Stu’s Reviews- #438- Book- ” Outside Looking In”- T.C. Boyle

Genre: Book

Grade:  A

Notable People: TC Boyle

Title: Outside Looking In

Review:    Fascinating! One of the great writers of the late 20th century takes on the origins of the LSD explosion in this country. Set at Harvard in the early 60s, the story follows Fitz, pursuing his PhD in Psychology and living in student poverty with his wife Joanie and young son. …….until, he meets his department colleague Timothy Leary. What follows is an utterly engaging, often trippy look at the nature of reality and consciousness. The group eventually follow Leary, and his partner, Richard Alpert (later to become the amazing Baba Ram Dass, who just passed this week)…with 30 adult and children acolytes participating in the “alleged” scientific study of, first, Psilocybin, and then LSD, as a new treatment for mental illness and trauma. The original scientific experiment becomes one long trip and debauch, as the commune moves from Newton, Mass. (after they are all thrown out of Harvard) to the beaches of central Mexico, and finally to the infamous Millbrook, a 64-room estate in upstate New York -owned by rich socialite devotees of the burgeoning acid tests. Along the way, we run into Alan Ginsburg, Maynard Ferguson and the Merry Pranksters. This is an absolutely memorizing book about the quest for knowledge and exploration that turn into a long running, drug fueled orgy. And, Boyle, who is a master…nails it! In the last scene of the book, Fitz is pleading with Leary to take the “sacrament” , as he feels he is close to seeing God….after vacillating due to Fitz’s clearly deteriorating mental health, Leary gives him the dose…and states….”Fuck God……Let’s get high.”

Stu’s Reviews- #436- Film- ” The Last Black Man in San Francisco”

Genre: Book
Grade: B+
Notable People: Jimmie Fails, Jonathan Majors, Danny Glover, Directed by: Joe Talbot

Title: The Last Black Man in San Francisco
Review: Hmmmmmm…watched this on my flight back from the Caribbean…had always wanted to see it….Pretty, Pretty….strange….not exactly sure what the film is about…urban alienation, lost heritage, confused black identity…..hmmmmm…..all that said, I liked it…the acting was good…and the story is just truly weird enough to be captivating…though probably glad I did not pay to see it….

Stu’s Reviews- #435- Book- ” Stay Hidden”- Paul Doiron

Genre: Book
Grade: A-
Notable People: Paul Doiron

Title: Stay Hidden
Review: A woman journalist is shot to death by a deer hunter on very remote island off the coast of Maine…..and so it begins. Maine game warden (now Detective Inspector) Mike Bowditch is sent there, on his own, for his very first detective case….and it’s a doozy….Bowditch is about all things “Down East”…and Doiron really knows the terrain. The portrait of this isolated island that time has left behind is potent, imaginative and meticulous. Doiron’s writing is beyond reproach and his character development with Bowditch, and his surrounding folks, has been wonderful. I highly recommend this series from the beginning…great evolution.

Stu’s Reviews- #434- Book- ” The Glass Castle”- Jeanette Walls

Genre: Book
Grade: A-
Notable People: Jeanette Walls

Title: The Glass Castle
Review: Wow…Wow…Wow…this is a very painful book to read…took me a long time as had to read it in short segments. Walls tells her own obviously true story of growing up in the Arizona Desert and the coal mining country of West Virginia in her parents ‘voluntary abject poverty…with what may be the two most subtly neglectful parents I have encountered. Bright, capable….and 100% self-absorbed people, unable and unwilling to care for their four children. The book starts with a three-year-old Walls being badly burned cooking herself hot dogs on a gas stove, standing on a chair to reach…and gets progressively worse from there. I wanted to really beat these two people. If you choose to handle this, the book is exceptionally well written, and full of childhood resilience…..these kids are absolutely amazing….just needed some kind of parent…or maybe not.

Papi’s Big Adventure- Day Eleven- Antiqua: in ZEN

Long night…long day……

Turned out room was right above all night Drunken Disco last night…almost moved…but late…and room offering had twin bed….and even more Motel Sixish… can you say earplugs..

Up at 6…at buffet when opened…got e-mails sent from last night…wolfed down bread, cheese, juice…taxi at 7… long, but very good training day…both sessions had folks dancing… weird space out at the airport….

Had first Caucasian in training…Brit UNICEF woman on assignment….who unbelievably knows our friends Alex and Faith in Mt. Holly…..and has been there…how many degrees?…

Traffic here unreal…more cars than people….agreed to have the locals give me a ride back (stupidly not spending unnecessary taxi fare)…turned out be another “Bus”….and had to go to capitol first…hour and a half getting back to the Den of Iniquity….

Finally, had a building meltdown at hotel front desk, when they said they could not print my boarding pass (American Airlines-can actually print one for first time after six LIAT flights).. and would have to go back to room, bring laptop down to WIFI zone, ..and send them and e-mail with my reservation….NOT…Papi and manager had talk at that point…and got escorted to super-secret private room with computer to TCOB….

Ate at Mexican “ala carte”….at least had table service….found a WIFI spot with light…and an outlet….and voila…..

One politically incorrect note for the night….even very attractive Carib women have ungodly butts sticking out…how does this happen?

Lounging and recovering tomorrow until late afternoon flight to the homeland….getting closer….Papi be home soon….

Papi’s Big Adventure- Day Ten- Antiqua: Finding the “Mericans

Hell might be a Caribbean all- inclusive resort full of drunk Americans and assorted others- getting their money’s worth on food and drink all day…but more on that later….

Did I mention that no one…I mean no one puts on their car AC in the Carib…..even if its 100 plus out…….

The SL airport at 6:30 am was an experience…almost got the anal cavity search….could not explain to them what the Netty pot was for (a bomb?)…

For a laid-back culture….the Eastern Caribbean, in general, has more rules than anywhere I’ve ever been…and except for the mini terminal near our house in Vermont, this is the smallest airport ever been to…

Cab drive from Antiqua airport to hotel on south end of island….as a maze of back country roads and major league ruts…and my guy was speedy….got to hotel early…room not ready….sat by beach and had a few pina coladas (all inclusive)….finally got into room, which is the equivalent f 70s Motel six (TV mounted on the ceiling)…and no WIFI in this building!!! all know how that makes Papi feel…they were going to move me at some point, but I said fuck it…and decided to be limited…but with a magnificent view….from 4th floor (tenement walk up quality) balcony…

Grounds are great…great background vistas…trying to figure out how to manage two days with a bunch of drunk Americans (some Italians, and British Ilse types)..who are hellbent on getting their monies worth..

Ocean is great…found the secret small quiet pool in the back with no one there…..trying to be strength based about the whole thing…

Got at least five bureaucratic emails today from the Wash. morons…I seriously doubt at this point I ma going to be willing to come back in January…you should see the shit they send me…and never say they fucked up …let me count the ways…

Gonna run out of battery/light at the remote bar I found on far end property..…trying to weasel my way into the “ala carte Italian “ to avoid the dreaded buffet (can you say cruise ship?

Gone from endless Christmas music to endless 50s….oh boy..

How many more days?

Papi’s Big Adventure- Day Nine- Trekking through St. Lucia

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,

If I hear this one more time……postal…….

Learned that it really is Cair-Rah Bee-In…..not…. Carib- be- in…and everywhere I went today they had impeachment hearings on radio and tv….do we listen to what is going on in SL?…

Went to three banks and countless stops to try and get someone to change US 20’s to smaller bills….no go….I don’t want the EC currency since you get stuck with it….no changing back….ever…

No run this am—ankles too sore after two days of hills-so went to sauna- like gym…and then one more fish breakfast….then hot streets to make journey to capitol of Castries…”just take the bus, mon, it easy”….bus is actually a mini-van…twenty of them lined up…and go only when full (for buck)….trip in was fine , about 20 minutes…..but back….oy….jammed in back row between very large Caribs…smoldering for an hour of bumper to bumper….people clearly wondering who the white guy is doing this…

Castries is the REAL Carib…packed with people, dirty, loud, grimy…vendors hawking everywhere….blazing hot streets…giant market place of fish and tchotchkes….two hours of the promise of the real….was enough to decide against the potential 3 hour trek (on the bus) to the volcano…so took the cramped ride home…..jammed by the large woman next to me humming along with every Rasta Christmas song on the radio…and…all the commercial jingles…just like traveling with Jenn…

Back to hotel for a few air-conditioned work hours…and then some pool time…and then a nap…

Had Duo call with Tess and Bebe…..Bebe seemed to say “Papi”….how about THAT…….

A day late- a dollar short…went to fabled Chinese Rest. for (better late than never) Sunday dinner….Peking duck to die for….but bill 2X any other place on the island (Ten bucks extra for rice)…is that the absolute reversal ?…and though Indian dining an adjustment….all black serves in Chinese place almost pushed me over the edge…..dishes we served on little candlelit table warmers to keep them hot…liked that…. was about to leave whew when the DAILY Rain came ….two and a half minutes of hell…then gone….Could not pass up the Chinese, by the way, as it is next to the SJ Chinese Embassy……

Time to pack and get ready for next jaunt….6:30 pickup for the airport…and on to Antiqua….till then…..

Papi’s Big Adventure- Day Eight- another side of St. Lucia

Happy Day Mons and Monettes:

New Papi schedule….up at 6:30 for jog before the massive and cantankerous breakfast buffet…Sunday morn means really empty Carib streets…up to the top of the nearby hill catch the view of bay and mountains the local elite have….

Making my usual front desk hotel friends pays off with someone cancelling- and getting room upgrade which allows me to stay in my room and not have to move to peasant HQ in ancient building down the resort road….…Gotten used to my little balcony facing the quiet rear….and with two fragrant eucalyptus trees…

Was back and getting ready to figure out three- bus trek to volcano when Gloria, the Eastern Carib project coordinator called me with invite to go with her to a local craft fair…did not want to pass up a local experience so said sure…..said she’d pick me up at 10:30….I forgot to consider Island time…she showed up at 11:30…and then we had to drive to her friend Anthony’s house up in the hills- since she does not drive to the other side of the island, where Fair was housed at Sandals country club…

Fair was an extraordinary mix of people of color….many of whom good-naturedly allowed me the privilege of taking their photos(check out the gallery) …and surrounded by many of the islands rich and famous……unbelievably hot today….hard to stay out of sun….got sunburned just driving with car window open….then got the grand tour of the north side of the islands beaches and back country….got to see the little land mass St. Lucia built in the 80s, connecting the original island and Pidgeon Island….a spot where you have the Caribbean on one side, and the Atlantic fifty yards away….very cool…these are the non-tourist beaches with big families setting up their cook stoves and lights to spend the night….wanna go there…away from the mass of Brits…

Finished off the day with rum and fish lunch at a very local spot in the little community of Reduit….very poor…but very real Carib….not sure they see many light folk there ….but welcomed with open arms…..Got lots of insight about life in the islands from Gloria and Anthony.

By the time I got dropped off at 4…was wasted and bloated….and lulling about ever since….trying to figure out if I can really do another meal today….was planning on traditional Sunday night Chinese…but may have to wait until tomorrow night…faux Sunday….

Still hoping to make the trek tomorrow but will see how complicated it is…..certainly making it to the capitol to see city life…

Ready to move on to Antiqua…but one more day of sun, rum and fish…

Papi’s Big Adventure- Day Seven- More St. Lucia-ville

Caveat……….had dinner with the rum punches of all rum punches with my Fish………………………so….incoherence………

Papi was good today…. rose at 7….. and went to the tiny gym building for workout and 2-mile jog through the empty streets of Rodney Bay…

Then on to the massive breakfast buffet (included)….poached eggs on toast, bacon, plantains, tuna salad, fruit cup, pancakes…lasted me the whole day…skipped lunch altogether….

Brits all eating baked beans, grilled tow-mah-toes and kippers….ugggh…

From there it was on to 3 mile walk along the unbelievably touristed beach…check out the chairs…..and then back to villa…to do nothing for rest of day….napped, pool, read, filled out the start of my fed travel reimbursement forms (will need a CPA to fill this in)…figured out why so many Brits here…apparently this hotel is part of British airways package…I may be the only Yank for miles around….which seems to make every Rasta feel the need to approach me…to ask “do you need anything, mon”?…wondering what the scope of that is?….

What am l going to do for two more full days and nights?….considering a three-bus trip to Volcano tomorrow….after my new best Rasta friend (Simonet) gave me the lay of the land…and I gave him Bunty Station on YouTube

Dinner included 20 minutes of face making with 2-year-old in high chair…she loved Papi….

Lots of Creole woman servants here…and all have really long legs….form fitting white blouses…. and tapered tiny black skirts…old guy dream,…one winked at me tonight and asked where I was staying….but Papi be good…

Am all caught up….did laundry in sink….all expense accounting,…e-mails for next site (Antiqua)….and several hate e-mails to the morons in Washington…..

All I got…..

Papi’s Big Adventure- Day Six- Wastin’ away again St. Lucia-ville

Well…..the verdict is in and I am stranded in SL until Tuesday morning, when I head to Antiqua for last training…spent today doing a grueling all-day session with great group of people…done for a while….

So…now what should Papi do?……open to suggestion….I had hoped to move on to Antiqua sooner rather than later….but the morons at the Fed could not figure it out… am in the tourist mecca for an extended stay…and…. have to check out on Sunday …and check back in to another room….not all bad…AC in this one is quite the dud….and I semi- sweltered last night…..

Had dinner at local Indian palace tonight……weird experience …..being served by Black Indian people….but food good…Fish and Rum….the dinner of champions…

People are a striking mix of East Indian, West Indian, African and .French……quite the collage of colors…and the men all wear the same portent cologne…..went to the grocery after dinner to get snacks and kicks…and found all the local delinquents there on a Friday night….felt right at home…

In dining room here, you eat surrounded by a family of pretty tabby cats, who get fed by everyone…..they are now my best friends in the Carib..

Tomorrow going to explore the Rodney Bay beach area…and see what trouble I can get into….maybe even hit the gym if motivated…who knows – Carib world is at my fingertips….

Stranded Papi