Stu’s Reviews #354- “Book” – “Trespasser” – Paul Doiron

Genre: Book

Grade: B+

Notable People: Paul Doiron

Title: Trespasser

Review: This is the 2nd in Doiron’s Maine Game Warden, Mike Bowditch series. I really like the “down east” Maine setting of these novels…remote backwoodsy and the general affinity for the region. These books are a bit of a one off on CJ Box’s Joe Pickett Wyoming game warden series….but bot nearly as compelling. One major difference is that if find the main character (Bowditch) to be hard to like. He seems to make every bad decision possible and is not very charismatic. That said, the stories are good and some of the supporting characters are pretty interesting..…though a little less than believable how much trouble and remote Maine Game Warden can get into… worth a shot…but I’d go with the Box books.

Stu’s Reviews #353- “Book” – “The Beach Girls” – John D. MacDonald

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People: John D. Macdonald

Title: The Beach Girls

Review: Ok-…I mow, the title…is…well… a bit cheesy and reeking of soft porn implications….but…this is John D. after all, and it is 1959….Whenever I run out of library books , like right now in transitioning from Vermont back to Ohio, I have a reserve of John D. paperbacks. Usually these are of the infamous Travis McGee series, but I had one in my stash that was a standalone. Titillating and ridiculous title aside, Macdonald is the real deal…the master of his genre- never has been another like him. So….. if you like tough old mysteries, a bit on the noir side, set in pre-boom south Florida and filed with ruminations on the human and social condition,…his books can’t be beat. MacDonald is the Hemingway of mystery types.

Stu’s Reviews #352- “Book” – “A Taste of Vengeance” – Martin Walker

Genre: Book

Grade: A

Notable People: Martin Walker

Title: A Taste for Vengeance

Review: BRAVO, Bruno……the 14th in Walkers’ Bruno series does not disappoint. Bruno, the Chief of Police in the small French country village of St. Denis (in the Dordogne) , with his trusty steed (Hector), his sidekick canine (Balzac) and his cast of assorted village friends and characters….solves crimes, protects virtue and cooks extraordinary French cuisine in his 16th century farmhouse. You get to know matters of international intrigue, local French customs, exquisite recipes for Canard Maigret and the location of the best wine “caves” in southwestern France. These books should be declared a national treasure.

Last Dance 2018

Oh boy…’s TIME!

“A good traveler has no fixed plans….and is not intent upon arriving” ………………………………………………………………………………………..Lao-Tzu

“Children, one earthly THING, truly experienced, even once, in ENOUGH for a lifetime”…………………………………………………………….Rainer Marie Rilke

“ Splish, Splash…I’m takin’ a bath”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Bobby Darin

Are you missing me, yet? Maybe you should be…as this is likely the last communique for a while….mountain time is coming to an end this week….and the heartland has not traditionally been Blog- inspirational…so what will your Sunday be like now?

Now that you made yourself love me, do you think I can change it in a day?

And…I’m late, I’m late, I’m late…countdown is in earnest- leaving on Wednesday…and SOOO much to do….bad start today-wiped out my entire file on Bunty Station Band memories on the computer…and then had to go DEEP in the bowels of my hard drive to re-crate it somewhat…..who knew?

Vee-Yis-Ga-Dahl….Vee- Yis-Ga Dash…….

And….how about them Sox….too good to be true (TGTBT)…..MAJIC………

Did you set clocks back this morning…..nice at the moment but will suck around 5 pm….who thinks this is a good idea…DARKER…….DARKER…..Uughh……

And Ba-bee Sloane is growing like a week- over nine pounds already (did that come out of me, says Tessala?)…Papi and Nana coming home soon to do some major holding….

Had our first of a number of Last Suppers last Sunday…Thanksgiving in October…with our A-list of cooking friends….was a wild soiree with lots of imbibing and laughing…had to throw people out the door late in the night…which only worked when I told them it was the night for our once monthly sexual event…that got ‘em going…

Are we ready for election day…is it safe to say all people running for office are nuts?…..will there be a De-Donalding movement on Tuesday? In Vermont , where there seems to be an effort at returning to some measure of civility…check out the video of two candidates running for state reps…who after their debate sat down and played a duet on guitar and cello….I’m trying to imagine The Donald and Hillary doing such…

The leaves are gone, the leaves are gone….today is first day cracking 35 degrees in weeks and it’s been rainy and dreary to boot….the inevitable stick season that follows the wonder and glory of foliage…the roads are pretty empty as mountain folk hibernate until the first snow and ski season…good time to go out to eat….but a tad depressing….

Last night we had a celebration for the 10th anniversary of our beloved Folk Club in Mt. Holly…decked out the iconic local (circa 1825) library stage and filled it with current and past FC members…..played two sets of our catalog…it was a tossup whether there were more of us on stage or more audience folks show up to cheer us on…the Queen of all things mountain entertained the kids with hearty snacks and good cheer..

Speaking of whom….The Queen has been quite active all week…packing up a storm, hiding the spools of bedding she stores for a rainy day, plotting next year’s home renovation projects, trimming and more trimming of all the gardens…and making the rounds of her social network for fond so-longs….while the much more reclusive self-went off to Minneapolis for a work jaunt, complete with Marriott cribbing and fine French dining…I’m trying to say my own good byes through psychic mediums…

But tonight we have one last Last supper with the Jewish Fish Monger and the French Master Chef and his wife, the Princess of Strange Health Tools…..heading down the mountain to the beloved East for one last Fine Asian dining experience…

But first….miles to go…the yard machines are beckoning to be cleaned and stored, the house packed, and the property sanctified for the assault of winter….go a lot to do…SOOOOO…gotta go get at it…

Be too well, my friends and readers and such….stay healthy, eat good, make love not war….and….. stay …in…touch…

The Earthly Blogger….Estuardo

Baby Comes and Winter Hits in The Mountains

Greetings Fellow Travelers:

“Take one step away from yourself…and Behold…the Path!!……………………………………………………………………………………………………..Abu Sa’id

“Life, for eternal us… is….. Now”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………EE Cummings

“The point is to perform every activity, from playing ball to taking out the garbage, with precise attention, moment by moment”………………….Zen Master Phil Jackson

“Act the way you’d like to be…and soon you’ll be the way you act”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Leonard Cohen

So, did you miss me last week? What did you do on Sunday with no blog? Such a loss, no?

Stretch run now… back to the mountains on Tuesday for last two weeks…now at 12 days and counting…and it hasn’t cracked 35 degrees since we returned….. WINTER is in the hills….snow on the mountain tops all week…and then it SNOWED all day Saturday….Uughh….

But…this was a baby week in the flatlands. Spent six days back in the heartland with Tess, Jake and Baby Sloane…..what an experience…..Got there just in time for the new nuclear family to come hone from the hospital….spent six days cooking, cleaning, organizing, shopping and taking care of the three crazy dogs….and…holding Bebe….what a little darlin’…Bonus was a weekend visit from Ry and Lauren with our other little darlin’, Baby Quinn(now 17 months)…two precious granddaughters for one Papi….how can this be? ….You can see the complete extravaganza show in the abundance of enclosed pix. Every picture tells a story…

And Queen Jennifah spent six days commandeering the kitchen and preparing deluxe meals to be frozen for the next millennium…what a good Nana is emerging…….…

Which brought us to face the dread reality of the whole living-in –two- places thing….when you live in the mountain remoteness, a trip back to the heartland and the boom that is Central Ohio is quite the shock to the central nervous system….Oy, the traffic, the noise, the sheer number of people, the incessant development….some form of shell shock…and so a quick trip Monday out to the ancestral home to check on the order of things for our imminent return…which is predictably chaos…had us running back to the safety of the kids’ new Westerville house to hold Bebe and try to get our heads around the imminent changes…

And…how about them Sox??????? How are the Yankees feeling about this? Apparently The Donald is now a Dodgers fan and tweeting to the manger to tell him what an asshole he is…..

Speaking of The Donald…I don’t know about you…but I am considering heading down to the Wall and keep the evil hordes of Central American refugees from coming in and taking jobs away from Mexicans…

But…I seriously digress……so, back in the mountains for our last fling….flushing away a storm and trying to find a patch of sunshine to finish getting the property shut down for the winter……hard to be motivated to deal with things when wind and snow are blowing and the trees are losing all their luster….but push on we must……..did get in The Halloween festivities…where the Queen of Mt. Holly got dressed up and spent two frigid hours putting kids on hayrides (came home complaining of a bad back)…and we spent a very cold half hour at the dump on Saturday, receiving last minute instructions from the Walrus Dumpmaster….also made out first trip back to newly reopened (in its original location -eight minutes down the Mount) to the beloved local institution, Harry’s Café, where everybody knows your name….

Well truth be told…I am distracted ..and don’t really have much to say (now he says that, you are thinking)…..but some good visuals may be the saving grace …so take it or leave it…back traveling this week to the warmth of Minneapolis and then return in time for day and days of packing up…tonight we are hosting The Last Supper, an early thanksgiving dinner at the manse for our potluck supper group…so gotta go, cook, clean, chop wood, do some packing (or at least cheer the Queen on while she dos this stuff)….and get in my Sunday afternoon nap with Lucy ….

Be well, do good work and stay in touch……and…Go Sox!


Stu’s Reviews #351- “Book” – “Stolen Season” – Steve Hamilton

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People: Steve Hamilton

Title: Stolen Season

Review: Hamilton is the absolute bomb when it comes to murder mysteries set in remoter and eccentric places. This is the sixth in thus series featuring retired cop and minor league baseball great , Alex McKnight…who is a classic book noir type of hero harking back to the strong silent types of yesteryear. Nothing shockingly original in these archetypes, but the story lines carry a wallop (and are often surprising enough to really catch you off guard), there are a series of wonderful regular characters, and Hamilton is a damn good writer…..for any genre. Doesn’t hurt that the Michigan UP and the “ Soo” (look it up) are fascinating habitats to explore. Would be a great winter night read.

Mountain Leaf Falling While Baby is Coming to the Heartland

Bon Jour Mes Amis:

“Squash Gossip….Lettuce Be Kind….Turnip to Church”………………………………………………………………………………Sign at the Belmont Village Church

“Looking into the old well, I see my own face….then another behind it”…………………………………………………..W.S. Merwin

“If I could define enlightenment briefly, I would say it is the quiet acceptance of what is”………………………Wayne Dyer

“The white bush clovers
Drop the dewdrops
Frequently”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Autumn Haiku

Big doins’ in the mountains his week…and afar……….foliage hit PEAK in all its glory….and is now turning downward towards the inevitable stick season hereabouts…….we have continued to be inundated with rain (see the POND brimming with clean water)…and bounced around from summer like weather to lows in the high 20s at night….and the baby no name is very likely arriving this week one way or another…..but…I get ahead of myself, no?…….

Sunday last saw The Queen once again presiding over the last of Cider Daze, while yours truly piddled round the house on a rainy day, flushing toilets and ruining water to his heart’s content….when she eventually arrived home, we headed out to find some supper on the busiest weekend of the year in the mounts….eventually finding sustenance at little Sal’s red gravy Italian joint down the mountain in Wallingford…..where we joined every other local in the area trying to avoid the leaf pepper crush happening at the more urbane hot spots……

After days of rain and cold, Monday dawned weirdly hot and humid….back to shorts and flip flops, for a last gasp…………..

We took great mountain pride in the moment of the vote for the absurdly twisted Kavanaugh confirmation …when our man, Bernie, had his turn and hurtled out of his seat…. shouting “No” at the top of his lungs….fightin’ the fight…

Monday night we were treated to a surprise video chat with The Prodigal Son, as he rode the rails from Tokyo to Kyoto, adventuring in Japan for three weeks…we watched as the entirely non-English speaking train attendant repeatedly tried to collect the train ticket that Max did not have. He had tried to use his railway pass to get his ticket but the office was closed at the station,….so each time the ticket man approached, Max would wave some kind of paper and yell ”Office, Office”….which seemed to work- at least on that segment of a five train journey he was taking , due to scheduling morass…..

And….The Sox down the demon spawn Yankees…making the sports year complete for New Englanders……

Overnightus-interuptus….we had planned on a tentative two night fall foliage outing this week if no-name’s arrival had not called us to the heartland…but it kept raining, so we stayed home flushing toilets…until the sun came out on Wednesday….which eventually became a legendary 85 and sunny day….so we rose early and took off for parts unknown…bags packed for an overnight adventure…..twelve hours of driving around, three wonderful hikes, seven crossings of the Connecticut River, three meals and two thousand peek foliage photo ops later…we wound up back home at nine pm….which is reflective of most of our Vermont driving trips…usually involving our commitment to either all right turns or all left turns…which seems to have predictable results…..

We arrived home after averting potential life altering trauma , when Lucy disappeared on a very remote dirt lane in New Hampshire- at the site of the Bedel Bridge State Park (really just a boat access point currently).. The property is the site of the former Bedell Covered Bridge, that was the second-longest covered bridge in the United States until its destruction by wind in 1979. The bridge had been the brainchild of an industrious Mr. Bedell, who ran a ferry across the Connecticut River from NH to Vermont, until he came up with the idea of the bridge in the mid-1800s. The bridge was closed in 1956…but after twenty years of fund raising and six years of repairs, it reopened in 1979….only to be destroyed three months later (for good)….but…I certainly digress….so we are in the middle of nowhere with dark descending and chasing the suddenly missing Lucy through woods and cornfields for a half hour or more…..eventually we wandered towards where we had left the car, not knowing what else to do…only to come upon her exhausted and laying down next to the car….don’t know where she went , but she proceeded to sleep through our car ride home, while we had Indian food in Dartmouth and until the next morning…truly, disaster averted….

Saturday provided another in a long line of rainy mornings, and we embarked for town and chore day, starting with the weekly trip to the town dump…where the lecherous, walrus Dumpmaster pulled me aside to wink at Jenn and inquire as to how many nights I had stayed warm this week…I will say that the nature of this relationship has provided us with free garbage disposal for the last two years…..then off to Rutland, where we had the once in a lifetime experience of finding the Walmart shut down (water line break)…so picture Saturday morning at the only Walmart within three hours….and a line of desperate shoppers being turned way and staring longingly through the windows at the shiny merchandise inside….

Riddle of the week………if you ever read Tom Robbins’ seminal “Another Roadside Attraction”….there is a story in the novel that ends with the line “Rudolph the Red knows rain dear”….I won’t try and give you the back story context of this…but I always thought that Robbins had come up with that line and then wrote the whole novel around it….so(where is this going?)……this morning I wake up with my own novel- creating line going through my head over and over …..”Chat in Uber, Tutu”…………so, can you figure out the reference, what question this answers and how to make a whole book out of it?

This whole obsession came about when we were suddenly awakened by the shattering- of- silence boom of the Jamaicans showing up and firing up their generator next door…which faces our bedroom windew….….it is quite cold this morning but the sun is coming out and Lucy is staring fixedly out the front door window trying to figure out how she can escape down to access some goat…..and we are destined for a day of battling yard machines in preparation for our exodus in four weeks…and..…waiting got for the no name arrival call….will see what the coming week brings and possibly (or not) sending out the update missive next Sunday……until then…….Darling, je vous aime beaucoup, Je ne sais pas what to do.


Stu’s Reviews #350- “Book” – “Among the Wicked” – Linda Castillo

Genre: Book

Grade: B+

Notable People: Linda Castillo

Title: Among the Wicked

Review: this is the umpteenth entry in the wonderful Kate Burkholder series set in Amish Ohio. Chief Burkholder is now in a hot and steamy relationship with the damaged by charming agent Tomasetti from the Ohio BCI (figure it out)…and gets into more trouble than one could imagine happening in an Amish community. The ends seem a bit predictable to me, but the writing is really good, the evildoers unforgettable and Burkholder is a restrained hottie. I read this book in two days flat, so it…moves. This is not life changing literature……but want a quick satisfying, voyeuristic read…..go for the Chief.

Stu’s Reviews #349- “Book” – “The Locked Room” – Paul Auster

Genre: Book

Grade: B+

Notable People: Paul Auster

Title: The Locked Room

Review: Been on a Paul Auster kick for last six months….great, great writer. As I’ve said before, his books are beyond dark, and this one does not drift away from that supposition. This is the third and last of his New York trilogy- preceded by The City of Glass and Ghosts-all published in the mid-80s. These are high quality endeavors- but somewhat difficult books to read. Very, very heady, with little action. Most of it takes place inside his head…which is quite full of very dark thoughts an images. All three books are a variation on one central character-the mysterious Fanshawe-who seems to represent some lost part of Auster himself. They are somewhat mystery-oriented in genre, but that would be over simplifying the case…they are pilgrimages of a man’s quest for illumination and resolving lost causes. If you get that, you might like these books…not certain that I get it…or that I really like them. Still, great literature is great literature…like it or not.


“I will walk by myself and cure myself in the sunshine and the wind”………………………………………………………………………………..Charles Reznikoff

“”A man cannot make a pair of shoes rightly unless he do it in a devout manner”……………………………………………………………Thomas Carlyle

“The last refuge of the insomniac is a sense of superiority to the sleeping world”……………………………………………………………Leonard Cohen

“I’m the president of the United States. I’m not he emperor of the United States”……………………………………………………………Barack Obama

“She was all dressed up in costume, and wearing one of those little Jew things on her head”……………………………………………My eldest niece, raised in a very Jewish home, about her daughter’s wardrobe in her role in a college production of Cabaret

The Autumn leaves…………..abounding in the occasional bright sunshine of early October in the mountains….this is the full glory of Vermont…which leads to many, many absurdly similar photo ops…I did my best to cut the volume down….but still………………………..

It has continued to be a pretty wet autumn in the mountains….and now we have the added pleasure of nights in the 30s….but the shit system is fully functioning, THE POND is full, and fall activities are persistent. We had a rare sunny day last Sunday, and ventured a dirt road meander up to Wallingford Pond, where we had not previously been…took a long walk through the colors and sweeping mountain views of the season…which led to long naps for Lucy and I and more digging and rooting in the yard for the Queen…

Speaking of whom….she has given up the two year long treasure hunt for a pickup truck….and we have agreed to purchase Ryan and Laurens’ Jeep Renegade….which is currently residing in Cleveland…and will someday, somehow, make its way back to us..

And how about the Sox….in mortal post season combat with the demon spawn Yankees….

With a mostly rainy week, we have taken to even more serial TV watching at night….after years of avoidance we are taking on the full monte of Breaking Bad…which might be the strangest character transformation in big or little screen history…Walter, what-up?

With your faithful blogger bent over with a back tweak this week (can you put my shoes on for me, please)….not a lot happened, aside from counting rain drops, trying to deter Jenn from even more house projects, writing up a storm and watching baseball….but, Thursday, dawned with the promise of dry and sunny somewhere or other…so we took off in the early rain for points unknown ….more precisely consulting the Ouija board for the most likely place within a three hour drive for the sun to peak through……………

This led us west to the shores of Lake Champlain, and the rolling farm country…a moon like landscape surrounded by mountains every which way…and…sure enough, by midafternoon, we had a glorious fall day….for some dirt road hiking and views of the great lake…with Lucy in tow, we explored some old lakeside communities (called “camps” here in the mountains- home to the “Woodchuck Mafia” )…and generally trespassed all over the place….Jen communed with the various animals in the various pastures….. while Lucy steadfastly chased small critters through the woods..…and I limped along…

All the walking and driving led us to our destination for Jenn’s second (of five) birthday dinners…to the lovely Cafe Provence in Brandon…anther place we have be around for 20 years and never dined in…Can you say Cassoulet?……nothing hits the stomach and the wallet like a fine French repast…and after a mandatory cruise to Walmart in Rutland (we had not been in over two weeks and feeling a little jittery from the cold turkey of it)…we arrived safely back at home for baseball and carry out French chocolate decadence…….

And, now…we are in the midst of Columbus Day weekend…the holy grail holiday in New England…and that means the annual Cider Daze extravaganza in our lovely hamlet of Belmont/Mt. Holly….this is where two thousand tourists descend on our tiny village green (population 400) for a weekend of music, cider, shopping for tchotchkes and ooh-aahing at the changing leaves..…I spent the afternoon there yesterday playing a set of music and walking around with Lucy (who I regret to say is not really a chick magnet…but a very good old lady magnet)…came home briefly to greet our weekend Airbnb guests and then headed back to town for the infamous Oddfellows Hall to serve the annual roast beef community supper (two seatings, 200 belligerent eaters)…..luckily , my hobbling has receded…..meanwhile, have not seen hide nor hare of the Queen for two days, as she cavorts in her role at the Empress of Mt. Holly….she is undoubtedly out there somewhere making new friends, extolling the virtues of mountain living and generally helping people to appreciate Vermont life……I expect we will have a half dozen new dinner companions by the end of today………………………………..

And, that my friends….is as much (or little) as I have to say today (did he really say anything?) …still on baby watch…none yet…next scheduled flight to the heartland is on Tuesday……smoke ‘em if you got ‘em…

Happy , happy, happy…….. falling leaves……
