Stu’s Reviews- #524- TV Series – “Top of the Lake”- Hulu- Two Seasons

Genre: TV Series     

Grade: B+

Notable People: Elizabeth Moss, Nicole Kidman, Ewan Leslie, Gwendoline Christie, Created by: Jane Campion and Gerard Lee

Title: Top of the Lake

Review:  Season one was in 2013 and season two came out five years later- dubbed “China Girl”. Idiosyncratic Australian mystery series in which the second season drifted away from the crispy told and compelling storylines of the first season. Moss is Moss-her roles are very similar, but very effective. Christie, who is remembered as the giant warrior woman from Game of Thrones, has a quite different turn here as a neurotic police constable. The story, surrounding illegal Asian child surrogates in Sydney, wanders a bit, but keeps you pretty enthralled to try and figure out what is going on. It’s a totally non macho, and very real life picture of how frail police can be and how out of control in their own lives. Not many laughs here, but well a done series from Down Under.

Stu’s Reviews- #523- Book- “Lush Life”- Richard Price

Genre: Book 

Grade:  A-

Notable People: Richard Price

Title: “Lush Life “

Review:    Richard Price is a magnificent modern American writer-though not for everyone. His books are dark and gritty literary essays on angst driven urban life. Alienation, isolation, loneliness, hypocrisy and manipulation reverberate throughout his work. The Lower East Side is his Shangri-La…. but it’s a fearsome and dark place. This novel might seem like a crime novel on first glance, but it’s really a treatise on city life, alcoholism and despair. None do that better. Price is not prolific- he’s only written a handful of novels in 30 plus years, but his work is worth waiting for-especially if you can get through the first 50 pages. A principle writer for Film and TV (The Wire) his books are like watching a film, crisp dialog and all. See if he’s for you- he’s worth it.

Ho Ho Hum

Feliz Navidad mis Amigos:

“A great silence space holds all of nature in its embrace. It also holds you” ………………………………………………………………………………………Eckhart Tolle

“The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.” …………………………………………………………………………George Carlin

“Louie, I think this is the beginning of beautiful friendship” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Rick Blaine

You know you are living through a COVID winter in Vermont when:

The fuel delivery man comes and is reluctant to fill the pipe on the little back deck, because of five-foot icicle spears hanging from above waiting to pierce his skull…………………………………….

THE POND looks like an ice rink…. but then again…who knows…. should we walk out?

After a week of sub-arctic temps, it hits 55 and It rains all day Christmas day…four feet of snow comes down from the roofs….and the grass shows up after two weeks…. all is back to as before …. except the streams look like the rushing Colorado River……and you still have to dig out two more feet of rock hard snow from in front of the barn doors-to finally get out the new car that has been stuck inside there for ten days……………………

Your snowbound partner takes a shower and puts on eye shadow for the first time in four days- for a Zoom……and your pheromones start screaming….

You spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day with just the two of you (for the 310th straight day) ….and watch the clock for the next holiday Zoom to start…

You jump up from the couch when the FedEx truck comes up the lane…only to have him (still in shorts, mind you) at the wrong house…

You spend a week with only snow tunnels to get out of your house………

You make day trip to find Texas Bar-B-Que in Vermont…and find it………… in the back of a gas station……

You get dressed to go out and deliver Christmas cookies…and get stuck in four semi-plowed driveways……apparently everyone else has snow tires and does not really care….

You wear the same smelly socks, sweatpants, hoodie and stocking cap around the house for four days……and that feels normal…………….

You start wearing the Queens headbands around your hair disarray…and see Keith Richards in the mirror…….

You drive an hour and a half to get lunch, just for something to do….and Mama Corleone says “no lunch today” ……feh…. pui….

On a frigid night…. you lean over and murmur to your sweetie….” I thought it was you, but it was just the rug” ……….

You order curbside groceries and they send you an e-mail with a massive list of items that are either out of stock or to be substituted…which you know is bullshit…so you have to go in anyway, and shop for all those items (readily available to any set of simian eyes on the shelf) …and then have three follow-up conversations with the store manager about their training program for the teeny-bopper shoppers………………

You run out of books to read….which must be like what it is to kick cold turkey….and when you go to the library to pick up some finally arrived reinforcement orders….you can’t get to the front door over the four feet of snow, and apparently it is unclear whose responsibility it is to  move the piles….….so you have to resort to reading your benefactress’ library collection…which is mostly smut…but pretty good anyway….

Your music playing partners are an ancient IPhone and a laptop…but you make music anyway…with your posse and The Prodigal……………………Priceless….

The cable company calls you three days in advance to tell you that your service will go out with the next storm……proactively deflating….

And….on Christmas Eve day the ancient fridge stops working….and you wonder….how are we going to get a masked appliance guru to come to our snowbound house now……or for the foreseeable future…and The Queen goes ballistic thinking about 40 pounds of spoiled, local, organic meats… …and trudges through the four feet of snow to the barn to gather all our known coolers to avert the catastrophe…..and then …it mystically comes back on…..Ho, Ho, Ho…..

You drive around…unsuccessfully……looking for a half-dry place to jog…and put on six layers to go out to The Barn to work out…

And then….you take a drive up Route 100…walk through the silent snow beauty of the Green Mountain National Forrest…and cross the Brandon Pass at 3000 feet …and can see 100 miles of snowbound landscape……all the way to The Adirondacks…..and it’s almost all worth it….

Merry Christmas to all…and to all a good night………Papi

Stu’s Reviews- #522- TV Series – “The Crown”- Netflix- Season Four

Genre: TV Series   

Grade: A-

Notable People: Olivia Coleman, Tobias Menzies, Helena Bonham Carter, Gillian Anderson, Emma Corrin, Created by: Peter Morgan

Title: The Crown

Review:  This quietly superb show amazingly just keeps getting better. The fourth season is a dynamo –with story lines covering the 70s-80s-inlcuding the IRA conflict, the Princess Di shebang and the Mrs. Thatcher years. Lots of turbulence, lots of sturm and drang, broken hearts, deep depression, eating disorders, massive cover-ups……………who knew? Anderson does an extraordinary turn as the pipe- up –her- ass, indomitable Margaret Thatcher. And, Corrin…don’t know where they found her…. but she is Dianna resurrected. And ………Coleman……well she is just top of the heap. Magnificent supporting cat and settings. Nice cameo by original early seasons Queen- the rapturous Claire Foy. We were riveted. What does the Queen think of this series?

Stu’s Reviews- #521- TV Series – “Killing Eve”- FX/Hulu- Season Three

Genre: TV Series  

Grade: B+

Notable People: Sandra Oh, Jodie comer, Fiona Shaw, Created by: Phoebe Waller-Bridge

Title: Killing Eve

Review:  Most recent season (fourth is on the way) of international intrigue thriller with a dark sense of humor. Shaw and Oh are agents of Britain infamous M-6 security agency (think Bond) and Comer is a very deadly assassin for a European underground crime group. Oh is her usual solid self and Comer is a nutcase for the ages as the borderline/schizoid stone cold killer. Their arch nemesis/love of my life relationship is pretty wacko, but Comer is simply brilliantly insane in this role. Shot all over the continent, the plots are a bit convoluted and hard to keep up with, but it is still quite the guilty pleasure

Welcome to Winter in the Mountains

Snowed in on Sunday:

“You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………Pema Chodron

“I’m dreaming of a White Christmas” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Bing Crosby

 “That’s gonna be awful clean down there” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Andy Sipowitz, NYPD Blue

Four feet of SNOW in 12 hours……that could be the week in review…. but we get ahead of ourselves…. Brrrrrrr…

After a stretch of not reaching 20 degrees for four days, with lows overnight below zero, last Sunday was a tropical 40, so trekked south for ride and a walk for the Beast (guess which one?)…..Weston, Londonderry, Stratton Mountain…quirky Vermont sausages for lunch-  au- car from Honeypie……………long dirt road walk as the farmers along the mountain lane out hanging lites….gift of extended daylight until a robust quartet to five……but harbinger of big things to come in the air…..gonna need a bigger boat…..

Then…. our newest bestie, Christine of the Vegas (eldest daughter of our benefactress, Karen) sends along a response to last week’s Blog with best wishes/dire warnings for handling the Vermont Winter on the mountain……along with pix of THE blizzards of 78 and what they did to The Inn (pix attached) …. impressive, fear worthy……and………………. another harbinger……

Harbinger becomes reality……four feet of snow in 12 hours overnight on Wednesday….what happened to Global Warming?….never seen anything like it…..shades of The Shining…..could not get out front door….could not see the barn….thought Jenn’s car was stolen, till we found it under a fifteen foot drift of snow…..had smugly put my new car in the barn in anticipation (of maybe 12 inches)…..which we may see again in a week or two once the eight feet of snow in front of the barn doors recedes….WOW……The Curse of Christine -Storm of the Century….

Fortunately, we were on good terms with food, water and edibles…and the power stayed on…and the internet worked…and we streamed…. A LOT-…and made on line music……so…could be worse??????….and then Master Bowbie, and the town plow came through on Friday morning, clearing the lane (not the barn) ….and then……… we hit minus 18 on Friday night…are you shitting me…do people do every year?……what are we, Eskimos?

Saturday we were able to dig out the lost car, get down the lane and go to town…..such as it is….after The Dump, the post office, the unreachable library,  and our package delivery drop-off/pickup at the abode of The Masseuse in the Trailer (she has a mailbox)…..we took Lucy for short dirt road snow walk….frozen feet after 20 minutes (us, not her)…..and then…… having felt isolated enough for one week….I braved a night drive down the mountain to Ludlow to DJ’s to pick up dinner…..ARE WE NUTS????????….with daily records for cases, hospitalizations and deaths, Ludlow was crawling with people, every open restaurant filled, traffic jam in the center of town…..99% out of state lunatics….had to wait 15 minutes for my called in order to be ready…so, refusing to be amongst the lunatics,  stood outside in the freeze, face mushed up against the window waiting for the signal….like a waif from a Dickens Christmas……we live in a world of crazy people …..but I must say the Roast Duck with Cherry Bing Sauce….may have made it worth it……

Speaking of crazy, how about the GOP Congressman from Colorado who has announced he will not take the vaccine…because HE IS AN AMERICAN……straitjacket anyone?

And what else is there to say (you’d be surprised) ……. SNOW, SNOW, MORE SNOW……………The Pond will be up to the Manse after it rains this week…. where will it all go?………….Saw the new cat twice this week…. TQ is alternately calling her Malo, Mahalo, Saffron and Jai-Lai….no wonder she has no idea where the hell she is………Workouts in The Barn…. have become a challenge even after digging out the side door to get in…. but who’s complaining….

And, does Santa still use the USPS (we need another stamp raise to stay afloat) to deliver?………….Vermont Santa made that mistake (only place we could get to for shipping) …and our gifts are floating around the Bermuda Triangle at this point (February?) ……along with my title application to get the new car registered in Ohio…. but who’s complaining?……..

Tess, bless her heart, organized a Christmas cookie bakeoff with Nanna for the grand-girls …so at least one tradition survived in the time of COVID…and The Queen helped organize a massive food relief effort for those who have not, which resulted in the collection of four hundred or so pounds of mac-n’-cheese, etc…Vermont is community focused….

And the local new hip radio station in Rutland (that has a signal you can get within about three miles) continues to astound and amaze…. last night on way to crazed Ludlow played a set which included, Bruce’s Spirit in the Night (all right), Four Tops I’ll be There, Van the Man and the Chieftains and Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys……have now arrived at another retro planet………

And…that…must…… be it….

Have a wonderful Christmas…hope Chanukah went well……if you’re something else……. well, good luck with that. Be safe……next year: Jerusalem…….

Joy to your worlds, Papi

Stu’s Reviews- #520- Book- “The Fallen”- David Baldacci

Genre: Book        

Grade:  B+/B

Notable People: David Baldacci

Title: “The Fallen “

Review:    the ten thousandth listing in this book machine author’s catalog, and fourth in “The Memory Man” series……this stuff is all new to me. I’ve known of Baldacci for years, but managed to never read any of his work…since I generally turn my nose up at NY times bestselling authors. But, alas, the library is mostly closed and getting books from other libraries has slowed to a crawl…so I was lost and jonesing. Hit the living room shelves, where our benefactress had a wellspring of popular books and picked out this one. Baldacci has created a fascinating protagonist in Amos Decker, former pro footballer with head injuries, who is a semi- FBI agent with perfect recall and total lack of emotional response. The story line is pretty farfetched … in how may deaths, bombings, kidnappings, sabotage can happen in two weeks in a small town in Western PA….but Baldacci write really well, his characters jump off the page, and he kept me in suspense for a week…so…all in all…worth a shot.

Can you hear The Mountains moan?

My Brothers and Sisters:

“I pack no provisions for my long journey- entering emptiness under the midnight moon” ………………………………………………………………………. Chinese Sage

“Winter solitude—in world of one color, the sound of wind” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Basho

“Heaven help the poor man as he struggles every day
Heaven help the red man if he turns his back away
Heaven help the man who kicks the man who has to crawl
Heaven help us all.” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Charlie Pride (RIP)

My Brothers and Sisters:

“I pack no provisions for my long journey- entering emptiness under the midnight moon” ………………………………………………………………………. Chinese Sage

“Winter solitude—in world of one color, the sound of wind” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Basho

“Heaven help the poor man as he struggles every day
Heaven help the red man if he turns his back away
Heaven help the man who kicks the man who has to crawl
Heaven help us all.” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Charlie Pride (RIP)

Makin’ a list…. checkin’ it twice…. Mama!…….. THE BLOG is here!………….THE BLOG is here! …

The snow is whirlin’……the winds are howlin’……. The POND is fillin’……The day are gettin’ longer, the nights are gettin’ colder…and I wanna go back home…lay my head down on your shoulder……winter on The Mount…. pretty solitary…but keepin’ busy…The Elves are beginning to abound as we brace for the most unusual holiday season……crank up the Zoomin’, please….

The Queen’s lil’ dug-up Christmas tree now has lights and tchotchkes, in the set- free –of the hot tub living room…. thanks to the barn supply left by our dear benefactress, Karen, who is basking in the Vegas sunshine while we dig out the sidewalk…. Had a half foot of snow on the ground unit it rained it away yesterday …. but drove done to Rutland on Tuesday, where it seemed like springtime and nary a flake…. Mt. Holly IS apparently the snow capitol of Vermont…

Got CAR????…yes , we do…having sold the malignant Subaru, we picked up the new Cherokee from Santa Bob on Tuesday…which required a weekly-mandatory stop for lunch…having discovered the secret Italian Super Deli….Paisanos (how original)…which is in the far back of a beer carryout-  on a far back street-  in the middle of nothing….Actually had a grinder named after the local concrete baron, which is better than it sounds…..the place has salamis and prosciutto hanging from the ceiling…almost like being on Bleecker Street…car has now been fitted into the Barn, where it has yet to emerge…who goes anywhere these days?

The Hot Tub is now percolating on the frozen back porch, where it seems to be surviving though it takes about a day to fully heat for use…no leaks yet…lots more space in the living room……

The new cat, who I call Malo, but TQ is calling Mahalo (apparently Malo is Espanola for “bad”, which TQ is not happy with)….has now been spotted three times in in about ten days….she is apparently not all that happy cohabiting with Grace, Lucy or Jenn…though she seems to like Papi….she has come out only long enough to scratch the shit out of TQ’s hand, spread used litter all over the now spacious living room,…and shit behind the TV….but hey…I do all those things too…..assuming it’s The Plaque…..

And how about the Miracle of Zoom?……had a zoom this week with my very old friend, Steve Berman, in Portland (OR), who I have not seen in 20 years….tracked him down and sent him some  music we had been working on…since he was my first adult band mate (not counting the seminal Stu the Shrew and the Wild Men from howling adolescence days) and writing partner back in the Golden 70s….we played in band called “Pipedream”…still is, No

The Nave has assumed the Chanukah cultural mantle…and is sending the family a classic video for each night of the holiday…which is a little like sending rosaries to Muslims…. can you say “Chanukah Harry”?

And…how about…Bebe’s first Santa video-

Took a snow day on Friday…which provided the opportunity for not one….but two Covid -safe carry-out meals in one day….it may be my only contact with other human beings….so hit Ramuntos for the two- slice special for lunch…and then the lil’ Indian palace in the back of the exotic (for Vermont)  grocery for some Saag and Vindaloo take home for dinner….In between , we headed up to scenic Chittenden Dam for a snow walk….and wonderful views of the setting winter sun…love walking up snow covered mountains with shoes with worn out soles…can you say …….on your ass….

Law Enforcement in Vermont……had to get a VIN inspection to send to Ohio for getting the new Jeep titled…and it requires it be confirmed by police types…which are nowhere to be found in our parts…so tracked down Paul the Rotund Town Constable (This…is a REAL Thing) …who came over this morning to VIN me…a bit Sipowitz-like… he may have been packing, but I tried hard not to ask….

And…. the wood is split…after cutting down trees for eight years…. our drunken -forester up the road, Dennis…… showed up this week with his splitter in tow…just back from deer hunting in Coshocton Ohio (no deer, no masks there) and allowed us to split up a cord or two…which we dutifully neatly stacked and tarped…and then made a beeline for the hot tub…. enough fireplace wood now for the next  eight years…..

And…. I’m out of gas…. too much darn activity for one week……mid-40s today so getting out for a drive and dirt road walk…sugar plums dancing….

Be well….be safe….do what you can…oh…oh…. oh…. oh…. stayin’ alive, stayin alive……


Stu’s Reviews- #519 Book- “The Cruellest Month”- Louise Penny

Genre: Book   

Grade:  A-

Notable People: Louise Penny

Title: “The Cruellest Month “

Review:    Fascinating……these books are mysteries but beautifully chronicle to unique Quebecois culture of the rural Eastern Townships of Southern Quebec. It’s amazing how you can cross the border and five minutes later it is like being in the French countryside. Penny does an incredible job of painting the place and culture- and far transcends the mystery genre. Chief Inspector Armand Gamache is an unforgettable character, and the fictional village of Three Pines a place we will all want to visit…maybe stay. The whodunit part may be a little farfetched – this one involves murder at séance in a clearly haunted house- but, then, who cares. This is book #3 of the current 14 editions….gonna have to pace them out or I’ll be through them all by the end of the year.

Winter Ramblings

Good day to all:

“Snow falling on snow, and this evening, the full moon of December” ……………………………………………………………………………………. Basho

“We live in our own description of reality” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Gregory Bateson

“Does the wind grow cold, when you’re laying your soul out on the line” ……………………………………………………………………………………Graham Nash

Covid, Covid, Fo-Fovid…. Fee-Fi-Fo Fovid……C-O-V-I-D……………In the deep dark woods of the Green Mountains, the world of the Plaque abounds endlessly……snowed in, hunkered down, hoping each day, the FedEx man might come around, to provide a glimpse of life…….is it done yet?……. Vermont continues to be quite the socially responsible place, and, in relative safety…. even with a concerning rise in cases in the last month (Deep Elem Thanksgiving Gathering Blues) …. still statewide infection rate hovering just above 1%, making it, along with Hawaii, best place in North America to suffer this out…. Ohio… at an astounding 15% infection rate (the ancient curse of Trump?) ….and Idaho and North Dakota at a mind- bending plus 50% rate (but freedom prevails there!)

And, then there is the Numchuck……orange jumpsuit on the horizon?……please lock me away, and don’t allow the days, here inside, where I hide, with my loneliness….do we feel sorry for him yet?……wondering how many sociopaths he can pardon and how may nimrods he can appoint to federal positions before he is hauled off to the yard?

Quote of the week: “I will be the hero! These morons — when this is over, I will be the hero.”- The Rudy

The Ten most interesting happenings of a V-E-R-Y slow week in the mountains:

  • The Hot tub moved……. after a tub-in-the living-room landslide of both kudos (this is great Covid- crazy-shit)…and loving concerns (are you out of your mind…leaks? Mold? Mildew? insurance companies?) ……we bit the proverbial bullet, and had a warm enough day….to drain the monstrosity……and move it to the porch…to see if it can survive in an unheated area……insulated underside, motor, pipes …and so far seems to work……nice out there with the windows all around and the hoarfrost of deep winter surrounding us…. takes forever to heat up in the cold- but so far so good…and if it springs a leak…who need a porch anyway?
  • Are we going to have A Coup……have The Base Minions finally cracked and going to take to the streets of Ann Arbor, Albany and DC loaded to bear….and maskless?
  • The Queen has been restless and determined….and finally snuck out while Papi was snoozin’ and picked up a new cat…. a one-year-old Tabby, who has been under the couch in the now liberated-from-hot-tub living room, for the last three days……TQ is nothin, if nor relentless when she gets a Royal notion……new addition likely dubbed Malo, after the lost band of Carlos Santana’s younger brother, Jorge…. I actually still have the one album…perhaps a much- needed Hispanic voter in Vermont….
  • THE POND….is now about to over flow…who knew this happened after we typically left Dodge?
  • The Rastafarian neighbors have returned after a month’s absence…. waiting to see if they will pick up the strewn garbage all over their property and our drive access, that they left in 50 gallon open drums last visit…and that either a hungry bear or a pissed of human knocked over…
  • The mountains are lovely for driving this time of year…. bare trees, decaying Autumn leaves, snow colored fields of hay bales…. made it down to quaint Dorset this week…a town that ONLY has white hoses……hit the H.N. Williams General Store for lunch…oldest in Vermont… on the old stage coach line along Route 30 as it meanders in a deep valley surrounded by mountain ranges on each side…nary a vehicle or human in sight…
  • Vermont State Parks …are The Bomb…once the tourists go away and Stick Season chases everyone indoors……did a long hike around Emerald Lake State Park right before the most recent snow hit…passed it right along our drive here on Route 7, for years, without ever venturing in…. but it is absolutely beautiful, with trails around the lake and up through the hills…. our own private winter wonderland…and hog heaven for a cooped up Lucy…
  • Sold the old Subaru days before the pick-up/trade-in deadline…. pickin’ up new vehicle on Tuesday from Santa the Salesman…hoping for no snowstorm as we ain’t goin’ inside……

And, how may interesting happenings is that…. only eight, I see (and that was stretching it. No?) …. well, that’s about the sum of it….it may be quite some time before ten actual interesting things happen in one week…can you say VACCINE?

Be Calm, stay safe, think good thoughts, Use your quarantine elbow……. Hare Krishna……
