Stu’s Reviews #348- “Book” – “Ice Run” – Steve Hamilton

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People: Steve Hamilton

Title: Ice Run

Review: You’ve probably had enough of these reviews of the same book series…but I can’t help being a serial reader…kind of a compulsion. This is the sixth in Hamilton’s Alex McKnight series …and does not disappoint. As usual, we have McKnight in the frozen tundra of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula in the dead of Lake Superior winter, when adventure beckons him into remote provincial Canada. It’s a barn burner , full of twists and odd characters….all centered around his obvious love, and fabulous description, of life in that part of the world. Hamilton is a shockingly good writer, and his books go by in a mad dash. I’ll be bummed when there are no more left in this series to read.

Mountain Peak-aboo Beginning

Gotten dag meine Freunde:

“Without a rope, people bind themselves”………………………………………………………………………………………………Zen Saying

“Perfectionism is slow death” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Hugh Prather

“If on earth there be a Paradise,
It is this, It is this, It is this.”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Amir Khusrow

“amidst swollen moon
face of wicked witch smiling
bats fly in frenzy”………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Haikus for Halloween

Been a busy week here in the mountains….leaves are beginning to sparkle and alternating between warm, sunny days and cold overcast or rainy, with nights sometimes down in the 30s….we had expected to do a two night getaway to peep at leaves this week, but it turned out to be rainy and cold…..and then there is the issue of going places that have no phone service (half of Vermont) while on the baby watch…..speaking of which …still on hold and waiting, though the oven is bursting as apparent in the prego selfie. We have now cancelled two of our ridiculously scheduled eight flights in a row (every four days or so, booked on points with Southwest and therefore easily cancelled)..…next scheduled flight is this Wednesday the 3rd.

Sunday last turned out to be day long adventure of mountain cleanup…mostly from the shit hole excavating…but no complaints…we are now flushing fools- often flushing the toilets just because we can….the Queen of the Mount was in her glory…digging and planting….your chronicler schlepped all day and is still bent over from the weight of it all…and little Lucy found at least five piles of assorted aromatic matter to role in….she is often spending her full days banished to the outdoors now, until she is provided the icy hose bath ….Jen has some pretty strict standards about what can come in the house, though I rather enjoy the varied aromas….she also managed to get into my book bag this week while we were away….and consumed the contents of a gallon size Ziploc bag of airline snacks (sha has mastered how to open the zipper of the ancient vessel)…..when I came home and found the little pretzel bags all over the living room floor and Lucy in a carb/sugar induced coma… I yelled at her “just wait until your mother gets home”…….

Since we did not do the planned getaway this week, we settled on a couple of day adventures…so on Tuesday, in a full day downpour, we spent the day in Rutland going to a movie (see my review,-better left unmentioned) and dinner at the Victorian Inn in Wallingford, where we had been meaning to go for six years and proved worth the wait. The owners are from Switzerland and have run the place for almost 30 years….so, of course, Schnitzel was the order of the day. We were the only people there and wound up getting a personal tour of the bowels of the 10,000 square foot Inn.

Thursday turned out to be a beauty….70 degrees, blue skies, sunshine….so we headed out early for a day of wandering… we had planned to hit a couple of art exhibits in Central Vermont, but had failed to read the fine print and none of them was open…nor was the legendary Worthy Burger in South Royalton….so the day did not go quite as planned. But, we did a nice circuit through South Strafford, Chelsea, Tunbridge and South Royalton (four of Vermont’s most quaint villages), sat on every lovely town green, had lunch on the ground, looked for the brightest red maples and took a dirt road stroll. Really…..not much happened but it was a good day away anyway….and Lucy managed no rolling in her first day of roll-recovery….. Mid-morning we stopped in the tiny hamlet of South Strafford as there was an assemblage on the town green of what looked like most of the town. Turned out they were all out to watch a 150 foot crane and the accompanying ascent of two men in a lift to replace the weathervane on the 250 year old town meeting house up on the hill (one of the prettiest in Vermont)…watched for an hour at a snail’s pace….so we gave up craning our head’s once they got the old weathervane off…but no one else was budging from this riveting spectacle. Late in the day , on our dirt road walk, we came across this massive gathering of off raid vehicles coming together for an annual off- road bird watching safari (their word not mine)..which I can only describe as surreal……quite a boost to the camouflage gear market…

Theft in the mountains…..turns out our local General store in Belmont (which has recently had a shift to its sixth owner in last 15 years)…..has been robbed twice in last year…which was relayed to us by one of the local yentas, our on-site hair stylist from England)….the first guy was caught selling the cigarettes he boosted the next day on E-bay…the second guy was caught when he interrupted his pilfering to make himself a fried egg sandwich on the grill…..these guys are not keeping up with modern crime techniques apparently…

I received a DVD in the mail this week from good friend in Ohio, The Naven, who had taken a collection of super eight films of mine- dating from 1966 through 1974 to Costco to have them modernized….wow…is all I can say….the short film vignettes are Chaplinesque, whirring around at lightning speed…..and classic little glimpses of the times… hoping to put them up on line the near future for those of you who have been around that long…those were the days, my friends…

We had two overnight Airbnb guests this weekend….each unusual in their own way…..the first was a woman who had stayed with us before, who is here to spend a parents’ weekend with her son who is a nearby recovery center…he is with all the meth heads and heroin addicts, but he, himself, is a computer addict (Tess wants to know if that means he cannot have a phone)…..our guests last night were here for a wedding nearby with some people we know…and told us the wedding was “complicated”, as it as the joining of two women who had both become men…..figure that one out……..only in Vermont…

Yesterday was a brisk fall day, as the colors continue to bloom around us….so after our weekly dump visit (the Dumpmaster was advising me to catch and grill a up a few trout from our pond, which will make the little lady more frisky….this, an example of the weekly advice the sage provides) we took an afternoon hike up a nearby hill and got some good images…..then went down to Rutland to a German mecca for an under the big tent Oktoberfest….full German buffet and schooners of beer…..they had a nice three piece acoustic band who played folksy music…to the chagrin of the celebrants who came in their Tyrolean hats and lederhosen….and were wondering where the hell the polkas were…….

And that, my friends, is all she wrote…may or may not be a Blog edition next week…depending on the potential arrival of baby what’s’- her-name….but we’ll be back sooner or later…..Eat well and enjoy the autumn shift…………………


Stu’s Reviews #347- “Book” – “Dry Heat” – Jon Talton

Genre: Book

Grade: B

Notable People: Jon Talton

Title: Dry Heat

Review: This it the fourth one (in order) that I’ve read in the David Mapstone series about history Shamus turned unwilling detective in the Phoenix heat. Good story and love the characters. I usually appreciate an authors’ devotion to place/setting and Talton, a fifth generation Arizonian, clearly is devoted to Phoenix and the desert…but I thought this one went obsessively overboard in his musings about location, it’s history and its decline from a wonderfully quirky small city in the desert to a Midwestern escape mecca..…essentially ruined by the developers and the snowbirds. I basically agree, but could do without being schooled on this every other page. The story is catchy, though, and the writing and dialog are top notch.

Stu’s Reviews #346- “Film” – “Crazy Rich Asians”

Genre: Film

Grade: C-

Notable People: Constance Wu, Henry Golding, Directed by : John Chu

Title: Crazy Rich Asians

Review: Oh boy, where to start. I’d like to be fair about this movie, but find it hard. I’m aware that many people go to the cinema for pure entertainment….a distraction, if you will, from the world (especially the Donald laden world)….and recognize that I am a film snob of sorts….but this movie was really crap in my estimation. The critics gave it good reviews and it was the highest grossing film in the country for several weeks- so I had some expectations…for naught. Clearly, this film does for Asian folk, what “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” did for Greeks and “Slumdog Millionaire” did for East Indians….and maybe that is the draw…..cultural representation. For all these reasons, I gave the film a very generous grade of C-……my inclination was for a F! Predictable, formulaic, feel good only film without anything to give it substance. Goes for the easy sentimentality at every turn. Lots of eye candy, but not much mind candy. I stayed warm and dry in the theater on a rainy, chilly mountain afternoon, but that’s about it. This is the kind of film I would watch on a long overseas flight to aid in falling asleep. I’d rather stay home and serially watch ten episodes of Braking Bad.

Slight Autumn Interruptus in the Greens

Many salutations ya’ll:

“Our great and glorious masterpiece is to live appropriately”……………………………………………………………………………………………Michel de Montaigne

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud!”………………………………………………………………………………………….Coco Chanel

“I’m so proud of beeeeeing……. loved by you” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Curtis Mayfield

“After the warm rain,
the sweet scent of camellias.
Did you wipe your feet?”………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Haikus for Jews

Sunday morning…..bright blue skies, steam coming off the roofs, after 35 degree frost last night………………heating the house up for the first time….leaves just beginning to pop in earnest….and the Shit Storm is over….but more on that later…

Was a busy week, mostly away for the mountains….made the trip last Sunday down the Route 7 mountain corridor –to the first municipal airport in America at Albany International (one flight a day to Canada)- for a surreal mid-summer trip back to Cowtown….how weird is to be a tourist in your hometown?……did the whole taxi, downtown hotel, exploring the city streets thing in Columbus for three days….two days of training at the majestic Ohio Supreme Court…… Caught dinner with the expecting couple… very ripe, busting- at-the- seems baby-bearer of a daughter and son-in –law, Jake, picked me up for dinner on Monday…with a trip to familiar and beloved Aab India in Grandview for an eventful taste of ethnic dining (see the photo of the feast)….Tess is day to day to drop and we are in on -call mode to scoot back to the heartland for a short week once L’Enfant arrives…she is in the late summer, overly pregnant heat doldrums of waiting for the blessed event…it was a major bonus to hang with the kids…

Headed back to the Mount on Tuesday night late for a quick night at home…had one flush and a dripping of precious water and repacked my bags…and headed off on Wednesday (with my grocery bag full of car lunch…Hi ho, Hi ho…off to work I go)) for my monthly overnight up in Waterbury for the Governor’s Council meeting…..having the good timing and privilege of involvement in a major renaissance in Vermont in work with kids and families (passed this year the most liberating juvenile justice legislation in the nation)….so the ersatz church lady (former Vermont s Chief Justice) and I are spearheading a committee on jurisdictional changes (you may have to google that one)..…a trip to Waterbury always means a reprieve from the rigors of mountain living (read: SEPTIC ISSUES) and includes a really nice stay at the presidential suite at the local Marriott, a jog through the lovely Vermont village and my favorite little out of the way Thai joint accessed by a life- in- your-hands sprint across the street on busy Route 100 (through the crazy Waterbury to Stowe traffic)…..

And, whilst the cat was away….the TRUE shit diggers came and dug up most of the back yard. After eight hours of occasional digging, five loads of gravel, two really bored mountain boys sitting around in between Dad’s rock loads, Jenn romping around in her shit kicker boots and a bunch of illegal piping…..we have launched…and have a restored septic system (Stu showed back up from the Marriott for the end of the festivities)…who knew what a privilege it is to be able to flush the toilet after a satisfying BM?….may never again take that for granted after six weeks of primeval living..…so now the yard is a total mess from schlepping the earth mover and gravel truck through it….but…. we can now wash dishes like normal people, and take an occasional shower…this is truly a revelation….We love the Shit-Men….though will see if we feel the same way once the invoices arrive….

And…have I mentioned, we are now on the very special all Carb- all the time diet?

Saturday was a chilly overcast day- so we bagged all our yard restoring, chore catch up, gutter cleaning plans…and after a semi-quick trip to the Dump, and requisite weekly consultation with The Dumpmaster, drove up to Dartmouth for a bit of culture and diversity……hard not to like Hanover, NH on an early autumn Saturday afternoon, which seems like a scene from Love Story..…speaking of which, we got to see Spike Lee’s new one …BlacKkKlansmen (check out my review)…which is mandatory viewing in The Age of The Donald…Mandatory!!!……..and were also rewarded with a Harry Belafonte sighting in the film (talk about an American treasure)……we had a lovely crepe brunch at Vermont’s iconic Skinny Pancake and après movie chocolate decadence from the local rich, kid-care package purveyor of kitty crack….a wonderful day away….and….came home to a guilt free BM…..what’s not to like?

So….the clock is running…and the avoided chore list awaits….so…. Hi ho, Hi ho……hoping to catch a two night getaway- fall outing this week if the creek don’t rise and the baby don’t come….so…… will wait and see…learn to be….free to pee….watch the colors on the tree, la-da-da and la-dee-dee……love to you from me……

Ferlin’/Papi/Stu, Chuck/Skippy

Stu’s Reviews #345- “Film” – “BlacKkKlansmen”

Genre: Film

Grade: A

Notable People: John David Washington, Adam Driver, Laura Harrier, Directed by: Spike Lee

Title: BlacKkKlansmen

Review: Must see…the long awaited new film is Spike Lees’ latest “joint”, and well worth the hour plus Saturday afternoon trek we made up to Dartmouth to see it (hard to find such films in the mountains). Powerful film both for the times it takes place, and for our current state of affairs in Amerika. The true story surrounds a rookie detective in Colorado Springs infiltrating the KKK. Amazing attention to detail, great camera work, brilliant sound track and a sterling cast of characters-….all pulled together by Spike’s direction. Alec Baldwin kicks if off with a stunning racist rant, Washington is wonderful in the lead role, Driver continues his acting ascendancy and Harrier channels the spirit of the great revolutionary, Angela Davis. Harry Belafonte adds a perfect cameo. It is all overseen by Spikes brilliance….check out his homage sequence at the end to the classic Blaxploitation films….and then followed by a hard hitting political commentary based on the Charlottesville race fiasco. Spike remains at the top of his game and challenges us in every way. Long live Spike!

Stu’s Reviews #345- “Book” – “Leviathan”- Paul Auster

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People: Paul Auster

Title: Leviathan

Review: The man I believe to be our Darkest living writer, writes his darkest work yet I this extraordinary work detailing a man’s journey from eccentric writer to minor terrorist. As usual, Auster uses himself as the lens for the story…..a rich and vivid portrayal of a trek into darkness (or light?- tutorial of Auster, it is not totally clear which ). Auster is undoubtedly brilliant and a true original. I find his books riveting, but he might just be TOO dark for lot of folk.

Indian Summer in the Mountains

Mes amigos:

“Normality is a paved road. It’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow”…………………………………………………………………………………………Vincent Van Gogh

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Jack Kornfield

“Slow reading is like boulabaise”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….John M.

“Hava nagila,
hava nagila, hava–
enough already”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Haikus for Jews

Well, this a shift…blogging from the friendly confines of Baltimore-Washington International (known to the commoners as BWI)….en route from the mountains to the Columbus heartland…no, not it’s yet baby time….actually sneaking in under the dark of night to do a couple of days of training and then sneaking back to the mountains…

This is basically my third work trip in ten days- enduring the heat in both St. Lou and Baltimore (it’s called Charm city for a reason….have you watched The Wire?)….so much for my fabled semi- retirement…

But what a drive…down Route 7 through the splendid Greens on one of those God-like early Fall days that only happens at elevation…mid 70s, big, big, blue skies, puffy clouds and just the hint of foliage busting out all around…we seem to have stalled on the foliage front, and looks like it’s going to a pretty late peak this year…and… love the little airport at Albany when I can manage to find flights out of there…$9/day for valet garage parking may be the deal of the century….AND….did you know that Albany airport was the first municipal airport in the country???

Yesterday was another perfect day for the Mountain Queens’ BIG 55 birthday…in typical mountain fashion, we started the day with mower repair and then a trip to The Dump, where Dumpmaster Kevin proceeded to give Jenn several surreptitious birthday squeezes. He then instructed me (while she was perusing the massive metal junk pile -see the website cover page) on what I should do to get Jen “in the mood tonight for some birthday fireworks”…The Dumpmaster is truly our sage in the woods…. and on top of that he gifted us an almost new massive carnival tent that someone had dumped at the dump…

From there we headed out for a birthday lunch, which in the mountains has an interesting twist, taking us to the Tinmouth Snack Bar (more than it seems….but not that much more)…where we dined al fresco in their backyard surrounded by mountain beauty….then on to find the proverbial dirt road for a leisurely midafternoon hike through the silent countryside…you can see it was a darn good walk from the photo of Lucy with her gigantic tongue droopfully hanging from her mouth…..

And also…. at 8 am this morning (on a Sunday no less) our cantankerous mountain plumber showed up with his SHIT-expert (Bill and Phil…nice ring, no?)….and have collectively determined our septic system reparable without cashing in our 401Ks…so we’re keeping our fingers crossed that this week may be the end of six weeks of water rationing….and the end of showering/laundering at whoever’s house will have us…carting dishwater out to the yard and the infamous once only a day flush (which sometimes provides some unique surprises). I think our months long septic trauma is best captured by the photo at the end of this diatribe (parents-do not let your kids see this)…which more or less captures the whole shebang (if you don’t read The Blog on e-mail version, you’ll have to go through the photo gallery to find it, as I did not think having it on the cover of my web posting was quite in bounds (Bet that has your attention) ….but to e-mail friends….let’s hope so)…

With being gone most of the past week, you would think I would not have anything to say…shame on you…but I am limited… maybe briefer than usual…maybe not….

Friday brought the return of our Boston Shanty (but…NOT Southies) friends John and Lydia, who invited us up the hill for dinner and drinks (a euphemism for getting bombed)…we should know by now that these events require sleeping the entire day in preparation and then having nothing to do until midafternoon the next day…but we do not learn well on this…and the usual debauchery presented itself….with the notable addition of meeting our new best friends, Hench and Heather……it is kind of hard to describe what these evenings are like (Phil might be able to chime in here after having the experience this summer)…but it is somewhere between a carnival, a 60s “happening”, performance art and watching/being gladiators…..maybe best captured by some of the quotes of the night…….”I drop acid and I want to kill my husband”…”You’re a big fake on the intoxicant front”…”I really just want to be making pickles”…though, maybe, you have to be there and keeping up to appreciate these…

And finally, I am thrilled to get around to providing the elusive link to the Bunty Station Vermont 2018 studio sessions, that we did last month…if you are so inclined to listen…enjoy….and let us know what you think…

And that is about it…Jenn is now a legal senior…I am casting my shadow around various airports…Tess is 25 days out but on day to day watch….and autumn soon abounds….what’s not to like?


Stu’s Reviews #344- “Book” – “Album”- “Only slightly Mad”- David Bromberg

Genre: Album

Grade: A-

Notable People: David Bromberg with Larry
Campbell, Theresa Williams, Amy Helm and the crew from Levon’s Barn at Woodstock; Produced by Larry Campbell

Title: Only Slightly Mad

Review: Bromberg continues his unlikely musical comeback with another wide ranging, genre-bending album reminiscent of his work from the 70s. Got to see him with his touring band in Vermont last year and it was top notch. He remains a fascinating guitar player and interesting singer- always surrounded by the best musicians and bringing his eclectic brand of covers and songwriting to the fore. Predictably, this outing has Chicago blues, Irish Jigs, major R&B, country blues…and everything in between. He is an undervalued gem.

Mountain De-Greening


“ To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all”………………………………………………………………………………………..Oscar Wilde

“Moonlight through high branches, Is being nothing else…But moonlight through high branches”……………………………………………………..Fernando Pessoa

“ A stereotype is a stereotype for a reason”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Stu B. on the next door Jamaicans indeed roasting Goat in the yard

“Hey! Get back indoors!
Whatever you were doing
could put an eye out”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Haikus for Jews

Autumn has stalled in the mountains……after another startling heat wave (high 80s in September), there has been little foliage boom, but all the Green is getting a lot less Green…The Queen say it is looking like spoiling heads of broccoli……

And speaking of Autumnal changes…Brother Al of the Bunties has unearthed a pre-Bunty- Steaks and Chops photo taken at the legendary Blue Danube in Columbus in 1979….check out the PDF attachment to see the boys with lots of hair and erect posture………….

And, The shit has indeed reached the fan……the septic-shit man finally showed up this week and dug up the pipes …and…no go….no easy fix at this point…having to investigate other forms of leaching our precious stools….so we continue on our water minimization effort to avoid back-up (none yet)….since the water level has gone down some, I have reverted to quick showers and once a day flush….but The Queen of the Mount steadfastly continues to pee in a cup and bathe in The Pond… this life in the mountains?

Though…up side is…THE POND… remains in a state of grace from all the rain we’ve had…despite a failed pump and no water movement for a week, it has remained full and pristine clean, as evidenced in the pix of The Queen and The Circus Dog at float….The floating and plunging took place last Sunday after we spent four hours staining the deck in 90 degree heat, and then sprinted for the brown water immersion…

Have you ever noticed that no one works on Labor Day?….even people who are supposed to be working?…and is this an oxymoron?…….maybe it’s just a mountain thing…

Last weekend we had two quite contrasting Airbnb guests….after the Queen accepted two last minute reservations despite our shit storm state…the Saturday night woman showed up at 10 pm and left at 8 am- taking our conservation to heart and not using a drop of water or anything else….she is now the record holder for least impact for an overnight…then we had our Sunday night cute couple with dog, escaping Harvard move in day in Cambridge…who in 12 hours managed to utilize every room in the house (potential multiple sex acts??) and every recreational space on the property…..though they did not take showers out of deference to the shit show…may have left a bit on the musty side…

On Tuesday, I made the drive down to lovely Hartford to catch a flight to St. Louie for a few days of conferencing with the Casey peeps…..Ah….St. Louie in early September… the Cardinals, Bar-B-Que, historic rail station hotel…and HEAT….a cross between a humidor and schvitz bath….almost did not make the trip as majordomo Deer sprinted in front of me across crazy I-91 in Springfield ,Mass on my way to airport. I somehow jerked every which way around the big boy, but the guy in the Maserati who was passing on my left at about 100 mph smacked him sideways and then got clipped by four cars trying to stop or get around….this happened all around me, while I continued to chat with The Nave on the speaker phone…so right now, decidedly better on avoiding highway accidents than on shit flow…

And then there is the Jewish Fish Monger (Trademark ©)…who has begun an all-out assault on internet dating with a number of crazed outings in the last few weeks…apparently the action has picked up since he switched from to a new site called “Plenty of Fish”….I could not make this up……

After getting back from my travels quite late on Friday night, we made the trek down to Brattleboro yesterday to meet up with Ry, Lauren and the one and only Quinn -baby…..returning Olaf The Circus Dog to them after his stay at summer camp… our one week with him, Olaf totaled 1743 fetches of the lamb – chop squeeze toy, fourteen miles of scooting around the house standing on his back legs, 19 lost skirmishes with Grace the Cat and managed to gently bite six people in the ass…all while leaving adoring masses everywhere we took him….Lucy seems content to have reverted to being an only child…

And Brattleboro…well, let’s just say the 60s are alive and well in southern Vermont….a climate change march, an LBGQ (did I miss something?)bicycle rally, at least 65 patchouli -scented woman in caftans and paintings of stoned cows at every corner…in the spirit of the whole thing, we made a detour to the Hemporium on the way home to pick up a bit of medicinal oils…Brattleboro is a bit far-fetched even for Vermont…..

So…..overcast and quite cool Sunday morning….time to move on to weekly water dumping outside, and researching places to take our laundry…and it looks like a major nap day, before meeting up with the Java Baba royalty couple for dinner……………….so keep on shaking it………………………………..until we meet gain….

Papi (five weeks and counting)

Steaks & Chops 1979