludlow….for an onslaught of fart to table small plate culinary delights…which F&M very graciously treated us to for the birthday..…arrived home pleasantly sated and ready for our leftover desserts from the party to find the aforementioned carrot cake mysteriously missing from the kitchen table where we had foolishly left it…and tracked some crumbs to behind the couch in living room where our little furry housemate has dragged it off the table, chewed through giant sealed plastic bag, and aluminum foil covering to inhale most of the cake…luckily we still had the mound of birthday cupcakes…and Lucy again proved her immunity to getting sick despite her atrocious bouts of scandalous sneak eating…

Put the friends on the road early this morning after our famous country breakfast (highlighted by the garbage bag full of bagels they brought us for made in real-deal Jersey) ……so trying to catch up before the next onslaught of this week’s continuation of b’day activities –which include three dinners and a concert overnight…. but that is all for next week’s Bloggish……….

Gonna have some soup, soak the dawgs and get ready for dinner #1…….so be well, enjoy the falling leaves, sat in touch……

Tired Papi

Stu’s Reviews- #748- Book – “The Last Chairlift”- John Irving

Genre: Book    

Grade: A-/ B+

Notable People: John Irving

Title: “The Last Chairlift

Review: this is the Titan of American fictions’ self-proclaimed “last big book”-and BIG it is at around 900 pages. Took me a month to finish it –both because of length and because I kept thinking I was reading every Irving book that proceeded it for the last 45 years. The themes are all there” woman who don’t speak, hating Ronald Reagan, wrestling, AIDS, the Iowa writer’s workshop, the Exeter academy, Vermont (where he lives), Vienna (where he has), bears, sexual identity crisis’ of every ilk). With the addition of Ghosts, and skiing which take up a big part of the book. I will say this a wind down for him, tho it as so familiar and, thus, hard not to like –for a huge fan like me (Did I mention I have a fist edition of every one of his books on my shelf?). the book has 3 massive chapters of screen play prototype, which I found really boring and hard to follow, but Irving’s writing remains crisp, stylish (his own) and insightful. If you are not a fan you will probably give this a lower grade-but it’s the end of an era for me, and felt very sentimental It’s ben na good run, Dr. John.

Stu’s Reviews- #747- Film – “Zappa”-Hulu

Genre: Film       

Grade: A-/B+

Notable People: Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention, Directed by: Ale Winter

Title:  Zappa

Review: Very well done biopic of the man who may be the most enigmatic, iconoclastic, irreverent and idiosyncratic figure in modern music. I was never a huge fan but always a bit intrigued, and this film only encourages that more. Zappa was an extremely talented composer-equally adept at full orchestra pieces and zany one- offs. The cast of characters who paraded thru the Mother of Invention band is a dazzling array of some of the era’s finest. Frank Zappa was and is not that easy to like but he is worthy of admiration and this is an inside look at a once in a generation musical mind. Going to Montana soon- gonna be dental floss tycoon.

Stu’s Reviews- #746- TV Series – “The US and the Holocaust”- PBS – 1 Season

Genre: TV Series      

Grade: A

Notable People: Created by: Ken Burns and Lynn Novak

Title: The US and the Holocaust

Grade: The latest (2022) piece of brilliance form Americas documentarian and conscience, Ken Burns. These has never been anyone like him in my book. A follow up to his masterful series on World War II, this focuses on the story we were not told in school about Americas role in ignoring and even supporting the Holocaust; through ignorance, naiveté, Anti-Semitism and the Isolationist desire to be separate from the rest of the world. It is not pretty and the footage of The Camps is the most harrowing I’ve ever seen. You will weep listening to the 90-year-old survivors tell their stories of horror. There is a lot for any true American patriot to be ashamed about here. Once again, unintentionally makes the case that the world owes an unpayable debt to Britain and Winston Churchill for being the last wall standing and saving us all when no one else would. This one is short by Burn’s standards- only three episodes and available in Spanish as well

Business Time in the Greens

Comrades and Comradesses:

“The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning” ………………………………………………………Erich Fromm

“This morning it rained, this afternoon it is sunny. How is that not like the mind?” ………………Michael Kewley

“There ain’t much to being ballplayer…. if you’re a ballplayer” ………………………………………………Honus Wagner

“Leave the gun, take the cannoli” ……………………………………………………………………………………………Pete Clemenza

I’m late, I’m late…for a very important date……. been a week plus…. didn’t make it off the bus……keep it short, keep it lean…. wonder what the hell it means……

Workin’ on the chain gang……so gonna work at being brief about the highlights of the week……sorry for the missed Sunday blues……

Blues in the Greens- Labor day weekend tradition; sitting in a mountain greenery on a cool, fall sun drenched day at the birthplace/homestead of Silent Cal- Vermont’s lone Presidente……and the sound wafts over the Birkenstock shodsters…not really blues, but ii works……. Bonus- get to hear the stylings of Grandson of Woody, Son of Arlo…you know…. you know

Life is cabaret- but not like the one that happens each year on Sunday eve of the Labor Day holiday, when every blue hair in ton (TQ excepted) piles into the beloved all-purpose library to hear our own mysterious local smoky jazz duo …on string bass and Lady Sings the Blues vocals…. the town yentas serve wine and desert…….and Joel Grey lurks in the shadows…

Is it Summer yet?…………….after a very cool and rainy few months, we hit the 90s four days running last week…and everybody jumped into their very full Ponds……and we actually used the barn found air conditioner we had resurrected and spent hours stripping part and getting to work….and never used……and it was cooooooollllll………and so hot, we actually got out on the kayaks (snuck out without Lucy) twice this week…..

Mine bubby Gekumien….in the dream….and left me with the directive to make latkes…which I did…such a Mensch…see the pictures and drool….

In our quest for perfect heath……The Queen keeps us on the pure man’s diet……tho we reached a new pinnacle this week when I was instructed that we had to buy Grass-Fed butter ($9 /pound) ……and the previously sanctioned organic butter ($7.00/pound) no longer made the grade……apparently on same shit list as veal…. imagine me and you…. I do….

Lucy has a suitor……albeit non- hetero……the wild dog that belongs to the wild man up the wild hill……Ivy…. now arrives every morning at 8:30 promptly to knock at the door ask if Lucy can come out and play….so she can chase her and maul her for a half hour before our girl comes in with scraped knees and tears……and then cries to go back out 20 minutes later…lucky we are not the strange typed that humanize our pest…. and she/they are a pit mix from outer space

In the cool of the evening, when everything is feeling kind of groovy……the girl and I have taken to dusk walks with the bugs, the coons and the magical light of the dirt road fields, babbling brooks and bales of hay…one take over the line….

Italian food village style…since finding anywhere to eat within an days’ ride is now a treasure hunt, we took the short route around the horn, and went down to see Mama Tamara on Friday night…in lil’ Wallingford…where we ate cuisine born of lust between Sicily and Philadelphia……it ain’t great, but it’s fun…..and we sit outside at the table  drag out from inside, with Lucy-Lu and watch the world go by up and down Route 7…and then….we get to go see Mr. Kelly at the foremost Creamees stand in our area…best maple, best people, best price…..mosquitoes no charge….they give Lucy her own bowl of vanilla creamee, but she turns her nose up and waits for me to share my maple…who does she take after?

And…finally….where are the men that I used to sport with…edition 457…..well, last weekend they were in Higgnaum Connecticut, where we gathered with six of my Bronx childhood posse (and better halves)for the first time since Covid…I really think the pictures speak for themselves…..there was a lot of laughing and a little crying…but we’re all still upright after between 60 and 65 years of friendship…and the sausage and peppers, Marone…..more wine, Paulie, more wine……I become Stuie again for few days…and the world is still a good place…..and there is lots of promise of all that is yet to come…and Tony and Uncle June are still alive and there in the flesh…..long live the original Hawks…..

And post-finally, this Friday is the one and only’ s 60th….so drop her a line or a buzz…. or a Zen thought…she is one of a kind…….

Go forth and multiply good things….and stay in touch,


Stu’s Reviews- #745- TV Series – “The Offer”- Paramount Plus – 1 Season

Genre: TV Series  

Grade: A+

Notable People: Miles Teller, Matthew Goode, Juno Temple, Giovanni Ribisi, Dan Fogler, Burn Gorman, Colin Hanks, Patrick Gallo, Anthony Ippolito, Created by: Leslie Greif and Michael Tolkin

Title: The Offer

Grade: I never give anything an A+ rating but this rendering of Oscar-winning producer Albert S. Ruddy’s never-before-revealed experiences of making The Godfather (1972) is too good to be true. The story is almost defying believability and the backdrop of the imminent demise of the film industry and it’s saving by Ruddy, Bob Evans (wonderfully played by Goode), Coppola and the mob is brilliantly presented. The attention to detail is top notch and the casting beyond belief – Ippolito has clearly waited his whole life it appears to play Pacino playing Micheal. Teller flat out owns the role of the astoundingly driven Ruddy (who is still alive and co-produced this series), Fogler makes Coppola come to life and Gallo is too much Puzo even foe Puzo. Every part in what might be the greatest film ever is cast to perfection here, and the production is nothing short of riveting Hard to not binge watch and it’s a one and one, but brilliant. Admittedly, I may be biased, as a huge fan of The Godfather and what it means to contemporary American culture, but this show will be an “A” for anyone. The Brando scene where he spontaneously creates Don Corleone is one for the ages. LOVED everything about this show.  

Snippets of Early Autumn Greens

Hola Y Feliz Domingo:

“And then, my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils.” …………………………………………………………………………………………………. William Wordsworth

“As surely as there is a voyage away, there is a journey home” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Jack Kornfield

“Wrinkles only go where the smiles have been” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Jimmy Buffett (RIP)

Thinking about the seasons change, the end of something, the beginning of another…all tied up in some colored leaves and shortened days…. been a week of reflection and mulling……as the mighty Greens begin to mute into permeation’s and shades…. what have we got?

The Harvest Moons- blazing over the shadowy mountain tops….3….2……1…………………

The 80/40 Rule- eighty and hot during the day, 40 and chilly breeze at night

Barn Centers- filled with drying leaves, canned summer crops, exercise rooms, kids play areas, solitude breaks……………………………… rays of light

Breakfast Sandwiches- an art form deluxe from tiny roadside joins and stores……of local eggs, snappy Vermont cheddar and crisp bacon…eaten in the misty mornin’ light……. hot off the grill……morning dew-ish

Cider Donuts- dense rings of mountain flavor…. hot from the fryer…. powdered or not…. half dozen treats……6…5…4…3…2….1……all gone

Greens Car Repair- drive for an hour, leave it three weeks for the first available man with a computer……all good…. take it home……lights flashing, bells belling on dashboard…..stat all over again, amen…start it all again

Yenta-ism- rarefied art form practiced in mountain hamlets by the local Queen and her Courts…if ya gotta know, ya gotta go (to see the Y’s)

The Dump- the preternatural hub of village life, where The Dumpmaster and Sneaky Peter preside over all the unfolding events of importance…. see and be seen…. Shop at the Dump Mall…ah… the smell of fresh garbage of a Saturday morning

Music on the Green- gathering of a summer evening……. local sounds of homegrown talent…feel the connections…support the band…. good or bad……summer waning…cooler music nights with early darkness…. huddle around the tiny band-stand ……….and the band plays on…the band plays on

Indian food- from the service station, from the tiny grocery, from the convenience mart…coolin’ curry in the colored leaves…picnic table joy, bring the plates

Libraries that sing- all night access via the hidden key that everyone uses…………… quiet stained glass window nook of a cool sunny day, the crack where the light gets in……Sunday night jazz cabarets…. film fests…. ALL- IN-ONE

Mountain Dogs……ones that you cannot look at when you enter…don’t look at her…. don’t look at her….and ones that show up every morning to knock on the door……” Can Lucy come out na play” ……is it Buckwheat’s’ dog?

Dirt Road hikes- look out of any window, any morning, any evening, any day……a stunning view, a quiet stroll, an overhead color laden canopy……everywhere, every turn an adventure…. off from the tick patrolled trails that come with the gift of Lyme……up, down and sideways…and, around the next bend……………………………….

Mountain Contractors- no job too big, find them lounging at the Dump………yes, I can do that in nine months…. wait …and see

Isolation- can a mountain man live on dirt road, miles from nowhere……with no companion, no car, no job…in Vermont?     Yes…… Yes……. Yes

PONDS- LUV Floods……more, more, more

And, yes, there are stone walls in Vermont….

C’mon people now…. smile on yer brother………. Papi