Stu’s Reviews- #409- Book – “The Body in the Castle Well”- Martin Walker

Genre: Book
Grade: A
Notable People: Martin Walker

Title: The Body in the Castle Well
Review: The most recent is another absolutely splendid addition to in the fantastic Bruno: Chief of Police series. Like France? Like culinary extravaganzas? Like good wine? Like history? Like humdinger of a mystery? These books are can’t miss. Bruno is a magnificently complex character-surrounded by the rich people, place and history of the Perigord Region of southwestern France. Each of these books is finer than the one before….and, oh the recipes you can transcribe. Mon dieu! Start at the beginning and read them all- you won’t be disappointed.

Mid Summer Heartland Hiatus

“Hot town summer in the city……back of my neck gettin’ dirty and gritty”………………………………………….John Sebastian

“These ARE the good ol’ days………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Carly Simon

“Ain’t it good to be back home again”……………………………………………………………………………………………………John Denver

Back in the mountains after a ten day surge in the heartland….Saw Sister ‘Jane yesterday at Ry and Lauren’s Pool Party in Cleveland on way back (that means Sloane and Quinn-Lily in one place!!!!!)….Jane says BLOGIN’ A MUST after last week’s absence….so maybe just a little one……..

It was HOT,HOT, HOT….hit 120 heat index last weekend….which sent us out to split wood for five hours……I was so much older then…..I’m younger than that now….

Old houses don’t do well sitting empty in summer heat for four months……managed to get room AC in dormer-bedroom as soon as we hit the home return….and immediately blew all the circuits….

Lawn company decided a quarter of our yard was too wet to mow…..FOR THE WHOLE SUMMER… had to get 35 year old unused-for three- years tractor started and show them how it is done….IT WAS A JUNGLE…..good help hard to find…

Lots of Sloane….Lots of music playing….Lots of first season Sopranos on VHS (Really!!!)…since we have no TV or internet (barely any phone service) at the shrine……….

Reunion of 3 out of five of our kid brood from the 80s-90 (my Moon children came to town) ….with new generation of them…went and replicated our traditional Friday nite hide and seek on the Ohio State Oval (Quad)….Sloane very excited by the drama….despite 90 degree plus heat….

Delaware county Juvenile Court (1984-2003) reunion…….WOW…time stood still for an evening….

Birthday dinner for Nave and Suba….for the 32nd straight year…..a tradition like no other…..

Pool Party with both granddaughters at once in the pool……PRICELESS

Quick trip to Toledo for work…and the air conditioned and internet accessed reprieve of the Marriott…….

And…..Condos….YES…looked at bunch of condos….just let me stick my head in the oven…..but Jenn says it’s time to not have TWO 150 year old houses-each with two acres… maintain in our Golden Years…..CONDO?????……..REALLY???………………………..

Almost made the trip back without one giant crisis (never happened yet)….but we lost our cat Gracie at the Erie Marriott on way back….spent 45 minutes shouting for her on all four hotel floors and the breakfast nook….and knocking on stranger’s doors…only to find her waiting back in the room….always some kind of hitch….

Got nothin’ more….till next week……


on way back….spent 45 minutes shouting for her on all four hotel floors and the breakfast nook….and knocking on stranger’s doors…only to find her waiting back in the room….always some kind of hitch….

Got nothin’ more….till next week……


Stu’s Reviews- #408- Book – “The Crime Czar”- Tony Dunbar

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People: Tony Dunbar

Title: The Crime Czar

Review: Hard to put these books down. Like jaded lawyers? Like young woman in distress? Like plots to take down big, big, bad guys. Like self-depreciation? Like getting into the underbelly and the inside wonders of N’Awlins? Then, these books are for you. Dunbar is actually a Big Easy lawyer and he clearly knows the city’s grift and graft….and all the best places to eat, drink and be merry. this is the fifth in the series-each one has been better than the last. Hope it goes on forever. Gotta love Tubby Dubonnet.

Mountain Rumblings

Take a load off Fanny…….

“No one’s mouth is big enough to utter the whole thing”……………………………………………………………Alan Watts

“Practice ……thirty more years”…………………………………………………………………………………………………….Zen saying

“When I get offa this mountain…..I know where I’m gonna go….”………………………………………………Robbie Robertson

Does it get hot in the mountains?…….Last week we hit 90 a few times ….no one has an air conditioner…’s either the POND or the woods……Sunday hunting for cool glades by the streams…..Driving in Dumpmaster informed blind circles of love down mighty mtn.-dirt roads….in search of the elusive Pond cleaning crawfish…..round and round we go……crawfish, crawfish, no one knows……..not today……lots of dirt road manna…..find a shade walk… magnificent marble and slate graveyard with Deliverance undertones……marble, marble-makes me warble……..shady grove walk…and then….. on to see the Trout King…but that we can’t find….the King always has crawfish……see The Queen spread the little devils in the brown murk….see the giant crawfish and the motherlode of holding tanks…..make good clear Pond….soon…………….

How do you get to Minneapolis from here……orange barrels, orange barrels…down the I-91 crazed northeast corridor …..the sweltering hamlet of Hartford….. big white Deltabird….full house….get nine month old next to me….boding poorly…..turn out he likes Papi…….a lot…….hold and play with him between nursing bouts……Tess asks “what woman in her right mind gives her baby to lone wolf traveler calling himself
Papi ?”………is this a legitimate question for our post-Donald modern world……..who do you love?………..on to St. Paul……STEAMY……but better than February ice sculptures and gloom…….work….work……….we gotta get out of this place…….Twin-Cities oasis at Moscow on The Hill……Wodka….Wodka….Wodka……mile straight up….mile straight own…..big ass Wodka walk…..long journey into night back to the Mount……to the cool night breeze….down in old, old Woodstock……..

And……..Bebe Sloane poses in yard in “no nap for me” photo……..…..And….Quinn-Lily calls Nanna and Papi for animated bedtime story on Portal……..Huff..….Puff……..BLOW…….

The mountain –skislope -gourmand gym is all mine….mine….mine….this time of year…..Wahoo….anybody home…….just Estuardo in his private exercise manse…..a little tubbing… a little schvitz… best friend…..the exotic Francisco …..Tall, handsome, androgynous actor-boy from the city……doo-wah, doo-wah, doo-wah ditty……talk about the boy from New York City…….man-child leading the current Weston stage production……he likes Papi too!!!!…..everybody wants a Papi……yes?…..tiptoe through the tulips….

Friday night recovery-sustenance….down to magical Manchester Art space……..zoom….zoom….zoom…..round and round up another mountain…..acres of art……see the sky about to rain?……….who made this place…….Dinner question from The Queen: “ do you consider this to be DATE NIGHT”….Hmmmm……can you say CONUNDRUM?……..probably not a good answer? to this one?……….annual visit to hear THE BAND re-creators…….The Wait (Weight) Band……close your eyes…..and…it….is…. the Last Waltz………O..P..H..E..L..I..A………come back home……dancing in the streets ….multi- faceted old hippie drunkenness……crazy Chester followed me all the way home…… my cannon ball……

Oh….No…got to Go…..Ohio mid-summer visit prep…..Nous Allons Mardi…, babies, old friends, house rodents……may not be reporting for next few weeks….find some other Sunday morning pleasures……..CHEERS…..


Stu’s Reviews- #407- Book – “The Second Life of Nick Mason”- Steve Hamilton

Genre: Book

Grade: A

Notable People: Steve Hamilton

Title: The Second Life of Nick Mason

Review: The new series from Steve Hamilton-the acclaimed noir author of the Alex McKnight series. What a start!!!!! This book is fabulously written, dark and mean in the underbelly of Chicago. Prison lifer gets his sentence dismissed after five years through the influence of incarcerated mob boss, but has to spend 20 years at the boss’ whim as his outside hit man. Mason is a complicated and troubled character surrounded by goons and evil. this book is made for a movie treatment. I’m all in on this series which currently has two more volumes available.

Mid-Summer Americana in the Greens

Oh Beautiful for spacious skies…..Happy Independence Day to all…..are we going to be independent any time soon?….ya know what I mean….

“Attention is the beginning of devotion”……………………………………………………………………………..Mary Oliver

“”The problem is not enjoyment….the problem is attachment”………………………………………….Tilopa

“”The moment is the sole reality”…………………………………………………………………………………………Karl Jaspers

“You can get it if you really want it”……………………………………………………………………………………..Jimmy Cliff

Blog, Blog…everywhere a blog,
Fillin’ up my mailbox, making me sob,
Do this, don’t do that,
Can’t you read my blog?

Hot 90 for two days in the Greens this week….wilted…no AC….then it rained like the Noah thing yesterday…today 73, sunny, big ol’ clouds, zero humidity….paradise on the Mount…….

We had our first group supper of the season last Sunday…and were besieged by the usual cast of characters: The Jewish Pig Farmer, The Self Proclaimed Russian Spy in Exile, The Retired- Name Dropping Surgeon, The Trailer Masseuse, and The Master French Chef and his Yiddish Wanabe Bride….quite an extravaganza…beautiful dinner on the big ol’ porch table….and of course, smoked pig stuff from TJPF…classic…

The Queen is on a roll….barely saw her all week, as she went form community organization meetings, prepping floats for the six minute parade on the 4th, leading said float, volunteering at the Rainbow Riders therapeutic horse school, cleaning houses, obsessing in the gardens…and sneaking in some debatable house painting when she thought I was not looking or would not notice…hard to keep up with her….I do my best to take naps during all these events…

The annual 4th of July parade was the traditional spectacle….line up along the route way in advance, chat with all the locals on the most recent gossip, have Lucy pull me after every barking and sniffing dog, dodge the shit left by passing horses….end eventually observe the wonder of the six and a half minute glory of the award winning parade…you have to see to believe it… We snuck away from the festivities for a ride over to Lake Bomoseen and to Roxy’s best-in-all-the –world french fries (and lobsta role for a jonesing Stu)…then found a super-secret back road along the 20 miles of Lake Bomoseen…perfect for an out of the sun, cool in the woods, dirt road walk..

Continued my efforts to find the perfect pair of free reading glasses, when I went for a docs appointment and found a full basket of loanable readers at the front desk….boy, was I excited…discreetly picked out a new pair that I really liked (along with all the office staff…”where did you get those cool glasses?”), and left my old ones to be someone else’s’ perfect pair…..this is the official mountain eyeglass exchange program….I think…maybe?

Jenn tells me that everyone should be watching the video of various celebrities’ reading from the Mueller Report, thus if so inclined , here is the link ……….is anyone getting interested in Mayor Pete?

After five years of talking about it, we made the trek on Friday night, over a couple of ranges, to visit the truly eccentric Hall Art Foundation in middle of nowhere Reading (not PA…. Vt.)….This is one exotic of an art event that is only open a few times a month (mostly by appointment) and free on the first Friday night of each month, April through November. Endowed by a very rich Brit, on a remarkably converted old working farm, it features just one set of exhibits every season (almost always from expat British artists)…in a series of magnificently restored farm buildings….I have no idea how people know about this- or where they come from….but the hayfield parking lot was packed when we got there late….after mystical dinner at some roadside attraction butcher- restaurant in the even more remote hamlet of Brownsville….(you may or may not find either of these places on a map)…The whole experience is surreal and worth many visits…

And thus….I think I am out of words for the week… have a mission today to go dig up crawfish from some top secret hole the Dumpmaster told us about….to rejuvenate the somewhat ailing Pond…and maybe a Creamee or two along the way..


Stu’s Reviews- #406- Book – “Down a Dark Road”- Linda Castillo

Genre: Book

Grade: B+

Notable People: Linda Castillo

Title: Down a Dark Road

Review: The ninth in the Kate Burkholder Amish mystery series is quite the tale. As usual, set in the fictional town of Painters Mill in Holmes County (very real) in Ohio Amish territory, this one went a bit too far on the drama side for me. Lord, how much bad shit can happen in one Amish community…and to one very small town Chief of Police? That said, it is exceedingly well written, the characters are rich and Castillo (who lives in Texas) knows the Amish country and culture really well. It does appear that the Amish have a lot more dirty secrets than one might imagine????? Not the best of this series…but I must admit I read 300 pages in four days…so can’t pan it either.

Stu’s Reviews- #405- Album – “You’re Driving Me Crazy”- Van Morrison

Genre: Album

Grade: A-/B+

Notable People: Van Morrison, Joey Defrancesco

Title: You’re Driving Me Crazy

Review: Van the Man’s 39th album (yes, 39!)- is a new studio collaboration between Van Morrison and legendary Hammond organist Joey DeFrancesco. It features interpretations of jazz and blues standards as well as selections from Van Morrison’s songbook and is the follow-up to 2017’s ‘Versatile’, Van’s chart-topping jazz album. Nothing revolutionary here, but Van just keeps churning out quality rock, Celtic, blues and jazz-he even plays some saxophone on this one. Must have for Van lovers….and good juju for the rest.

Stu’s Reviews- #404- Book – “Bomb Shelter”- Jon Talton

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People: Jon Talton

Title: Bomb Shelter

Review: the ninth installment in Talton’s Phoenix Deputy Sheriff/History Shamus, David Mapstone. This one is a barn burner. Talton is obsessed with the Californication of Phoenix and /Arizona-and displays an extraordinary historical sense of the area. This book is a no holds, no stop race to the finish line that left me believing that Barry Goldwater was a mobster. Talton’s series is one of the best in the genre. Long live El Jeffe Peraltha.

Summerin’ in The Greens

Ob-la dee…………Ob-la-da……

“Wherever YOU are, is the entry point”………………………………………………………………………………………………….Kabir

“Where can I find a man who has forgotten words? He is the one I would like to talk to”…………………..Chuang- Tzu

“Stop acting so small! You are the universe in ecstatic motion”…………………………………………………………….Rumi

“This little light of mine…I’m a gonna let is shine”…………………………………………………………………………………Harry Dixon Loes

Ten Mountain Questions

How do you know it is summer in Vermont?

Some time at the very end of June it hits 80 degrees and the sun comes out…..Jenn does not leave the house without her netting mask to subvert the swarm of Black Flies……THE Pond gets full…….the Green gets Greener….the flowers are popping….the Poppers are poppering…..there’s music in the hills…the pile of mulch arrives…..and snow is gone on the slopes (maybe)

What does one do on a lazy Sunday afternoon after The Blog and the chores are done?

Well when the sun is out, one pulls out their walking shoes, puts The Lucy in the car…and heads off in search of a dirt road hike…..said hike usually involving various forms of power equipment buried in the bush, sweeping mountain views, houses that look like old railroad cars- alternating with hidden treasure Mc-mansions and…. rusted double wides…..and tries to avoid the Black flies…..

How do you hava threesome in Vermont?

You go to the chiropractor’s office in Rutland on a slow Monday afternoon…and get both of the chiropodists to work on you…..whilst you gyrate and moan….(helps with the moaning if one of the Cs is a little cutie fresh out of manipulation school)…then you walk out through the waiting room to the envious stares of the waiters…..happy endings….

What do you eat of a warm evening, when The Queen has worn herself out moving a few inches on the giant pile of mulch and keeping the Black Flies off her netting?

You go see the curmudgeons at the Belmont General Store, and if they have not shut down the grill early….you get local grass fed burgers and greasy frozen French fries (may or may not be potatoes)… …….take them home and eat out on the massive table on the newly discovered inside porch….then you try and decide what might be for dinner….

What do you do when you get the itch to see a few people of color?

You head down the Route 7 mountain corridor to Bennington, pick up the legendary Taconic Parkway (built by FDR so he could easily get from The City to his hideout in Hyde Park….which, by the way, has been crowned the most dangerous road in NY state))….and go down to The City….where the thermometer reads 95 degrees –in the shade- –but feels like 110 in the concrete jungle………have a lovely dinner with the long lost Paul cousins at mob-vibe Angela’s of Tuckahoe……….visit Cousin Joel at the Rehab Center where is recovering………try to get Lucy to shit on the concrete or walk a mile in the heat to find some grass…sleep…..wake….pick up crazy priced Jewish Deli to go ($40 for two sandwiches and a knish!) (at one of the two last standing Jewish Delis in the Bronx…which had over 150 of these gems as recently as the early 1960s)…..then…. drive back the way you came….having now had your fill of third world languages for the month….

What do you do when you are away from mountain splendor and spending the night in the north Bronx and it is too hot to go out?

You watch ten ambitious lunatics on the telley yell at each other for two hours for the right to have an eighteen month pissing contest with the moronic Sir Donald (and if you’re really feeling it…you do it again the next night)…and you wonder what happened to Democracy…are we passing the torch yet?

What does one do after returning to the Green from the rigors of NYC outskirts driving, too much red meat, the heat of the concrete jungle…and a dose of third world countries?

You meander over the hill to the Belmont Body and Soul shop to see the Blue Skies Dominatrix …for a grand Trailer Massage…..which encompasses a full review of the 20 crazed Donald wannabes, applied patches of the oils of some place from the sub-continent and the majordomo finish of smoke waving of sage to ward off the evil spirits….then you go home and take a two hour nap…

How do you hit the week’s finish line in the mountains….with a bit of culture?

You make the twenty minute drive down Route 100 to the lovely hamlet of Weston for your first show of the season at the historic Weston Playhouse….and see a laborious rendering of the longest running musical since the Greek Revivals….the venerable Fantasticks……the mountain equivalent of going to Broadway…sans cars, people, horn honking. $40 parking and riot ready NYPD Blue…

What do you do at 8 am on Saturday morning on the Mount?

The Queen rises, leaving The Sage in repose….and treks to see the Dumpmaster with Lucy in tow. Whilst little Lucy rediscovers the wondrous aromas of the “transfer station” (who came up with that moniker?)….The Queen cavorts with Kevin the Walrus…who is again disturbed that both of us had not made the weekly pilgrimage… and threatens to come down to join me in repose (apparently the Walrus goes both ways)…..

How do we celebrate life in the mountains????

In late April, the community lost a founding father, my folk club friend, Jim Osborne. Jim showed amazing dignity in a ten year battle with Parkinson’s. Most of the town gathered on Saturday afternoon at the ubiquitous Odd Fellows Hall to celebrate Jim. Amidst the many testimonials, emerged the theme of an extraordinarily caring person who helped about every person on the Mount at one time or another…as well as a full review of Jim’s propensity to wax philosophic about anything under the sun. I once went to see Jim about possibly fixing a broken led hanger on a piece of stained glass…….resulting in a two hour oral history on the use of led in primitive cultures…..a sad yet joyous day of life celebration…..Will the Circle be Unbroken?

If you have further questions…..feel free to ask…..

The Sage of Mt. Holly