Stu’s Reviews- #474- TV Series- ” World on Fire” – PBS- 1 Season

Genre: TV Series 

Grade: A

Notable People: Julia Brown, Jonah Hauer-King, Zofia Wichlazc, Sean Bean, Lesley Manville, Helen Hunt, Created by: Peter Bowker

Title: World on Fire

Review:    Brilliant PBS series on the always highest-quality Masterpiece Theater, tells the story of the Nazi Blitzkrieg of Europe in 1939 and 1940. Magnificently told through the lens of five participants in five different countries. Tense, brutal, touching, heroic…once again make the convincing arguments for the saving graces the Brits and the Resistance, without whom the Nazis take over the world before we ever enter The War. The young faces in the cast are exceptional, but the sensational performances from veterans Hunt and Manville make this must see. Hard not to binge watch this short seven episodes first season. As second season is definitely in the works. Watch it on PBS On-Demand.

Stu’s Reviews- #473- Book- “The Tattooist of Auschwitz”- Heather Morris

Genre: Book  

Grade:  A-

Notable People: Heather Morris

Title: The Tattooist of Auschwitz

Review:    Oh, my, my…this is a troublesome book…as it should be. The true story of Lale Sokolov, who unwittingly became the man who tattooed the numbers on everyone who came to this pit of hell from 1942- to 1945. Morris befriended him in the last years of his life (he did in 2006) In New Zealand and recorded his true story-told in novel from. This is brutal…just brutal…but must reading in my boo. I swept through it in three days-hard to read, hard to put down. Morris is not the worlds’ best writer, but the story is so gripping, so compelling……how could this happen? It’s also, by the way as story (like a million others) of indomitable will and extraordinary desire to survive….and retain your soul and dignity in the process. OY!

Stu’s Reviews- #472- Book- “Freedom”- Jonathan Franzen

Genre: Book     

Grade:  A-

Notable People: Jonathan Franzen

Title: Freedom

Review:    Franzen has won the National book award for his previous novel, so I was quite eager…but then the book was so very slow to start, I almost gave up. But stuck with it, and it turned out to be a fine read about a 30-year marriage between two iconoclasts. Sweeping story from St. Paul, to the coal mining hollers of West Virginia, to power environmentalists in DC, and a fading 70s rock star in Jersey City. The novel is dense, so read in short segments, which made the lengthy novel go a long way during the Pandemic. The characters really came to life for me as the book progressed. Franzen had a keen eye for detail, language and context…. ugly turns sweet in this book.

Wastin’ away again in Coronaville……………………..

Sloane with Papi glasses 5-10-20
What is wrong with this picture?

Welcome to this Apocalyptic Post- Modern Sunday:

“When the cart stops, do you whip the cart or the ox?” …………………………………………………………………………………. Huai- Jung

“I fix nothing, I let it go” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Jean-Paul Sartre

“Ashes to ashes, dust into dust, Buildings will crumble, bridges will rust. Mountains will disappear, rivers will dry up. And so it goes with everything but love” ……………………………John Denver

You would think that with staying at home for the most part, there would be little to say…which is probably true…but not really prohibitive for such as we….

Let’s get back to it…. NOW……how many of you are going out to restaurant? A bar? a gym?………….maybe a little overdue haircut or get the old nails done? Let’s all just go out and see how quickly we can infect each other…. maybe take a rifle or a Swastika to show what we are made of…. c’mon people now, smile on your brother………………

The Granddaughter update- Quin-Lily turned three this past week….have not seen her in months but we have our twice weekly portal….this week she evicted her parents from the room, and in between bedtime stories asked Nana and Papi …”how was your day today?”….three is interesting….littlest Baby Harper, is growing like a weed…not seen her since week one…..Virus-strain!!!!!!!!!!!!!….Bebe Sloane continues to be our lifeline (along with her parents) and this week we babysat while Tess and Jake went on a contact-less date…she led us in circles for three hours…what an age  to watch the bloomin’….

How about a little Obamagate? We count on the Moron-in- Chief for our daily dose of laughter in hard times……. but seriously?

The weekly drive in da country……………………..Headed east this week on an overcast and threatening day (thunderstorm season in the heartland)….counted the % of people wearing masks (going down)and the number of people with big tractors mowing their small yards (going up)…and found a little trail to take a silent walk…..did the contactless lunch stop , and watched the birds….Ohio has a subtle beauty in the coming of spring and farm season…not quite like driving around in the Greens…..but you gotta get out of the house once in a while…right?

Three houses and counting…. we are total indentured (or maybe dentured?) slaves to our houses…keeps us pretty busy during The Plague…….are pretty settled now in the new abode….and spending a lot of time trying to make the old homestead more sellable…..this week we had new carpet put in all the rooms from Guy The Capet Guy….who has poor social distancing boundaries…so when we met with him we had to set up a card table on the driveway and wear our masks and gloves….but it was CHEAP…even though we had to spend two hours cleaning up after the mess they made. Yesterday we spent the whole day painting and staining over at the homestead like a couple of 40 yard olds…our yard boy canceled on us last minute we had to do it selves…which led to much moaning, creaking and drug taking…..The Queen got through the day by chanting her own little Haiku as she brushed and rolled:

“Working-working on old house,

      We fight……then we get it done” ………………………………………………………Her form is not great, but you get the idea…. partly brought on by yours truly getting the old beast resurrected tractor (given last rites an ten year ago and ignored since) stuck in the giant mud ruts in the soaked side yard…for the THIRD time this week….and since we have to fucking social distance –could not ask for help…and had to push it out ourselves…this left TQ a bit perturbed with moi (and very muddy in sexy sort of way) …

Seems like time to think in earnest about heading back to the Greens…. recently named best state in old US of A in staying out of the way of The Plague….in Mt. holly, we are social distanced by definition….

And that my friends…is enough


Stu’s Reviews- #471- Album- “Goin’ Back to New Orleans”- Dr. John

Genre: Album  

Grade:  A-

Notable People: Dr. John, The Nevilles, Al Hirt, Pete Fountain, Produced by: Stewart Levine   

Title: Goin’ Back to New Orleans

Review:    The Doctor is making house calls on this wonderful 1992 release I got from The Nave for my birthday. Filled with Cajun’, Blues and Swampy rhythms and the magnificent keyboard musings and silver vocals of Mr. Rebennack, this is a reminder of the greatness of this one of a kind performer. Top- notch backing musicians. Charmed with the sounds and myths of The Easy. A refreshing throwback. Got to go get me some Gumbo.

Stu’s Reviews- #470- TV Series- ” Better Call Saul” – Netflix- 4 Seasons

Genre: TV Series    

Grade: A

Notable People: Bob Odenkirk, Rhea Seahorn, Jonathan Banks, Michael Mando, Giancarlo Esposito, Michael McKean, Created by: Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould

Title: Better Call Saul

Review:    The extraordinary prequel to Breaking Bad features the very excellent Odenkirk conjuring the subtle change from nice guy lawyer, Jimmy McGill to shyster of the century, Saul Goodman. This is brilliant television; it was recently named on several lists the best show on TV, and it’s a fair argument. The cast is top notch, especially Banks as his menacing self and McKean as the bat shit crazy older brother/lawyer mentor. And Esposito……Whoa…. he is quiet evil in its most potent incarnation. The development of the characters who later came to populate Breaking Bad is so tasteful as to be shocking. Each season has topped the one before, though I suspect the next will be the last, as the timeline is running out to catch up to the birth of Walter White. Not necessary to have liked or even watched BB to appreciate this one.

Love in the Time of Corona

Welcome to Corona-land:

“Does anybody really know what time it is; does anybody really care” ……………………………………………………………………. Robert Lamm (Chicago Transit Authority)

“He gets up in the morning, slaving for bread, sir / So that every mouth can be fed………Ah, Ah, Ah…The Israelites” ………………. Desmond Dekker

“While I am busy with little things, I am not required to do greater things” …………………………………………………………………………………Sir Francis De Sales

Happy Mother’s Day to all, for whom the Foo shits. Since I can’t really even fathom what day it is anymore, it is difficult to conjure a Blog about the past week…. what should I say? …………………got up…took a shit……let Lucy out…let Lucy in…. checked my e-mail…. made an English muffin…. had another small shit…made a few calls……hung some pictures…. searched for missing items The Queen has hidden in her baskets………talked to the realtor…..took a nap…read a book…mowed the yard to keep up with the neighbors’ four times a week mowing…took a faux shit(just gas)….Blah, Blah, Blah….you got the point..

So, what to do? How about The Blogs’ TOP FIVE Coronaesque Good, Bad and Ugly??????????…. Yes, Yes…. please Ferlin’…tell us about the TG, TB&TU

THE GOOD (editors’ license to name six)

  1. No Schedule to conform to
  2. Netflix, Prime TV, PBS, HBO, Showtime
  3. Having TWO HOUSES to work on to keep us busy (not to mention a third to keep track of)
  4. Family time-seeing Bebe Sloane (and her parents) 2- times week ……Max being here for seven weeks
  5. Zoomin’
  6. The surprising and virtuous leadership of Cuomo, DeWine, Newsom, Whitmer…and all the Governors who have stepped up to fill The Void

THE BAD (even more editors’ license)

  1. No Schedule to conform to
  2. No Sports…not even Pro Bowling to watch
  3. Little Income
  4. Not seeing Quin-Lily and New Baby Harper (and their parents) …and Max going home
  5. No GYM
  6. Waiting for on line orders to get here (Amazon excepted)
  7. Losing John Prine


  1. The pathetic leadership from the White House and all its Talking Heads
  2. All The M
  3. “ME” people- buying all the TP and disinfectant wipes, gun carrying twats demanding their personal freedoms
  4. All forms of HazMat Gear
  5. 24/7….and I mean 24/7 for months …… with your loved one

Had a birthday last week…. presents from friends and family keep dribbling in as the efficiency of the beleaguered mail systems will allow…. Jennifer yesterday received an overdue package and gave me a poster (which we spend 2-3 hours fighting about where to put up) that probably says it all about RELATIONSHIPS in the Time of Corona:

                                                                      In spite of ourselves…………We’ll end up a’ sittin’ on a rainbow
                                                                     Against all odds…………Honey, we’re the big door prize

                                                                     We’re gonna spite our noses……………Right off of our faces
                                                                     There won’t be nothin’ but big old hearts…………Dancin’ in our eyes.

That’s all she wrote (“Dear John- please send my saddle home”)…………………………….Stay Safe


Stu’s Reviews- #469- Album- “Three Chords & The Truth”- Van Morrison

Genre: Album

Grade:  B+

Notable People: Van The Man and his sterling band

Title: Three Chords & The Truth

Review:    Another….and another….and another……Van The Mans’ 52nd (count ‘em) album release since the mid-60s…. Whoa-can you say prolific?……………..Nothing new here…but The Voice is as good as ever, the songs are well catchy and written and the backing band top notch…after a while they all sound pretty much the same…but no less for it….He is THE MAN…It’s like CHURCH…………a treasure….

Stu’s Reviews- #468- TV Series- ” Shameless – Showtime (Netflix)- 10 Seasons

Genre: TV Series 

Grade: A-

Notable People: William H. Macy, Jeremy Allen white, Cameron Monahan, Emma Kenney, Ethan Cutkowsky, Emmy Rossum Created by: Paul Abbott

Title: Shameless

Review:    Unlikely you are not aware of this after ten seasons, but this is cultural icon television, with the amazing WH Macy reinventing himself as an all-time scumbag. The ensemble cast is beyond compare, the writing really witty and the south side Chicago setting a formula for misadventure. The show has been inconsistent in later seasons, especially challenged by the luminous Rossum leaving fate season nine, though they did a startlingly good job of going on without her most principle character. Full of star-power cameo guest appearances- seems like everybody would like to be on Shameless. Great time to hunker down for The Plaque with ten seasons worth of sardonic humor.

Plague Blog #2

Greetings Mask-Wearers:

“You beat the grass and probe the Principle

Only to see into your nature.

Right now…. where is your nature?” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Zen Koan

“A permanent state of transition is man’s most noble condition” ………………………………………………………………Juan Ramon Jimenez

Who’s makin’ love to your old lady…. while you are out makin’ love?” ………………………………………………………. Johnnie Taylor

In honor of the recent Passover (quite late as usual) …an extremely lapsed (maybe even disappeared) Jew, offers Ten (maybe twelve) questions for this Sunday’s sermon. Answers below you can match to the question:

  1. Should we be reopening our states amidst the Virus concerns?
  2. What do you do when you have 244 pieces of art to hang in your new house and can’t agree on any of it?
  3. What is it like to have dozens of masked people go through your house and tell you everything they don’t like about it?
  4. Is it safer to go back to Vermont during The Plague or stay put in Ohio?
  5. What kind of role model is Mr. Pence when he refuses to wear a mask in a major medical facility that requires anyone entering to wear one?
  6. What does one do on their birthday during Quarantine?
  7. What does Lucy do when she is freed up from her new fenced home and gets to go nuts back at the old homestead?
  8. How cute are toddler granddaughters?
  9. What happens when you can’t get a haircut for months?
  10. Should you wear a mask to go to the toilet?
  11. Is Zoom better than Sex?
  12. Why is this year different than all other years?

Answers…or not….

  1. See the “Dirty Girl” picture
  2. Such a wonderful opportunity to spend time with your loved one(s)
  3. Why not? Only 233K more people projected to die by the end of June as a result
  4. Tell them to F___ Off
  5. Blow up your TV throw away your paper, Go to the country, build you a home, Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches, Try an’ find Jesus on your own
  6. It will mess up his hair, for Chrissakes.
  7. Depends on the quality of your internet connection
  8. A picture tells a thousand words
  9. Tie up The Queen and start hanging…
  10. Not if there is someone in there waving a gun and ranting about their freedom to choose
  11. Does The Pond wait for anyone?
  12. You revert to Your Sixties CHE look

And that my friends….is ENOUGH!!!
