Stu’s Reviews #396- Film – “Rocketman”

Genre: Film

Grade: A-

Notable People: Taron Egerton, Jamie Bell, Richard Madden, Directed by: Dexter Fletcher, Produced by: Elton John

Title: Rocketman

Review: Went to the local Rutland Cineplex on a Sunday afternoon to get out of the house and this wear he best offering they had. Turned out to be much better than expected. Almost a traditional big picture musical resembling a Broadway play. Vacillated between the drama of Elton’s life and big production song numbers. Of course, everyone knows the music and the story is pretty familiar. Egerton is absolutely magnificent channeling Elton’s angst….and sings all the songs…nails Elton to a tee. Bell does a wonderful job as the loyal and understated fifty year writing partner- Bernie Taupin. A bit clichéd…but well worth the trip to the mall.

Recovering in the Greens

Ola Mes Amigos:

“In an age of constant movement, nothing is more urgent than sitting still”……………………………………………………………….Pico Iyer

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves”…………………………………..Viktor Frankl

“OM”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ferlin’ Norris

“Five thousand years a
wandering people–then we
found the cabanas.”………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Haikus for Jews

Ola Mes Amigos:

“In an age of constant movement, nothing is more urgent than sitting still”……………………………………………………………….Pico Iyer

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves”…………………………………..Viktor Frankl

“OM”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ferlin’ Norris

“Five thousand years a
wandering people–then we
found the cabanas.”………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Haikus for Jews

Well, I’m just about recovered from our nine day odyssey with Little Quinn…though it took two days and a lot of naps. Jenn has been sick the whole week after her herculean effort at mothering a two year old. Moral of story…… it is better to be grandparent than be a parent.

Mountain Reward- after returning from Boston and a few naps on Monday, we tooled down the mountain to Rutland to the beloved East for sublime Chinese food on Memorial Day and a visit with our bestie Mexican waiter, who is passing for being Mongolian.

Glasses shopping in the mountains- in between a ton of rain, more napping and a little actual work, I went down Tuesday morning to see the local Chiropractor. Last time I was there they lent me a pair of reading glasses to schedule an appointment. I really liked these old Walmart-type throwaways (of which I have a magnificent collection)….so I brought a pair of my own down this time…and was able to consummate a trade…this is how one obtains new glasses in the Greens.

Mountain dining- about five minutes down the road to Ludlow from our house is the veritable institution of Harry’s Café…which made a triumphant return to this remote location last fall, after a three year sojourn in some ridiculous airplane hangar of a building down on Route 100 (close to the winter ski hordes’ appetites). We used to go there all the time, but A- it is hard to get in and B- they have ski tourist pricing…..but Wednesday night, we could not think of anything to do for dinner, and went down for a combination of faux Thai and British Empire dining….came home short on wallet and long on carbs…

Day Tripping- on Thursday, we woke to a classic mountain day- 70’s, middling sun, no humidity….and took off for our first real outing of the season….heading up the Route 7 corridor to the charming burg of Middlebury. Hit the Middlebury College Art Museum (world class for its size) and their two new and major retrospectives. The first was a retro of the photographic genius of James Blair, “Being There”- which showcased his work of 35 years as the primary staff photographer for National Geographic. Blair was not only a traditional (pre- digital) photo genius…. but a world class social activist (some of his American series photos were part of a book hastily put together by NG in an effort to defeat the environment onslaught by Reagan and James Watts in the 80s……where is Blair now when we REALLY need him?).

From there it was on to their “50 for 50” exhibit with one major art acquisition presented for each of the museum’s fifty years. Amazing shit (who says thee is no culture in the mountains)….and a great way to start an outing. After the museum we motored over to the great Italian deli , Costello’s, for a picnic lunch orchestrated by the apparent Mama Corleone. We even had the Don Barzini sandwich to be one with the moment. Then it was onto the search for a dirt road (around Leicester-pronounced Lie-ster….since we always drop the “ces” part in New England), where we did our first real walk of the year…to Lucy’s delight. We have had so much rain, the Black Flies apparently have not yet realized it is spring, so it was relatively pain free. After several shopping stops in Rutland on the way home, we got back in time to watch the Toronto Raptors whip the hated Warriors in the NBA finals….Oh Canada….my favorite new song…

The Trout King- made a trip on Friday over the mountain to see the Trout King and obtain the yearly supply of POND bacteria and some pond trout. THE POND is looking a little shaky…so hopefully the insertion of the magic bacteria ball- bags will alleviate the need for the kayak/kitchen strainer activities. Lucy loves their big old drooling dogs…and the endless pools of millions of spawning trout…and no one leaves the King’s lair without a half hour oratory on the godliness of all things Trout…..

Name Dropping in the Greens- a few years ago, I met a guy at the gym, who is retired heart surgeon…out of the game due to a near fatal heart attack (missed his own advice apparently)… and quite the guitar payer…and oracle. I see The Irish Celebrity Doctor a few times a week at the Okemo gym and on Monday nights at Folk Club. His heart attack left him with some residual brain affectation, so he tends to tell me the same stories repeatedly …sometimes 2-3 times in same visit…His stories, often set in Dublin, are always amazing, but this week he managed to relate, in one sentence, having had dinner with Richard Thompson, RD Laing AND Margaret Mead……I am working on my own matching story to rise to the occasion…ideas accepted!!!…

The Angst-Ridden Yard Boy- we have had a long history of young men assisting us on our two endless-work properties. My dear young friend, Marcus, long ago set the gold standard for yard boys back in the Ohio homestead, and, we have had worthy competitors since…..the mountain yard boys are another story. For a while we had a very nice young man, who spent most of this time staring at the primordial life in the POND, whilst occasionally picking up a shovel or weed whacker. Our current iteration is in the form of our young family friend, Ian, who is a pretty good worker, when he manages to remember to come down the hill. Yesterday, we had made plans for him to be here at 9 (I dragged myself out of bed after a late night at 8:30 and got right to work)..…he eventually arrived at noon….AND.. had to leave by one. Of the hour we had, half of it was consumed by his morose tales of self-discovery (and trying to get out of his mother’s house where seventeen people are now residing in multi- generation harmony) For the remaining half hour, he alternately weed wacked and kicked and screamed at the ancient whacker with threats of taking it to the Dump…Good help is hard to find?….

And so it goes….Sunday June 2nd…in the Greens….


Stu’s Reviews #395- Book – “Light on Snow”- Anita Shreve

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People: Anita Shreve

Title: Light on Snow

Review: I wandered into the local library to return a book and found this one on the shelf-liked the cover and the title-so gave it a try. Shreve is apparently prolific and very well thought of based on the reviews. I really liked this book and read it in three days. This is the story of an abandoned baby found in the woods in northern New Hampshire by a grieving father and daughter as told by the twelve year old daughter-and Shreve nails the dialog of a young girl- both inner and outer. Most of the story takes place in their 150 year old farmhouse during a blizzard, and I found it riveting and extremely well written. Will be investigating more of this author.

Stu’s Reviews #394- Book – “Northern Borders”- Howard Frank Mosher

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People: Howard Frank Mosher

Title: Northern Borders

Review: this is my second work from Mosher-a legend in Vermont writing. This 1994 novel is the looking back story of six year old Austin Kittredge, who, after his mother’s untimely death comes to live with his aged grandparents in Lost Hollow Nation in Kingdom county- a barely veiled reference to Vermont’s great and wild Northeast Kingdom. Through his childhood in the late 40s and early 5os, Austin recalls a lost way of life in this remote outpost along the Canadian border, with his larger than life grandparents who have been feuding for over fifty years. Grandpa is an old style woodsman who spends most of the time in a hidden camp high up in the woods and pines for his youth as surveyor of the very far northern frontier of North America. Grandma long ago retreated to a parlor (in between fifteen hours a day of farm chores) where she has recreated her shrine to a fanciful Egypt, The characters in the book are mesmerizing and the setting is a paean and wonderful portrait of a lost time in our history. Mosher’s writing is full of dry and ironic wit and the end of the book is transformative. Mosher is really growing no me and is somewhat a revelation. Lots more to read.

Grandparenting in the Mountains

Oh boy…..Oh boy……

“Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet”……………………………………………………………………………Roger Miller

“Knowledge is learning something every day. Wisdom is letting go of something every day”………Zen Proverb

“ Grandparenting….The Ultimate Extreme Sport”…………………………………………………………………………..Pinterest

“Lightbulb out again
how many of us must meet
to change it this time?”……………………………………………………………………………………………………..Haikus for Jews

Happy Memorial Day…..It’s a beautiful day here in the mountains (finally) and we both took two naps this afternoon after getting back from Boston where we a returned little Quinn and even littler Olaf to Ry and Lauren, who arrived back from their European sojourn late last night….I think more naps are in store after nine days of being full time (I mean 24/7) Nanna and Papi….. Quinn, who Jenn has dubbed Quinn-Lilly (when you ask her anything that starts with “Who”-as in “Who is a big girl?” or “Who made a big potty?”…she answers with something that sounds like Quin-ill-Lee- so she became Quin Lilly….anyway Quinn-Lilly is a true delight…BUT…she is all of two….and we are all of fifty and sixty something….

It has been thirty plus years since either of us had a two year old…and saying that clearly we were out of practice would be an understatement. We were just getting the hang of it, when it was time to turn her in….and time for us to take the rest cure…thank the Lord for ants and rocks which we have an unlimited supply of…..and which turned out to be QL’s favorite pastimes …bending down and screaming at ants and heaving every rock in sight….

Though I’m sure there are other things that went on in the Greens in the last ten days….we were oblivious while trying to keep up with a two year old.

Thus, I will limit my musings this week to the observations and leanings of nine days of Nanna and Papi-hood…and then go take another nap…..

• 2 year olds require a routine…and it changes by the minute….making plans is a fantasy
• I know remember why kids go to day care and parents go to work
• The Vermont Country Store is a built in babysitter
• Kids LOVE Maple Creamees
• It’s good thing to spot the returning (from where does he go?) snapping turtle in your yard so that two year olds can go out looking for them again every day
• It’s not a good idea to take wee ones to Walmart at night…can you say MELTDOWN…in front of a hundred commenting Walmart shoppers…
• Papi should never let Nana disappear for four hours in the middle of the day
• Kids love the “Magic Bridge” that swings uncontrollably on the Appalachian Trail
• The Children’s Museum in Rutland is your best friend
• When you have a two year old for nine days…there is NO Nookie…
• There are many more questions than there are answers
• Nine days with a two year old makes housekeeping irrelevant (It’s a mess!)
• You wake up tired and go to bed tired…
• The winds change very quickly…
• Celebrities we read about who have babies in their later years…have LOTS of hired help…
• When the two year old takes a nap…you better take one too..
• Having nine days with your two old sweetie is PRICELESS!!!!!!!!

I’ve been reading Howard Mosher’s’ novel about being raised by his old school farmer Vermont grandparents in the remote Northeast Kingdom in the 40s and 50s….and keep wondering what did those folks do when their two year old went nuts that we should be doing? I’m still mulling that over…which I will be ruminating about into my next nap….

I think the pictures tell the story better than I can…



Stu’s Reviews #393- TV Series – “Schitt’s Creek”

Genre: TV Series (Netflix)

Grade: A+

Notable People: Eugene Levy, Catherine O’Hara, Daniel Levy, Annie Murphy, Chris Elliot, Sarah Levy, Created by: Eugene and Daniel Levy

Title: Schitt’s Creek

Review: though it may not be everybody’s cup of tea, we think this is the funniest show on TV…bar none…maybe ever. The first family of Canadian comedy have their mark all over this show….and they are so funny –you start laughing before they say anything. Levy Sr. and O’Hara are comedy royalty and their children have not fallen far from the tree. Annie Murphy was born to be their daughter. Dan Levy may be the funniest person without saying anything since Jonathan Winters. The ensemble performance is astounding and the supporting cast, including the Levy daughter and the zany Elliot are amazing. The Rose family- long kingpins of the home video industry – lose their fortune to a shyster accountant and have no choice but to move to the tiny Indiana town of Schitt’s Creek and live in the ancient motel (in one ersatz suite)-since they had bought the town as a joke during their heyday. The parents still dress and act as if they are Hollywood paparazzi and the thirty something kids are overgrown stunted teenagers. Any time we watch something that is intense on TV –we end with a random episode of Schitt to mellow out. Four seasons on Netflix…give this a shot or two.

The Slow Greening of the Greens

Guten Sunday:

“The more a thing tends to be permanent, the more it tends to be lifeless”……………………………………………………….Alan Watts

“Just practice Zazen….Sit… a person deaf and dumb…”…………………………………………………………………………………Dogen

“I always find beauty in things that are imperfect- they are much more interesting” ………………………………………….Marc Jacobs

“ How soft the pedals
of the floral arrangement
I have just stolen”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Haikus for Jews

It’s been a fast week in our mountain home…….was gone much of the week…..and it finally turned to some form of spring in the mountains, whist I was away cavorting in the Twin Cities. Seems like it turns Green overnight, though the waters are still hurtling down the mountain trails and the high peaks are still snow covered.

Sunday last saw the Cross family-with little Quinn in tow, head off to Boston for their flight to Europe, and the handoff of Quinn to Great Aunt Jennie (GAJ) for the week. After 24 hours with our two year old, we were exhausted. Did some clean up, took several naps and then went down for our triumphant return to the great East in Rutland, with our Jewish Fish Monger dinner companion . We had a young Asian waitress who was telling us her story of graduating and not knowing what to do next….we convinced her to take a gap year, which I’m sure her parents appreciated.

Monday dawned with winter back ,and by evening we were down into the 20s and then had two inches of snow overnight….in mid-May for Christ’s sake. So…..Tuesday morning, it was time to go for the tropics…which meant the 2 and half hour drive down to Hartford for a flight to Minneapolis…where it was an astounding 75 degrees…who would think of going to the Twins for the weather?

Our TSA at work…..I took with me a quart size bag of Epson Salts on my flight (don’t ask)..which despite looking like a pound of cocaine, was not detected at screening (pre- check is the bomb).

Spent the week in St. Paul doing my training thing and wandering the balmy streets. Though generally speaking the Twin Cities, is a foodie wasteland, I have discovered this magnificent Russian restaurant (Moscow on the Hill) that requires a 45 minute walk straight uphill…and features 45 flavors of homemade vodka, as well as Borscht to die for. After an immense meal, and several of the flavored vodkas, I was forced to call the hotel shuttle to come get me…and then went back to my room to do two hours of heavily sedated follow up work.

The plan was for me to pick up Quinn and GAJ at the Hartford Amtrak on my return flight Friday…..but Jenn had neglected to inform me I was supposed to take her car, in which Ryan had installed Quinn’s car seat…thus making a return trip prohibitive. So, we skipped the Friday pick up/arrival and had a recovery night at home. GAJ switched her train ticket to come to Albany instead on Saturday morning…and the day dawned bright, sunny and heading for 75. It was like the ending of the ice age…..So, Jenn went down to Albany to pick them up in the morning, while I headed out with Lucy to do the Saturday thing. At the dump, Dumpmaster Kevin the Walrus, bemoaned two straight weeks without a Jenn sighting…and wondered aloud to me if Jenn thinks about him each morning as he thinks about her……Wowish….

The clan arrived back in late afternoon…the Amtrak was predictably quite late (They, like the postal system….should never be counted on)….and we spent some time on the Pond pump installation ritual (dodging massive puddles of water all over the yard), and then Quinn and I applied the anti- schmutz miracle bags (form the home of the Trout King) to the Pond…..see the water spouting into the Green Mountain air…….

GAJ heads back to the Apple on the 5 pm out of Rutland this afternoon, so we will do some mountain hanging today and then deposit her….which will leave us fogies for nine days of two year old heaven….please send whatever energy remedies you have at your disposal….

And bath time is now ending, so Papi needs to joint the game….so….Dat’s all Folks….

Big Papi

Stu’s Reviews #392- TV Series – “Killing Eve”

Genre: TV Series (Hulu/BBC America)

Grade: A

Notable People: Sandra Oh, Jodie Comer, Created by: Phoebe Waller Bridge

Title: Killing Eve

Review: this is one wacked out show. Oh is Eve, who works for M-6, the British intelligence Service and Comer is a crazed sociopathic serial killer for hire. .they become totally obsessed with each other and entwined in a massive love-hate relationship that leads them to chasing all over Europe. Oh is her usual excellent self….and Comer is total nut job….captures the role to a T. Their interaction is one for the ages. Finished the first season on Hulu and second season currently airing on BBC America on Sunday nights….Absolutely love this show.

Stu’s Reviews #391- Book – “The Fall of the Year”- Howard Frank Mosher

Genre: Book

Grade: A-/B+

Notable People: Howard Frank Mosher

Title: The Fall of the Year

Review: Mosher is the novel laureate of Vermont…a living legend in these parts…who I knew of but had somehow never read before. After 20 pages, in was thinking he and I were not a match. But, I stuck it out and the book and his style really grew on me. A little bit of Mark Twain in the most remote part of Vermont…the great Northeast Kingdom. Mosher has created a thinly veiled Kingdom County and the surroundings are all very familiar for this part of the world. This is apparently his autobiographical novel (1999) and it is a rich story centered around a young man and his adoptive priest father- the “greatest scholar and third baseman in the history of The Kingdom”-who has spent his life writing a “A Short History of Kingdom County” (now at 5000 pages!!). Full of fortune tellers, circus folk, mystical Quebecois and trout fishing….it is a quaint picture of life in remote Vermont in the 1950s. I’ll be giving Mosher some more attention going forward…he is pretty prolific.

Peaking Mud Season in the Greens


“Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?”………………………………………………….Charles Bukowski

“Your singing and dancing is none other than the voice of the Dharma”……………………………………………………………………….Hakuin

“Chaos often breeds life when order breeds habit”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Henry Adams

“Jewish triathlon-
gin rummy, then contract bridge,
followed by a nap”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Haikus for Jews

Duelin’ Schmattas: Quinn and Sloane

A Week in the Mountains

Sunday- Dry….into the 50s….picked up the remaining piles of tree detritus….got all yard machines running on first shot (a miracle), retrieved some of our winter- fostered house plants from the goniffs of Mt. Holly…..assessed the level of standing water on the property through which one can wade out in, stared at THE Pond, picked up The Jewish Fish Monger for the Sunday ritual of dinner at the fabulous East in Rutland (Roast Duck with Pine Nuts(, watched the dwindling magnificence of Game of Thrones

Monday- first sunshine in two weeks-almost 70 degrees….put on our bathing suits…..The Queen uses her fem wiles to re-grease the Bo-Bee and get town road crew to pick up all our dead tree piles and put them in the shredder….Stu hits the slopes of Okemo for first outside jogging of the season…Two people in the Spring House gym building today….which seems like a crowd…Blue skies comes for weekly coffee klatch visit and wonders why fireplace is not crackling in living room for her visit…catch up on local winter yenta-isms…. Java Baba week’s lunch visit # 1…..Folk club in the Library basement….fading Celtics lose again….

Tuesday- Raining and 43….don’t count your chickens, etc.….took morning nap….then headed to Rutland for massive Walmart shop….bought mower sparkplugs for under two dahla….what am I going to do when The Donald fucks up all trade with China (and the rest of the world)….on to Ernie’s Hand Carved, where I sneak off to when the Queen Mother is not along…massive corned beef and pastrami on imported NY rye in this tiny Rutland joint….carved by almost 90 year old Ernie is his big white carving hat….home for second nap of the day….Sox getting hot…..have you seen “Killing Eve” on Hulu?….one of great psychopath killers of all time….running out of heating oil….wearing coats at night in house…..Springtime in Vermont….

Wednesday- starting to all blend together…cannot remember anything that happened with all the mud surrounding us….rainy and 40s…again….blah, blah, blah….went to gym, went to Baba (#2)…took another nap…..Celtics lose again…Sox win again……must have done some work somewhere in there…really… I think I did..

Thursday- play day!!!!!!!spent morning allegedly working….in reality, booking various Marriott excursions to places where it is 70 and sunny… oil delivered for furnace so taking off winter coats in the house…..a little sun and into the 60s…..a heat wave……property is greening despite the arctic temps….so got first semi-mow (around the various flood plains) of season done…. The Queen in her yogic glory on the tractor….headed out midafternoon for Dartmouth for monthly dinner and adult movie….stopped halfway in Downers Corners at the newly re-opened Creamee place for state of the art burgers al fresco….on to the cultural wonder of Dartmouth for very dark indie move, “Little Woods”…then magnificent Thai food in a basement with Asian, Harvard-Dartmouth types ruminating over quantum physics…it’s another world when you cross the Connecticut River….arrived home at 10 to a very unhappy and unfed Lucy (let me dump out every garbage can in the house)….feels like Spring is right around the corner…by, say….July…

Friday- More or less the usual Friday in the mounts……back to rainy and 45…..piddled in the morning….off to the mountain Gym where had the building to myself…..Java Baba #3 for lunch….over the mountain on stately Healdville Road back to Belmont village, stopping at Plew Farm for natures best, free-range, organic, yoga practicing chicken’s, big brown eggs- for free as our reward for Green-Up day last week….down into Belmont, where our favorite post mistress, Nicky, was filling in (she is gone to greener postal service pastures in Windsor, and left us with a series of cantankerous fill ins)….walked in yelling for my daily prize (arrival of a one of many long lost UPS packages)..and Nicky coms storming out of her cage, jumps in my arms and yells …”I am your prize”….only in the mountains….Celtics done…Sox win again (are Yankee fans listening?)…

Saturday- Jen has committed to participate in training to be a horse whisperer, so I am tasked with the usual Saturday market chores…..almost sunny- 40 in morning, but soaring to 60 in the afternoon….Lucy and I make for the Dump, where the Dump-master, Kevin the Walrus, is flirting with a Jen substitute (“I’ve been thinking about you all week”), on to post office (closed by 11 am) and down into Rutland. We stop at the Deere dealer to check out the machine of my drams , whilst Lucy inspects the showroom and the lot, then on to the opening of the outside farmer’s market season where everyone greets Lcuy and she receives a dozen treats from different vendors and cavorts with a myriad of her kin. Ramuntos for the two slice special and finally the grocery, where the Queen has assigned me a list that amounts to a treasure hunt thru the store (organic possum meat?). We arrive home to find Jenn in her shit kicking boots and yard weapons in hand, as the sun has come out. After unpacking the grocery treasures, we work on getting the rest of our yard stuff out of the barn and bunkhouse….and then spend hours trying to clear a walking path through the back barn room…..culminating in the hernia- inducing moving of some 900 pound storage unit that the Queen decided we needed to have last fall… it is then assuredly nap time…awakened, shower, shaved and shined we run down the mountain to Ludlow for Tex-Me at the wildly popular Mojo Café….home late…Sox win again…limp off to bed….

And, that, my friend, was the week that was. Nine hours of sun….average temps: 48 day, 34 night….Spring is in the air…just got our second batch of returning house plants…and getting ready for Ry, Lauren and little Quinn to arrive his afternoon…Stu off to the Marriott this week in the Twin Cities, which is a lot more spring like than here. Sunday- Sunday….

Yeah Boy………Stu