Stu’s Reviews- THE BIG #500- Book- “About Grace””- Anthony Doerr

Genre: Book 

Grade:  B+

Notable People: Anthony Doerr

Title: “About Grace”

Review:    Hard to believe……500th review over the last eight years or so…. must need something else to do……This is a very complicated first novel from the author of “All the Light We Cannot See”, which I reviewed here and loved. Doerr is meticulous in his writing and at times a bit hard to keep up with. This is a sweeping story of a tortured hydrologist and his quest for some form of truth and meaning…. lots and lots of minutia about all things water in the book, most of it symbolic. The story takes place over 30 or so years moving from Anchorage to Cleveland to St. Vincent’s in the Caribbean, as the protagonist tries to find his wife and daughter, who he abandoned in in 1979 during a flood in Cleveland that he had dreamed would occur (a frequent event in the book). He has no idea if his daughter had died in the flood and escapes to the Caribbean, living a minimalist existence and obsessing over the causal link between his dreams and people’s horrific misfortunes- possibly even his daughter’s death. I was inclined to give up on this book multiple times, but it kept me just enough hooked to carry on, and was glad I did. This is a book that takes time to read and absorb, but is ultimately quite moving.

Autumn Light in The Greens

“When you get there, there isn’t any there there” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Gertrude Stein

“On a bare branch a crow settles in autumn dusk” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Basho

“At That Pond, the frog is growing old now-among fallen leaves” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………Buson

And then they rested………. after weeks of big Barn projects, we put down the sledge and the anvil, and went back to mostly doing little of nothing…. though we got the Big Barn/Garage cleaned up and organized for the first time in eight years of living here…is it nap time yet?……….Old Nanna and Papi managed to move a 600-pound trough out of the way in the barn, and immediately made chiropractor appointments……………

The Queen takes command of the gardens……and has now covered half the acreage in plastic and hay bales in preparation for turning The Inn into a nursery……AND…. we had our first homegrown water melon EVER…along with the bounty of daily tomatoes and such…TQ has also constructed a mélange of doors, windows and coverlets to protect the maters form the 30 degree range of nightly weather as the autumn begins in earnest here in the mountains…….

How can 30 degree nights turn into 80 degree days??????????????

We had a slow holiday weekend after the massive outbreak of cases after a party at Killington mountain ……fifteen in one day, which eclipsed the previous four weeks’ statewide totals…panic set in……and then went away…and we now have armed battalions of Greenie Troopers at the border to keep out the New Yorkers and Jerseyites……seriously, ski lodge parties? Really?

Fifty-one more days of insanity……one can only hope……is it really possible that we could have him back for four more years….does anyone care about dignity, integrity and humanity???…..C’mon people now, smile on your brother……just in case , we are planning on joining the hidden huddled masses in safe houses in Derby-Line on the border, to jump The WALL into Canada…and see if we can get yellow cards, or whatever it is they have there….please don’t make us go….

More dinners on the ground………had a magnificent late lunch at the home of the slightly brain damaged surgeon and his lovely bride on Tuesday……hours of five course meal and paired wines in the autumn sunshine, surrounded by mountains in their Weston abode……is this what retirement might look like….in Canada?…………….

More DOTG…. this afternoon the Master French Chef and his Francophile wife are coming over for yard dinner…. allegedly bringing the real deal Crème Brule……what will we do in a month when it is too cold for outside dining?……back to Quarantinie?………………..

Day Trippin’…….a one way ticket, yeah…it took me sooooo long to find out……Did long day trip on Thursday up to Middlebury to visit the new dispensary (drive though…would you like fries with your edibles?)….and lunch at Mama Corleone’s….then, dirt road, six mile walk through dappled late afternoon sunlight…..then yesterday, after the requisite Saturday trip to see the Dumpmaster, we headed down to the Weston Priory, though The Brothers must have gone to Atlantic City for the weekend….empty fall glory by their magnificent pond (why do they still have water in theirs? Godliness?) ……then up mountain dirt roads to the hamlet of Landgrove for another walk in the woods….

Finished the day with an early dinner on the ground in Rutland , at the chiropractor’s deserted compound (one of many of our go-to picnicin’ tables to eat take out without driving home)…..prefect late day setting sunlight…still a shocking 73 degrees…..fountain flowing in idyllic-pond….Lucy chasing chipmunks on her own version of heaven……had to stop on the way at the vocational school, where we scoped out a spigot by their greenhouses, to give Lucy her 500th road bath…since Jenn would not let her in the car after she found rolling mana…..

Won’t you scratch my itch, sweet Annie Rich………. Leaves, Leaves, Leaves………….

Speaking of my muse, Gram Parsons, Nave, Max, Mitch and I have been working on the virtual band platform on getting a take on my new song, New Days’ Risin’ on the Blues……. I am attaching it to this e-mail for anyone interested in the lyrics……if you read The Blog on the Web, it won’t be available…have to go old school e-mail to open the attachment……but here’s a verse and chorus…… like it or not……Started this song in 1975 as love and heartbreak song…now it’s turned into a shit storm and heartbreak song….

The fever’s raining down upon us,
The cost we pay for shutdown eyes.
Howlin’ winds and storms all around us,
Led by the Devil in Disguise.

Decades down the road,
Can’t let that train be slowed.
What happened to our promised land?
Lost tryin’ to cross the Rio Grande.
We need to reach for livin’ true,
A new day’s risin’ on the blues.

And that’s about the scope of it……Ry and Lauren coming for a visit this week with g-daughters Quin-Lily and Baby Harper…. got to go kid proof the manse……. Later than today, but not as late as tomorrow….


Stu’s Reviews- #499- Book- “Night Watch””- Steve Hamilton

Genre: Book   

Grade:  A-

Notable People: Steve Hamilton

Title: “Night Watch”

Review:    Hamilton, the author of the long running and wonderful Alex McKnight mystery series, also writes standalone books and this is his latest….and a total gem. Like film noir??…. this is for you. I can imagine a young Robert Mitchum in the lead role. It’s a murder story shrouded in the cacophony of a man’s devastating grief and loss. Joe Trumbull is quite the everyman- a widower, jazz lover, boxer and ………of all things…. a juvenile probation officer, in…. of all places……Kingston, New York. As someone who has worked in juvenile justice for most of my adult life, this is a rare treat and the life is portrayed pretty well. As someone who has spent considerable time in the sleepy city of Kingston, that an unusual, and appreciated, choice for venue. Honestly, could not put his one down, and devoured it in three readings. Hamilton is really good.

Mountain Learnings

Greetings and Happy Holiday weekend- such as it is:

“A man is known by the silence he keeps” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Oliver Herford

“Your practice is your life” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Zen Saying

“After the Ecstasy……………………………. the Laundry” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. More Zen

These are the TEN THINGS I learned this week in the Mountains:

It is legal to vote more than once in national elections– apparently our fearless leader has ruled that we can all vote by mail and then go and vote in person. I’m thinking that since I live in two places, I can therefore vote four times if I make the effort……………I’m really glad we now have this option to clear up any concerns with voter fraud….

Twenty-two month olds now trot off in the morning to get the school bus……apparently to go to virtual school……. just see the pictures!!!

There is indeed Fire in the Hole– The way to eradicate ground holes with Bee Colonies in them is too blow up the hole- The Queen got this from The Dumpmaster and has spent the better part of the last week pouring accelerants into various holes in in the yard and then setting them on fire…an endless crusade to not be bit again, which requires very special outfits……she is now The Queen Bee too……

Long curling locks suddenly appearing on an aging hipster draw a lot of notice and comments- ranging from “Hey Hippie Boy” to “Are you really Charlie Rich” to “Is that really you?” ……liking the idea of emulating the old Bluegrass Legends……can you say “Uncle Pen?” …….

Who Knew?????…. Barn Projects never end- After finishing all the siding on the old horse barn, we spent this week pouring concrete in holes in the foundation corners, that may go all the way to China……building new barn windows, and trying to erect a gutter/downspout system without buying any materials (have already made too many trips to the Depot for Corona times) ….is this really My Destiny?????……..

When the Barn Projects are done for the day, the Jewish Pig Farmer (and the JPF Bride) arrive unannounced for Bonding and dinner- filthy, sweaty and tired is a wonderful time to greet unannounced and rare guests….but when you need Bonding, apparently you need Bonding…..had an hour and a half of exorcising from The JPF…and then …POOF…gone…leaving dinner behind for us to heat up…apparently they got hungry on the 20 minute drive over and needed to stop by the side of the road to eat their part of dinner…………………..only in Vermont….

The British Hairdresser comes for dinner and tries to move in- Lovely night, dinner on the ground (TQ outdid herself….real whipped cream with her freshly made Rhubarb Cake), cuts an trims on the deck….from our friend Cockney Tracy…..while she lobbied for the newly remodeled and electrified Horse Barn as potential dwelling while she sells her house and considers whether to buy a new one or live off the land…..we would have to build a tiny outhouse for her….but What the Hell….we would then have The TTT…..Tracy-The-Tenant….

Top Secret Newsflash– The Canadians are halfway finished with building a masked-wall to keep us out……

There is no public access to lovely Lake St. Catherine- headed down along majestic Route 30, between the walled mountain corridor where the hawks make their abode, for picnic outing….beautiful lake, but only for those who own it….wound up in the village of Poultney for picnic and hike up the secret dirt lane to the hidden, mountain, tiered cemetery….maybe the biggest in the state, with stones dating back to the mid-1700s….who knew?…..and learned that men often outlive their wives in Vermont…..enlightening……

And that’s all I got….so only nine lessons learned this week…. but then…who’s counting anyway?……………….

Wear you masks…save a life……stay well…try to have some fun……

Arriva Derchi……Papi

Stu’s Reviews- #498- Book- “Where the Crawdads Sing””- Delia Owens

Genre: Book      

Grade:  A

Notable People: Delia Owens

Title: “Where the Crawdads Sing””

Review:    another in long line of culturally sensitive books my daughter has given me, with obvious implications. This is Owens, a longtime Naturalist’s first novel, and it a gem. Set in coastal North Carolina from 1952 to 1970, it is the story of “The Marsh Girl” (Kya) , a young woman deserted by all her family as a seven year old, who raises herself in the wetlands of the remote Outer Banks. It’s a masterful Whodunit mixed in with a beautiful coming of age story and a treatise of the ecology of the swamp. Beautifully written and told, with characters that jump off the page. Starts a bit slowly, but becomes hypnotic………….did not want it to end……ever.

Mountain Mojo

Bonjour et Joyouse Dimanche:

“Wonder is the beginning of wisdom” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Socrates

“Autumn night- a hole in my paper door whistling” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Issa

“Therein lies one of life’s biggest lessons. Ain’t got nothin’ to with deserve. Just pray to the Saint of Lost Causes” ……………………………………. Justen Townes Earle

Autumn seemed to come and leave……Monday was a hot and humid 82 (felt like 95) ……and we spent the day digging trenches, burying conduit and cable line and being go-fers for the electrician, but finished with first ever electric service to the horse barn and the bunkhouse…. let there be light……which finishes the “quickie” 100-hour barn project….and allows Papi to return to the couch….and the Queen to resume her royal duties……

Back working with the Caribbean folks on some virtual training for Dominica and Anguilla (not quite like being there) …and back on Carib time……have a Zoom, respond with what they ask for the same day…wait two weeks for them to send me the next step……may get the training in sometime in the next millennium…. but, its ok mon……no rush…don’t worry…be happy…………………………

Has anyone else bought Zoom stock?

Car Repair in the Mountains #3- had to go back to the wilds of New Hampshire to the only place in the northeastern United States that would repair my exhaust system….because the other local mechanic told me it was too loud and something was not right….so drove an hour plus back to the Jesus repairs shop (the whole road is one big Evangelical love fest…see the mailbox photo)….and found that even Acolytes can be vindictive…..the holy- mechanic- man, obviously irritated that I came back, and doubted The Lord’s Work, made me sit in the car while he put it up on the highest lift height I have ever seen, and then made me run the engine rpms up above 80 mile per hour…..I could see out the garage  door to the mountains of Maine, and felt certainly like I was due for takeoff at any moment…kept me up there for 15 minutes without saying a word….brought me down, grunted it was fine, and sent me on my way…..

Found Jenn and Lucy hiking the dirt road, so joined in for the Jesus tour…which apparently comes with The Lord’s Own Airfield…. did I mention that it poured rain all day…………? I have now decided that the exhaust system is just fine….

Friday the sun came back out and it was a gorgeous low 60s-so we took off again, away from New Hampshire and The Lord’s Work…and down through Ludlow and Chester to the charm of tiny Grafton…. finding our way to an old traveling haunt of ours, the Grafton Swimming Hole, for a picnic lunch…and then the de rigueur dirt road walk…. they had a “pop up” set up in the middle of little dirt road Main St. Grafton…. does anyone really know what a “pop up” is?

Saturday a rainy day again….so after the requisite weekend trip to see The Dumpmaster, the Postmistress and the Library biddies…..I spent most of the afternoon overhauling the front of our big barn/garage…..clearly a Corona-based activity…..hiding most of The Queens four thousand, five hundred and thirty flower pots in the process….after that, it was definitely nap time…and then headed down the 140 to Wallingford  to do Sal’s’ South for red gravy dinner pick up….the drive down was a mystical experience with bright in –the –eyes- setting sun intermingled with intense fog…made me look for another Jesus airfield………

After waiting for Sal to call me in for one-in- at- a time dinner pickup (I am somehow known as Walt there…. Papi Walt…like it) …. I was hosing down in the car before heading back up the mount, when Lucy saw three dogs being walked by, and hurtled into the front seat, going berserk and knocking red gravy all over the car. I was so startled, I smacked her and shoved her in the back…and have been depressed ever since. She looked at me with such shock……was the first time in seven years I had laid hands on her, and felt like we had lost out innocence…. power and control…. blah, blah, blah…….

Just went upstairs for a moment to find TQ repurposing our cellar vegetable bin into a shoe rack, taking up residence in our bedroom…with the rest of the produce……

Has anyone ben keeping up with the NBA playoffs? Is it me, or is the NBA the most socially conscious business in the country…. You go ballers……

Being courted by the Vermont Law School to do some online course teaching this fall and winter…………… Hmmmmm?……..a virtual classroom of wannabe lawyers?…….Better pay well.

Purchase of the summer…. twenty bucks on line for a state of the art, bull goose looney, inflatable raft with cup holders, headrest and built in sauna…. which will likely stay in the box until it is warm enough again to go in The Pond…maybe nest July?

Dinner on the ground this afternoon at the manse of the French Chef and his Francophile Wannabe Bride………

And that, as he said, is all she wrote, mes amis……

Darling je vous aime beaucoup, I just don’t know what to do……


Stu’s Reviews- #497- Book- “The Silent Patient”- Alex Michaelides

Genre: Book   

Grade:  A-/B+

Notable People: Alex Michaelides

Title: “The Silent Patient”

Review:    Chilling and suspenseful first novel that baffled me throughout. The book starts in London with a disturbed woman killing her husband and goes on a whirlwind from there. It is told through the lens of her equally disturbed psychotherapist, and the erstwhile murderess’ journals, and is full of unusual twists and turns. Not a traditional mystery, and more of a full blown treatise on borderline personalities. The psychological themes and jargon are well researched and the use very short chapters allow for absorbing the intense narrative. I had no idea where this was going until the very end. Quite an inaugural effort, though the writing has some maturing to do. A number one NY Times bestseller, which was gifted to me, and made me wonder about the symbolism off that.

Workin’ in the Greens

Sunday, Sunday…can’t trust that day…………

‘It’s taken me all my life to learn what not to play” …………………………………………………………………………………Dizzy Gillespie

“The butterfly counts not months but the moments. And has time enough” ……………………………………………Rabindrnath Tagore    

“You crawl, you walk….and then, you run” ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Clay Davis (in The Wire)

Been a whiz of a week…what is there really to say these days?……………………………….We worked, we shopped, we masked, we finished our Quarntinie……How much can one scribe pour out……Lets keep it brief-with almost -one – liners for this week’s missive……

The Queen said we had a SMALL project to do…. spent much of the week tearing down the back of the old horse barn, burning 48 straight hours of junk wood, making massive trip see The Dumpmaster (“why don’t you come up here alone and leave the missus at home, and I’ll go make her a visit?” ………………then putting up all new barn siding……. left de circle, right de circle…

I keep telling TQ that little Jewish boys from the Bronx don’t do these sort of things……but memo apparently missed….

Mountain days and nights swinging back and forth from high humid summer to autumn in the breeze……spotted first maples changing color this week…. what will we do when we can’t hang with folks in outdoor settings?

Does everyone Zoom in their underwear?…………that’s how we roll for work in the new normal….

Making music on a web platform with your posse…. not ideal, but still pretty cool…. working on new age protest song with The Nave and the Prodigal on line……

Getting the hang of dinner on the ground…. had The Erstwhile Russian Spy and the Venerated School Marm for cookout last night…sat through light summer rain under the pines…. still no one has entered the abode here since our June return…. but TQ requires social gatherings, thus dinner on the ground….

Better late than never…. we are working through five seasons of “The Wire” …which I resisted for years in stubborn reaction to the constant “better-than-sex” proclamations from my Baltimore friends…. Well….it probably is!!!!!…. may be best show ever on the Tube…. Would love to have Omar over for dinner……

The Convention: All conventions should be virtual-best I’ve seen……John Kasich????…man has guts……Julia Dreyfus-off her nut. We wept through Barack’s speech……can we just have him back?…….how could we, as a people, go from that …to THIS?…….cannot say Joe bowled us over…. but such a decent, good, caring man…how many votes can I cast?……..

Whilst…. The Numchuck says NO to a fed judges’ order to release his taxes, has more of his appendages charged with election related felonies, promotes a new Covid miracle drug, jumps all over criticizing New Zealand for having 13 new cases…. calls everyone at the convention names, and continues his efforts to sabotage the election/democracy daily….in my old world, we called this adjustment reaction to adolescence……. if we were being generous

And now……have to go move dirt to finish the grading on the new back barn….and get ready for this week’s assault on getting electric to all the out buildings…. gotta love a SMALL project…. Que sera, sera…….

Keeping my word on brevity- for once……go out and enjoy a blessed, Masked day…….


Stu’s Reviews- #496- Book- “Outsider”- Linda Castillo

Genre: Book

Grade:  A

Notable People: Linda Castillo

Title: “Outsider”

Review:    The 19th book in the Kate Burkholder series is the best yet in my estimation. In a major departure, the entire story more or less takes place in a snowbound Amish house in the fictitious Painters Mill, Ohio. This book delves into Kate’s challenging past and her break from her origin Amish family and community, as well as the introduction of a fascinating character from her past. Additional bonus for some of us- much of the book is centered on Columbus, Ohio and deadly corruption in the Columbus Police Department-allegedly fictional (but some of us would be believers). The main series characters have developed very well over the years, the writing is taut and suspenseful, the sense of Amish life, culture and place is extraordinary. Very, very compelling reads.

Stu’s Reviews- #495- TV Series- ” Marcella” – Netflix -3 Seasons

Genre: TV Series 

Grade: B+

Notable People: Anna Friel, Ray Panthaki, Aaron Mccusker, Amanda Burton Created by: Nicola Larder, Hans Rosenfeldt

Title: Marcella

Review:  this is one strange show. Over three seasons, Marcella has transformed from a slightly intense, overzealous London cop to an absolute madwoman. She is nuts-multiple personalities, borderline, schizoid…you name it…. but dedicated to laying herself on the line in penultimate dangerous situations. A not- to- be -messed with woman avenger. The show is a maze of plot that is hard to keep up with at times, and the support characters are a bit stereotypical, but Friel saves the whole shebang with an over the top performance not to be missed. So intense and dark it is hard to watch it on consecutive nights…. but fascinating just the same.