Stu’s Reviews #390- Film – “Little Woods”

Genre: Film

Grade: A-

Notable People: Tessa Thompson, Lily James, Luke Kirby, James Badge Dale, Directed by: Nia DeCosta

Title: Little Woods

Review: Made the one hour schlep up to Dartmouth to the art theater to get our monthly adult movie fix…and worth it. Quiet, very dark movie about two down and out sister trying to get by in oil boom North Dakota. They find themselves falling into the illegal world of the cross-border drug trade ingot Canada after their mother dies. Very real, non- glamorous movie about average people getting in over their heads in drug peddling for survival reasons, and the dark world that surrounds this business- no glory, no super heroes, no happy endings or violent shoot outs. The characters are very well developed and the two leads (Thompson, who wrote the film and James) are excellent. This is a sleeper worth seeing.

Stu’s Reviews #389- TV Series – “Black Earth Rising”

Editors’ Note: You may notice I am adding a new category to the reviews I publish- TV Series. Fifteen years ago I dismissed TV as low form art, but since the advent of The Sopranos on HBO, it is my opinion that TV had emerged as significant form. Indeed, we go to movies less and less given all the high quality offerings on Netflix, Prime, Hulu and the premium networks. Over the last five years , we have watched some extraordinary shows and performances on this form of serial television. So, I’m adding that to the cache, highlighting recent seasons that we have comped of worthwhile TV watching. Please don’t throw rocks at me…

Stu’s Reviews

Genre: TV (Netflix)

Grade: B+

Notable People: Michaela Coel, Noma Dumezwini, Lucina Mzamati and John Goodman, Developed by: Hugo Blick

Title: Black Earth Rising

Review: Extraordinarily impactful drama about the Rwandan genocide of the early 90s. Full of political intrigue, government’s manipulation and the sad story of hate and aggression. Very fine African cast and the story floats back and forth from Africa to France and England. A vastly slimmed down Goodman is excellent and pulls it all together. Coel is wonderful (check out those eyes) in the lead role as a young genocide survivor working as a legal investigator in London tracking down the war criminals . The show is authentic and hits you over the head informatively, though it is quite hard to watch this horrific story and very slow. Very challenging plot to keep up with.

Stu’s Reviews #388- Book – “Homegoing”- Yaa Gyasi

Genre: Book

Grade: B++

Notable People: Yaa Gyasi

Title: Homegoing

Review: A birthday gift from my daughter, this read took me as far from my current serial noir expression, as could be. A pretty impressive first novel that traces one Ghana family starting in the 1770s for over 200 years. Each chapter successively tells the story of the next generational ancestor, moving fluidly from the Gold Coast, to London, Jim Crow Alabama, Harlem and back to Africa. It is an amazing depiction of the slave trade, white(British in this case) imperialism ,and the plantation south, in all its bloody glory. An extraordinary work and exceptionally well written….though I found it very, very slow to read and could not read more than 20 pages at a time. Maybe just too much of a Travis McGee habit…

Stu’s Reviews #387- Album – “Call Me Lucky”- Dale Watson

Genre: Album

Grade: A-

Notable People: Dale Watson and His Lone Stars

Title: Call Me Lucky

Review: wow…never heard of this guy-who is apparently a honky-tonk legend. Got this for my birthday and it’s a revelation. Watson is very good songwriter and guitar player and his band is smoking hot. This album was recorded at the legendary Sun Studios in Memphis (Elvis, etc.) and is a winner. Watson’s voice has a lot of Waylon with touches of Farron Young and Ferlin Husky….with w few nods to Johnny Cash. He also works in some very nice Hank Williams musicality. Not sure where he has been, but I’m really glad to have found him. ……Honky Tonk Heaven….

The Grandeur of Mud Season in Vermont

Greeting and Salutations on this Sunday Morning:

“It takes a long time to understand nothing”…………………………………………………….Edward Dahlberg

“Words, like eyeglasses, blur everything that they do not make clear”…………….Joseph Joubert

“Mom please, there is no need
to put that dinner roll
in your pocketbook”…………………………………………………………………………..Haikus for Jews

The SUN is ALMOST shining…for the first time since we returned. Yesterday was our first rain-less day after ten straight days of rain and never cracking 50 degrees. It is cause for joy….and celebration in the mountains….people are dancing naked in the running streams… We spent last night with our loco Bostonites friends, John and Lydia, up the hill. It is good thing it is 90 seconds away to get home after the usual debauchery…which means Stu is feeling it this morning, and thus The Ramble needs to be in shorthand………Ramble Riffing…

• Mud season brings no joy to the local folks. Half of local restaurants are closed until late May, the rivers and streams are overflowing, there is NO green anywhere yet, the grass is starting to grow in earnest but too wet to cut….and everyone’s car (and soul) is filthy…

• The Jamaicans are back…last two Sundays have found small family work group next door….can siding or painting be far behind? (see photo)…..No crew….No Goats…

• Monday night is still Folk Club night….still three hours of 12 people sitting in a circle singing variations of Kumbaya…they seemed to welcome my standing/roaming/circling frenzied return with bluegrass and Springsteen in tow…..

• The Gym at the Spring house at Okemo Ski Resort is still my personal training facility…went twice this week and I was the only person in the building (see Mud Season above)…

• Yesterday was Vermont Green-Up day…where every town and village in the state has volunteers running around with big, big very green bags to clean up the roads and waterways…..Where else but Vermont where we have now outlawed plastic bags along with Styrofoam…..our small enclave turns out en masse and we find ourselves a few out of the way, no-traffic roads to make pristine so Lucy can help….she and Stu wander around making friends while the Queen of Mt. Holly labors up and down the roadways to fill the Big Grin bags to capacity… (she wins!)

• Speaking of Lucy, she has discovered Jenn’s hidden compost pile… and comes home with her face covered in leftovers and smelling like the Dump……

• Wednesday was my Birthday…having reached an age too obscene to put in print…..we woke up to rain, gray and cold…went back to bed until midafternoon when we had our first “Portal” call with Max (excellent device to capture the prodigal’s wandering style of phone calling)….we finally got dressed in time for the evening news.. and drove down the Route 30 corridor where a beautiful valley runs between two mountain chains…to the hamlet of Pawlet….and had dinner at the 250 year old Barn Restaurant….then drove back and went back to bed…Fait accompli…Next year please…

• Speaking of the Portal experience, we had our first calls with Bebe this week….and she loves it ….touching Nana and Papi’s faces on her screen and giggling to the effects you can put on(Carmen Miranda head dress, Blues Brothers hats and glasses)…what could be better than Nana and Papi in 3D looking like Bugs Bunny?….

• And…..we are less than two weeks away from our ten days with Quinn…..we are doing daily workouts to prepare ourselves for 2 year old duty…

• Spent a rainy Thursday afternoon making the post –workout drive down to the Country Girl Diner in Chester to see my friend Beverly, who has been feeding me lunch at Java Baba’s for the last three years. She has moved on to the Diner…which is a pretty drive…but a midafternoon haul…and no more Free Lunch…but Beverly, who texted me every Friday this winter to ask “how many more days?”…was quite excited…and well…it IS a DINER….

• I got to be the keynote speaker this week at the Vermont Youth Summit in our glorious state capital of Montpelier (can you say Gold Dome)…and was charged with rousing 150 people toward embracing juvenile justice reform in Vermont…it was a horrendous rainy drive up on the interstate…but serendipitous (who loves “spell-check”) drive back on the fave of faves…Vt. Route 100….got the full Monty of flooding rivers and streams since the road goes through all the valleys splitting the mountains …and saw all the new entrepreneurial activity on the way (none!)…..the training evaluations featured a host of comments that sounded like “we want more Stu”…which made the haul of a day worthwhile….but….has anyone ever had a decent plate conference lunch?

• Birthday Party Vermont style-we headed over though the mud over to the local studio-in-a- barn for Claudine’s birthday bash Friday night(she is the founder of Folk Club and the leader of Vermont legends Gypsy Reel band) and got to see all our cronies in one place…cavorted with Margaritas, Jenn’s pigs in blanket with very oversized pigs, and hours of music circle of fiddlers and such playing Irish Reels…had spotting of The Jewish Fish Monger, The Alleged Russian Spy, the Misplaced French Chef and his Yiddish Wannabe Bride…our social reintegration to the mountains….

• And then came the holy-dry Saturday morning…after our Green-Up chores in the morning, we came home to four hours of chain sawing all the dead tree and limbs in the mud (was a windy winter)..isn’t there a village road crew to do this?…hobbled in for a late afternoon rest period with foot soaking and quinine taking…and then up the hill for the periodic debauchery…which centered on the running of the Kentucky Derby- replete with mint juleps…this was my first ever Derby watching (24 hours of build-up for a two minute race??)..and I understand it was the most controversial in history…John proclaimed he will “never –ever watch the Derby again” after the winner was shamed and disqualified due to a foul….after hours of animated conversations ,we stumbled down the hill to bed…

And so, another Sunday, another week…time to get the motors of the yard running, reclaim our house plants fostered over the winter…and the Queen is eying the muddy garden as the day is allegedly going stay dry and we may be approaching 60…..tonight a trip to the beloved East…and then….. we do it all again…

One year older and deeper in debt………in the mountains….


It’s that time……………

“How long have I been waitin’ for you,
How long have you been on your way.
How long have I been waitin’ for you,
Only forever…yes forever and a day”……………………………………………………………………..Jonathan Edwards

“You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.”……………………………………….Pema Chodron

“The day is coming when a single original carrot will give birth to a revolution”……Paul Cezanne

“Left the door open
for the Prophet Elijah,
Now the cat is gone.”………………………………………………………………………………Haikus for Jews

Good Yontif fellow Wanderers:

Have you been monitoring your Sunday calendars? Counting the days? Ant….tici…pa…tion…….Well….it’s time. Am going to do my best to keep this on this short (doubtful) intro side, since the Queen of Mt. Holly has begun excavating our buried-for-the winter treasures from the basement…and is probably wondering where I am hiding ….but…here we go…

Little Darlin’…its ben a long and lonely winter….cold and wet in the heartland and many delayed and cancelled work trips (who in their right mind takes on a project in St. Paul in the winter?). We did get off to see the prodigal in Paradise (SD) in January and then to annual Keys pilgrimage in March. The Bunty Band played every week this winter with our ridiculously ambitious project to recreate, note by note, the Byrds seminal 1968 Sweetheart of the Rodeo album…to honor the 50th anniversary of its groundbreaking release…’s been quite the challenge, and we will be performing it and studio recording in August here in the Greens (3rd annual summer band-visit extravaganza). Jenn did Yoga fourteen times a week all winter and developed a new set of codger cronies at the nearby ecological center.

But….what got us through the winter (and will be keeping us as snowbirds to Ohio) is the two grand babies. We lunched with little Sloane (heretofore spoke of a “Bebe”) and her parents (that would be Tess and Jake) _ every Sunday and got to baby sit and gather many times. We watched Bebe grow from a veritable bump on a log to a six month work of nature. As we left, she had begun to eat food other than mother’s milk- which is quite the adventure in naked debauchery. Missing the next three months of her rapid aging has made the mountain return bittersweet….she may be dating by the time we see her again in July.

We also made near monthly trips and holiday get togethers with our older granddaughter, sweet and precocious Quinnly, who is the trip to end all trips. She will be two in a few weeks and has recently focused her impressive language skills on two words at the moment..…No….and Myself….as in when you are trying to help her put the little boot on the right foot ,and she pushes you away with “No…Myself”…..we are going to have the amazing privilege of having her here with us in the mountains for ten days in May while Ry and Lauren go off to Greece…which will be incredibly exciting and adventurous….and may require a visit to the rehab center for both of us once she goes home.

And …now… we are back in the saddle…arrived mid-day Friday to a high of 38 and snow flurries…apparently skipping Spring altogether here…and have spent the last 48 hours trying to find everything we hid away from the mice and bears. Going pretty well….we have heat (and need it), water, internet, TV and phones….so not complaining …as I sit and type this missive wearing hat, coat and gloves….while Jenn hangs out in the warm basement….…

We did a quick shopping trip to town yesterday, visiting the usual haunts (can you say Ramuntos Pizza?). Stopped at the post office in search of our first lost Amazon delivery of the season (they can’t find us on our mountain dirt road)..and then on to the Dump, where Lucy went berserk with garbage-joy- and where Stu received the gift of a winter parka from Kevin the Walrus Dump Master from his Belmont trading shack. Did I mention that we unloaded our cars in cold , pouring rain for hours…and that I failed to bring any form of winter wear with me (I do have my snorkel gear though, pending my new work assignment in the Caribbean…but more on that in a later missive).

So… I’ll close with a travel anecdote and a survey: Every year we have some unbelievable last minute adventure getting back here (exploding shaving cream, no keys for our house here with us, etc.)-but this year our journey went exceedingly well with no mishaps….until…we reach our overnight stay in lovely Binghamton, NY at the nice little Residence Inn we usually stay at. If you’ve stayed at this Marriott chain, you know they have a nice kitchen for longer term stays. So….as we are unpacking, Jenn brings in our small cooler, and rather than unpack into the refrigerator, she takes out a shelf and puts in the whole cooler …and… places the solid glass – encased- in- plastic rim shelf on the top the black glass- top electric stove (yeah, yeah…I’m getting to it). She then takes Lucy for a walk and I decide to boil us some tea water (foreshadowing?), and place the pot of water on what appears to me to be a special stove top covering . While I then am waiting for the water to boil and e- mailings the Nave to let him know we had avoided any travel- drama, I smell smoke and the plastic casing around the glass fridge shelf that- has been placed on top of the stove…is up in major flames. I keep my wits about me and douse it with the pot of water…which immediately explodes the entire glass shelf into flying shrapnel across the entire suite.

Once I emerge from under the kitchen table and Jen returns, we begin the laborious two hour process of picking up a thousand shards of glass and then making a trip to Walmart to buy scrubbers and scrapers to get the melted plastic off the expensive and brand new stove.

But, really it was a drama –free trip………………………….

So…here is the survey question. Remember the Saturday Night Live routine that posed the question “Qui es moy macho”?….Fernando Lamas or Riccardo Montalban? So I’d like to pose the new question….Qui es moy loco?…….

Queen Jennifah- for putting a glass shelf on top of the stove and not mentioning it…or…

Estuardo…for deciding that this was special stove covering and then boiling water on top of a glass shelf

Choose one only…and good luck with this contest.

Time to get off to the basement and prepare to have our first socialization- going to a 21st birthday party tonight for our sometime yard-boy, Ian…

But.. there will be more…you can count on it.

Love and kisses,


Stu’s Reviews #386- Book – “The Quick Red Fox”- John D. MacDonald

Genre: Book

Grade: A

Notable People: John D. MacDonald

Title: The Quick Red Fox

Review: Last days of getting ready to head back to the mountains for summer/fall…and out of reading material while packing for days…so hit the archives and found an old hardcover edition of this 1964 entry in the legendary Travis McGee series. A revelation!. Every time I read Johnny Mac, I am reminded of how magnificent a writer he was. McGee is the quintessential everyman hero and he gets ingot surreal misadventures in his quest to maintain his wandering sailing lifestyle aboard the fabled “Busted Flush”….and this one is not only a riveting story (uncharacteristically finding McGee schlepping around the country-northern California coast, Colorado skiing, Phoenix)…but it may feature McGee at his most ruminating, philosophical self- pondering the ruining of the environment, questing for the elusive “real love” thing, and considering the meaning of life (he has four ages on what McGee believes to be the ”Freud-Fraud”….Wow…). If you’ve never tried McGee, go to the library or buy a used a paperback and start with this one. What a character!

Stu’s Reviews #385- Book – “The Wolf Pack”- CJ Box

Genre: Book

Grade: A

Notable People: CJ Box

Title: The Wolf Pack

Review: After 23 installments in his Joe Pickett, Wyoming Game Warden series, this is Box’s best yet. a humdinger of a story with crazed hit men (and one especially psychopath hit- woman), wolves, killer falcons, teen angst, witness protection mob guys …and the great character, Nate Romanowski. Just out last month… out to get this one. A thing of beauty.

Stu’s Reviews #384- Book – “High Country Nocturne”- Jon Talton

Genre: Book

Grade: A-/B+

Notable People: Jon Talton

Title: High Country Nocturne

Review: After an initial week offering, Talton’s’ David Mapstone entries have been consistently very high quality. The character have been well developed over time and are believable…even the fabulously exotic Peraltha (now the ex-sheriff of Maricopa County). Talton and Mapstone mix in lots of Arizona history, philosophical meanderings, just the right amount of sex and a boatload of intrigue. This installment benefits from the lurking of a drop dead/ stone cold mystical killer dancing around the periphery of the story. This series is definitely worth any mystery lovers’ and any Arizona-phile’s attention.

Stu’s Reviews #383- Book – “The Precipice”- Paul Doiron

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People: Paul Doiron

Title: The Precipice

Review: Doiron’s tales of Maine Game Warden, Mike Bowditch, just keep getting better and better. His love for the great North Woods and all things “down east” are quite evident. I’ve had my fill of serial killer stories of late, but this is a really good one…set on the remote Maine portion of the Appalachian Trail. His characters keep evolving, and you can really feel the angst, fear, anger and jubilation. I like these a lot.