Stu’s Reviews- #539 – Book- “Exiles”- Cary Groner

Genre: Book   

Grade:  A-

Notable People: Cary Groner

Title:  ” Exiles”

Review:    This book, unfortunately, went quickly to the giveaway pile, where I found it in the freebies bin at the library. A shame, since I thought it was a very fine fist novel, by a longtime journalist and short story writer. A heart doctor and his 17-year-old daughter escape their meth head wife/mother, and her crazed biker lover, in Berkeley by throwing a dart on a world map and jabbing Nepal and Katmandu. From there it is a wild ride of self-discovery, loss, adaptation and survival. The book was nothing like I thought it would be at the start and totally captivated me. Very well written and insights into a culture most of us know nothing about. Wonderful character development and you’ll learn more than you ever expected about the Nepali /Tibetan culture. A real sleeper!

No Mas!!!!

It is the evening of the day:

“My life is my practice” …………………………………………………Ram Dass

“When it snows, you have two choices: shovel or make snow angels.”………………………………………………………………………………Unknown

“The Real Winter is coming.”………………………………………………………………………Ned Stark

“Don’t eat the yellow snow” ………………………………………Frank Zappa 

It is the evening of the day:

Well…. there has been good news and bad news this week on The Mount……we have now had two straight days without any significant snow (first time in two months) ……but it has not cracked 10 degrees in last three days, with wind chills of minus 30……. today is going to be like Carnival as it is snowless, sunny and going up to 20……. nibblin’ on sponge cake, watchin’ the sun bake…

Of course, reprieve is temp……as this morning received my frequent text message from the state (glad I don’t have data rates apply shit) ……” A winter storm watch has been issued for your area” ……I imagine some sadist in a mountain hideout on the Canuck border gets some form of perverted joy from issuing these almost daily……. but…. I, for one…. have had just about enough………

The Snow Queen (formerly The Queen)……is deep in preparation for the Mt. Holly Olympic Quaathalon Trials……skiing, snowshoeing, sledding, driveway shoveling……..while yours truly is working on world class cursing while he slips and slides to the car occasionally (on days he ventures to leave the solitude of closet and couch)……then spends an hour out cracking ice off the windshield, with occasional forays to try and get into the snow encased barn…………even tried getting out to jog this week on route 103…and had to go back to the house to put chains on my sneakers (I really do have shoe chains….but that is a later story)……

So…..All of this is to say….it is TIME…….Vermont winter- check……Snowbound for weeks- check……….not seeing another human being for days on end- check……no sign of grass or dirt for months- check……So next week, we head back to the Plaque infested heartland….to shelter at home, whatever exactly that means… some ways,  it will be leaving the sanctity of the mountains with heavy heart…..the simplicity of the quietude, the countless opportunities for reflection, the natural beauty……on the other hand……..there will be Chinese delivery…….

But…. alas, the next to last snowbound week, was not without highlights……. want ‘em or not……

IT’S a Girl– Tessa and Jake have arranged for granddaughter number four…. due in August……we will now need two sets of bunk beds ….and more Pond floaties……

COVID silver lining Redux– The prodigal has been guiding me through making on- line music……which has been an unexpected treasure…..even got me to use my gifted and long buried IPhone to record, which is far superior to the laptop method….and he has produced multiple efforts…..attached to the photos section is an MP3 of our version of Roseanne Cash’s take on the ubiquitous folk standard, “500 Miles” …from Max, The Nave and I (if you are reading this on the website, you may not be able to listen…..have to use the e-mail version to open it up)… cool is it to make music with your 40ish boy?

Finding the Banana Belt– last Sunday we decided to break out of the ice and go for our weekly drive, lunch, hike……headed east to Bellows Falls, and then over to the Live Free or Die State (the total lack of mask wearing seems to support the mantra) ……left the manse at 10 degrees to find an almost 40 across the border…. luckily had my shorts and flip flops in the car…it’s only 30 miles’ away for Chrissakes….

Channeling Judd Hirsch– if you’ve never seen “Ordinary People”- watch it……. I did my first counseling sessions in over 35 years this week, with my first two assigned clients for my on line, virtual “Just Ask Papi” therapy institute…. trying to remember what the words “diagnosis” and “treatment plan” mean…. how weird is it to Zoom about sexual dysfunction with someone you’ve never met before?

Socializing in COVID/Mountain winter- went over to have one more farewell event with The Erstwhile Russian Spy and The World’s Most Beloved School Marm…. which amounted to huddling around a fire pit, ten feet apart, for two and a half hours, in 12-degree weather (hey, there was bit of sun, though) …. hot tea and baked goodies, a short walk to the greenhouse….and came away with the gifts of shoe chains (this a thing) and two pairs of Arctic socks…how could it be any better than this?

Food Gifting in the Mountains– the Jewish Pig Farmer called this week to try and get us over for one more frozen outdoor lunch gathering……. declined for the cold…. but he insisted I come by to get the Indian (dots) delicacies he had been obsessively preparing all week….so stopped over Saturday morning and came home with Kosher infused lentil- something soup and samosas……he was not quite done preparing when I got there, so muddled around the barnyard with the dogs for 20 minutes on the windswept frozen plain…..with the sounds of the pigs blaring out “eat me”, “eat me”  in the nearby barn…who says there is no free lunch?

Lunching in the time of COVID– I’ve always been an inveterate luncher-finding places to sit for an hour or more (usually after the late beloved gym sessions) at some local joint with my sports page as company. For years, when I worked at the Court, that meant The Mill Café at Beuhlers (a now defunct Ohio grocery chain) …when I walked in my usual waitress would prepare my deluxe veggie baguette, side fruit, pitcher of ice water……, in my confinement, I have discovered the re-creation of this tradition, with frozen ciabatta rolls, horseradish cheddar, assorted green things and pesto…..eating and trolling the NBA boxcars on the internet…alas this is a poor substitute….but it is, what it is….and someday……

Marjorie Taylor Greene– are you kidding me?

And that is all she wrote……. gotta go do some packing…. put on six layers to go for Sunday walk….and contemplate that Chinese delivery….stay safe, be love, get vaccinated…….


Stu’s Reviews- #538 – Book- “Maigret”- Georges Simenon

Genre: Book 

Grade:  A

Notable People: Georges Simenon

Title:  ” Maigret”

Review:    Talk about retro……ran out of books to read, too cold and snowy to got to the library for a few days…so picked up an old Maigret randomly, which kept me busy for two days……. If you don’t know Maigret…. shame on you…. Simenon wrote this series about the thoughtful and empathetic Lord of Paris detectives from the 1920s through the 1970s…. fifty years Maigret. Originally serialized in the daily Paris newspapers, the series became a genre of its own………extraordinarily psychological for its time……with wit and precision rarely found in any genre…. I happened to pick up “Maigret Has Doubts “(1959) from the home library…. …but it honestly does not matter- …. read any one of the hundreds of these books…and you’ll be well satiated…. Simenon was one of the nine wonders of the world


Stu’s Reviews- #537 Book- “The Brutal Telling”- Louise Penny

Genre: Book

Grade:  B+

Notable People: Louise Penny

Title:  ” The Brutal Telling”

Review:    book five in the fabled Gamache series. This one a bit more farfetched, but took a host of very strange and intriguing turns. Lots French Canadian myths throughout and wanders across the continent to the wild Indian lands of British Columbia. The story lost me at times, but the writing is so good, and I’m far into all this Inspector Gamache. Mystery genre? Yes. But these are woks of fine literature as well.


Is it Spring yet??????

Plop. Plop, Fizz, Fizz……. Oh What a Relief it is:

“Don’t look for miracles. You are The Miracle” ………………………Henry Miller

“This is our historic moment of crisis and challenge. And unity is the way forward” ………………………………………………………………. Joe Biden

“Please don’t bury me, in this cold, cold ground……I’d rather that they cut me and pass me all around” …………………………………John Prine

Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz……. Oh What a Relief it is:

“Don’t look for miracles. You are The Miracle” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Henry Miller

“This is our historic moment of crisis and challenge. And unity is the way forward” ………………………………………………………………. Joe Biden

“Please don’t bury me, in this cold, cold ground……I’d rather that they cut me and pass me all around” …………………………………John Prine

Well….the mighty winter sun came out this morning….which makes ten degrees seem a bit more tolerable……Frankly, I surrender……May be way too old to fully experience my first Vermont winter…..not sure we have any global warming here (see I can have a mind melding with The Donald)….ten straight days of below 20 degrees….and astounding 2-4 inches of snow each day……a pile across the property of two feet regularly…… grass or dirt in sight…..THIS is life in  the Snowbelt of Vermont….Heard a guy this week talking about ice fishing on the radio…and he said you had to be careful since in some places the ice may not be frozen, due to it being a mild winter ……..IS HE SHITTING ME?????????……certainly not living in the mountains, the motley fool…plus, we were not expecting to spend the COVID winter when we came back this summer….so we have an assortment of layer gaps…..done ok, but then again….I’m feeling kinship with Eskimos……Now mind you, I am not complaining….well, then again……..Astonishing…….

NEWSFLASH……it snowed again last night………for the 47th straight day………We are blessed……

BIGGER NEWSFLASH……Nana and Papi expecting fourth granddaughter (gender only predicted/assumed) …. ….in August……Tess and Jake now catching up with Ry and Lauren on producing progeny……How cool is all that?

So what did we learn about our peeps this week?…………Uncle Joe has a sharp pen…………………Kamala has a staggering array of pants suits………Ol’ Mitch does not like being demoted…………Bernie seems to love mittens…… The Donald does not seem to know the NEW president’s name……Ivanka and Jared are fiercely protective of their toilet……you can apparently bring a concealed weapon to Congress, if you are elected………. Andrew decided it was a good idea to move upstate before declaring to run for Mayor……and The Queen has developed a new passion…laundry machines……………….

Had a zoom this week with all of my recently unearthed New York cousins……how cool is it to be once again the youngest……good find….

Despite the cold, ice and snow….got out on Friday for the drive/lunch/walk weekly…….picked up lunch at the now carry-out only Java Babas…first time this year, after years of thrice weekly visits….and drove through the dirt road mounds of fresh snow to the picture perfect hamlet of Grafton… which we discovered a wonderland of dozens of miles of well-groomed cross country/snowshoes trails…..up and through the foothills of The Greens…with very few brave souls about…..this was the astounding find of the year……absolutely Magnifico…

Getting to be time……making plans to return to the heartland in the next 23- weeks……surrendering……back to new house, vaccine availability, Door Dash, Grub Hub, next day Amazon delivery, Chinese, Grocery, Mart five minutes away, streets without snow…and eventually…. kids and grandkids……not without trauma to leave the mountain cocoon, but feeling like it’s time. Trying to pull off a coup, and get first dose of the love potion here before leaving……and manage to access the second dose back in Ohio……safe to say the vaccinators are not set up for this scenario…. but am willing to bribe……

And then……ruminating on The Year of Plague…………has it been all bad (good argument for the affirmative) ……but I’ve been ruminating on THE Gifts of forced exile….and arrived at the following:

Discovering the extraordinary array of streaming……who is not juggling five shows at a time for binging?

Rediscovering the magic of books……………just finished my 140th of the last 12 months…. I’ve got 12 libraries on call to find my muses.

Babies………seems like a lot of them coming……why might this be?

Take out…. who knew you could get so much to eat without ever coming in contact with another human being…. has some attraction….

Relationships……how may straight days have you spent in the company of your significant other…. without calling the police…

Refection……what an opportunity this has been to consider who you really want to be and try it out…. time is on my side, yes it is

Health…. never around anyone…. never get sick…my longtime doctor thinks have I’ve passed it’s been so long since I’ve seen him

S-L-O-W-I-N-G   D-O-W-N………. have you gotten off the train?

Spending…. what is there to spend money on….no movies, eating out, concerts, gym memberships…. just a little carry out, a few edibles, a lot of Amazon….

And…waking up each morning…to one more gifted day on the Plagued Planet……. we shall overcome….

And that, my friends, is one more Sunday Sermon…………………………smile on your brother….

Love from afar, Papi

Stu’s Reviews- #536- TV Series – “Imposters”- Netflix -2 Seasons

Genre: TV Series   

Grade: A-

Notable People: Inbar Lavi, Rob Heaps, Parker Young, Marianne Rendon, Brian Benben, Katherine LaNasa, Created by: Adam Brooks and Paul Adelstein

Title: Imposters

Review:  Absolutely loved this show. Fantastic ensemble cast of very likeable characters-which is refreshing from most quality TV dramas these days. Con woman totally destroys three people she marries, embezzles and leaves in the lurch; they find each other; set out to find her and get their money and esteem back; become con artists themselves. Wacky plot across America with handful of wonderful character actors. Great comic relief. Can’t take your eyes off the temptress, Lavi. Originally on Bravo, Season three may be in the Netflix wind.

Stu’s Reviews- #535 Book- “American Dirt”- Jeanine Cummins

Genre: Book   

Grade:  A

Notable People: Jeanine Cummins

Title:  ” American Dirt”

Review:    Extraordinary!.one of ten best books I’ve read in the last decade, this third novel from Cummins tackles the issue of Mexican migrants in an unbelievably powerful way. It will change your view on this subject-regardless of what your view is. The most recent in a long line culturally sensitive books my daughter lovingly and persistently floats in my direction….is a story for the eons- lovingly told and beautifully written. Mother and her eight-year-old son make the trek by freight trains and foot from Acapulco to El Norte to escape the drug cartels. The many characters they encounter are unforgettable, the intensity beyond words, and the sense of indomitable will to survive and find love and peace……. left me speechless. Stephen King, on the cover reviews, dares anyone to read the first seven pages, and not finish this book. I double the dare. This is an important work for our times- incredibly relevant and topical without being overtly political. Viva la migrante……

Stu’s Reviews- #534- TV Series – “Ramy”- Hulu -2 Seasons

Genre: TV Series    

Grade: B+

Notable People: Ramy Youssef, Hiam Abass, Amr Waked, May Calamawi, Created by: Ramy Youssef

Title: Ramy

Review:  Bizarre show chronicling the lives of a traditional Egyptian family resettled in the North Jersey burbs….in dramedy form. Found this show barely watchable initially, but it really grew on me. This is a culture most of us know little about, but Ramy’s take on the subtleties of living in two worlds in quite the effort. Abass (“Succession”), as his mother, plays a role for the ages- chain smoking, watching TV game shows all day and driving an Uber. Alternates between laughing and crying. Very different from most anything l see on TV. The gifted Mahershala Ali has a brilliant recurring role…. bonus.

Is it Miller Time yet????


“Nothing is often a good thing to do….and always a clever thing to say” ……………………………………………………………………………………Will Durant

“Where are we always going?…….Always home” …………………………………………………………………………………Novalis

“What do I do when my love is away?……..(Does it worry you to be alone?)
  How do I feel by the end of the day?……(Are you sad because you’re on your own?)” ……………………………………………………………John and Paul


“Nothing is often a good thing to do….and always a clever thing to say” ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Will Durant

“Where are we always going?…….Always home” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Novalis

“What do I do when my love is away?……..(Does it worry you to be alone?)
  How do I feel by the end of the day?……(Are you sad because you’re on your own?)” ……………………………………………………………………………. John and Paul

White is the color of my true love’s eyes…. when I rise……when I rise……. Have we had enough yet……every day seems like another 3-6 inches overnight………. seems absurd to bother to even shovel our front walkway……give me more…. give me more……it’s a freakin’ winter wonderland …. shouldn’t we all be in The Keys about now, watching a sunset, sipping margaritas?

Well, it’s Sunday, which is usually the drive and walk day…. but it’s like a frozen tundra out there……so maybe another binge on the ol’ Netflix???!!!

After the chaos of last week lookin’ like some assassination attempt of the Austrio- Hungarian days……we got out of dodge for three days…. up to the less than tropical islands of Lake Champlain…said lake being frozen solid despite its massive size – and playing home to hundreds of lunatic ice fisherman…..stayed at our usual autumnal haunt….a quaint cottage with sunset deck over the lake, sunken living room (really) and a cozy gas fireplace…..hit all the state parks in  nowhere land for trudging snow hikes…and found our Happy Chicken…..a little organic farm in Isle LaMotte….way off the path of civilization….for Mrs. Chicken’s  house made behemoth of a smoked chicken pot pie and her maple ribs….so did not have to leave the confines of home away from home for vittles… to say we barely saw another human for three days……good place to hide out in the winter of COVID…

We took the recuperating Beast (of course) who had a run in this past week with a herding dog, when TQ decided she needed a communion and a walk with the Sovereign of Caravan Gardens- her erstwhile organic employer…..Lucy came back bleeding prodigiously, missing a chunk of ear and head-wrapped like “when Johnny comes marching home”…I offered to go gather the offending mutt and drop her in a hole in The Pond ice, ….but TQ declined the offer….so Lucy now has 1 ¾ ears…

Aren’t we all hoping (even the republicans secretly?) that this week is the dawn of a new day……The new bosses may not be a panacea, but can it possibly get worse…. just a smidgeon of humanity and dignity will seem like a chicken soup for our wounded souls, no????…. I have personally sent a note to The Donald offering him the services of my personal family tailor…. Shlomo and Sons of the Lower East Side….to make him a custom fit orange jumpsuit for his next assignment……and, did anyone notice the article this week, that Ivanka and Jarred did not allow their secret service detachment to use the bathrooms in their house….my sense of irony is going to go cold turkey without these Numchucks around…

After months of no personal contacts, we got out for a lunch this week with the Jewish Pig Farmer and the Empress of Death at their Pine Hollow Farm..…..with a balmy 32 degree day…..the JPF set us up with a  fire pit and covered barn way to sit outside (maskless, mind you) and have his ribs and meatballs…..we spent two hours standing in a circle outside, hopping from one foot to the other, until we finally finished up with TQ’s ambitious flourless, sugarless, carb free chocolate cake (why bother?)….and came home to unthaw….but…human contact?…..Priceless….

The next to latest snowstorm on Friday night left us with 6-8 inches of snow so heavy  it came down off the trees in potentially crushing 50 pound lumps…so just getting to the car was like running the gauntlet….but TQ…undeterred…went to Belmont to spend the last of her 25 hours cleaning the manse of some crazed metaphysical doctor from New York who specializes in oxygen injections to cure cancer….no shit…..but they had not been there for two weeks-so seemed safe enough…and apparently TQ wanted some mad money to spend as she wishes (bedding on the way?)….the roads were so bad she could not get near the house, so I had to drop off and pickup…from which she trundled across their moat to attacks their dust mites….all the while we had no power for four hours… I went over to see The Dumpmaster, where they had power (“tell the little lady, she can come to my house to warm up,” he says, distraught that he got the wrong partner this week)…….stopped at the Belmont Mall to pick up a free fryer and sombrero…..just in case……and then The Beast, little Grace and even the spectral Saffron (formerly Malo and Mahalo) sat huddled around the raging fireplace…waiting for a sign from G_D….or at least from the Green Mountain Power….with no landline or cell service, power outages become particularly exciting here….but then again…..It is winter in Vermont……..

And that, my friend, should be more than enough……stay safe…. don’t go near a state capitol without body armor…. dream about injections……spread the love….

From Me to You, Papi

Stu’s Reviews- #533- TV Series – “Succession”- HBO Max -2 Seasons

Genre: TV Series      

Grade: B+

Notable People: Brian Cox, Jeremy Strong, Sarah Snook, Kieren Culkin, Matthew Macfaden, Nicholas Braun, Created by: Jesse Armstrong

Title: Succession

Review:  This is one ugly show …. I’d call it “Billions” light…. not quite the potency of characters as the latter, but a lot of the same themes and set in the hard to believe world of NYC high corporate culture. Cox, a Shakespearian actor, is a powerhouse as the relentless patriarch of the Roy clan. The acting is all very good, but there is nary a likeable character in the bunch. Hard to watch at times foe its sheer malevolence, but captivating at the same time. Makes you wonder if being rich is all that desirable. These people are outright nuts