Stu’s Reviews #332- “Book” – “Walking the Perfect Square”

Genre: Book

Grade: B/B+

Notable People: Reed Farrell Coleman

Title: Walking the Perfect Square

Review: Coleman is new one for me…one of many on my annual list from my friend and mentor on all things literature- Neil Berman. This was a good read, though maybe not as stimulating as some of the other hard boiled urban detective type series he has guided me to. Coleman’s protagonist, Moe Prager, is a recently retired (because of knee injury) NYC cop in the late 70s. He is Jewish (significant), self-effacing and really aimless….until he gets pulled into a high level political stakes drama. Well written with a very real feel of the city in the late 70s with lots of timely cultural references ( CBGBs, Son of Sam, etc.) I got lostt at times in the chronology of the story, which occasionally moved forward to the late 90s…but enjoyed the read and will try more of the series.

Stu’s Reviews #331- “Film” – “Paradox”

Genre: Book

Grade: NR

Notable People: Neil Young, His Band (Promise of
the Real), Willie Nelson, Written and directed by: Darryl Hannah

Title: Paradox

Review: Ok…this is some weird shit….but, then again, its Neil Young…Could not really give it a rating, as you have to be in some form of altered state to watch it…I’m sure there is a story and a message here, but it alluded me. This is a project- 30 years in the making –of Neil’s new lady friend, Hannah….and, well, the 30 years!…the woman must have some major obsessions. Funny, in an offbeat sort of way and Neil is quite the modern day outlaw….but you have to be a fan to love it, for sure. Cinematography on what is likely Neil’s ranch compound is majestic and the music is what you would expect. The 20-30 minute instrumental opus version of Cowgirl in the Sand is worth the price of admission alone. Available only on Netflix. If you have a 40-50 year love affair with all things Neil…you gotta see it.

Mountain Mumblings

Buon Giorno:

“You must act as if the goal were infinitely far off”……………………………………………………………………………………………..Eugen Herrigel

“Forget abut enlightenment, just become a nicer person; this is already a difficult practice”…………………………. Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

“Ding dong…the witch is dead”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Dorothy

“Four thousand years of Hebrew,
and still no word for “Tact”.
so who needs it?”………Haikus for Jews

Life has been slow in the mountains. after an early winter-like week, it has been in full glory here – with days sunny and in the mid-70s and nights in the high 40s –low 50’s……God-weather……….and I am…..well….around. Have not been traveling at all for work since our return, which has left me time to contemplate the order of things in the Greens. Taking a page from Hemingway (maybe a few pages), I’ve been writing each morning for a project I am doing on Organizational Culture for my friends at Casey…a few hours each morning…and then …what?….the gym, a hike, a drive and a fair amount of Pond contemplation (a lot actually). Prettyyyyyyyyyy slow……….So, what else is happening…what have I seen????

Behold…..a Sunday afternoon in the lovely hamlet of Middlebury…a trip to the museum for the student curated exhibit on the tumult of 1968…and floating men on the ceiling…….a trip to the local co-op, avoiding their magnificent breads and deserts to buy a carb- free lunch and picnic on the ground…then on to the proverbial search for a dirt road on a mountaintop for a walk in late afternoon sunlight…….

See……Jenn find more places to plant new flowers in the ever expanding gardening project….watching the colors bloom in what is late spring here (summer everywhere else)….whilst I furtively search the house , often in vain, for a piece of chocolate (give me chocolate or give me death)…….

Go… the semi-urbane majesty of Burlington…for the annual Jazz Fest extravaganza…..dinner at the Himalayan , stroll through the pedestrian only downtown, watch the magnificent sunset over Lake Champlain…..and….HEAR….. the amazing Bill Frisell play his guitar magic in a small intimate club like atmosphere….See Bill Frisell…’s a once in a lifetime experience…and hour an half of space infused jazz and improvisation without stop…no words, no gabbing….ethereal….

Trek to……………… Dartmouth…to see the infamous and quite eccentric medicine man there……..this is the master of all things Lyme disease and Lyme related conditions…..and the experience far exceeds weird…..just him, the scientist, in a huge office full of computers and science stuff…and then we get assigned seats to meet with him…and then he starts “The Interrogation” (his description) which lasts for two plus hours….gathering data, data, data….go give blood at the hospital in the woods, come back in a month for the cure….and bless his heart…stop with the diet bullshit and go carb up……”do not want you hungry”………

Find……a sandwich shop…..Vietnamese, no less, in Lebanon NH…..and sit in dappled sunlight on picnic bench eating BREAD and Carb stuff ….and feeling like we’ve gone over to the other side….”Don’t be hungry”…..Yes!

Return….home to find the gym shoes I took with me, in case of a walk, are not in the car…and had been left on the roof….headed back out to drive 20 miles down the road to find the escaped footwear…immediately find one shoe (how painful is that)…..and give up after holding up traffic for an hour…..but….then…..convince Jenn to go out with sickle on Saturday morning (while I go to town to complete the demanding and requisite weekend chores)….and have her walk up and down a quarter mile stretch of tall grass near where we found the first flying shoe…in search of the elusive second one ….no luck………………….just one missing sock (where is the other?), great photo, a lot of sickled grass and a few baby ticks to peel off……don’t you hate it when you lose one shoe?

And….. where the fuck is the Garlic Press?…apparently Stu cannot keep in mind where to store the dam thing (who uses a garlic press every day, anyway?)…..and every morning, Jenn asks me where I put the garlic press away …which is a daily mystery….

Observe….the ancient giant snapping turtle finding his way out of the POND, and postponing his consumption of our stocked trout….to lay around on a big rock all day…while Lucy runs in spastic circles around him, howling and snorting…he is one big boy…….

And then….we set out yesterday- and lo and behold….the Connecticut –Jamaican neighbors have returned for the first time since last summer….building their tent city next door, firing up a series of bar-b-ques and having the crew they bring with them hack down the six foot tall grass….they may be the only non-white people in a 20 mile radius, which means celebrate diversity day in Vermont…. and may have a plan to eventually make the crippled house inhabitable over the next decade or so…..

But….for now…. am going to try and find something worthwhile to do…or, maybe go check on The Pond…who knows…..

Love ya’ll till it hurts………………………………………..


Stu’s Reviews #330- “Book” – “Gods of Howl Mountain”- Taylor Brown

Genre: Book

Grade: B+

Notable People: Taylor Brown

Title: Gods of Howl Mountain

Review: Interesting first novel I took a lark on. Set in the hollers of North Carolina after the Korean war, it is an astute portrayal of the moonshine culture and the poverty and lawlessness associated with it. There is a grandmother- healer- witch woman charter for the ages and a well woven story. The characters, in general, seemed a bit stereotypical to me and I tired of the “picking up serpents” religious stuff…but an engaging and pretty quick read if you have interest in all things Appalachian.

Stu’s Reviews #329- “Book” – “The Gatherings”- Anne Enright

Genre: Book

Grade: B

Notable People: Anne Enright

Title: The Gatherings

Review: found this one in the community library’s junk pile and took a chance. VERY tough read. Not badly written, but very slow and laborious. I wanted to stop, but too stubborn. Rural Ireland story told by a sister after the mysterious death of her younger brother…a tortured lad all his life. They were two of 12 siblings and the story goes back and forth to the time of the grandmother, and their growing up and the present. A LOT of anguish, with not much redeeming about the characters. Hard lives, broken promise, incest and a family that more or less hates each other. A lot of sex and religion underneath…well, I got through it. aye?

Summer finally approaches the Mountains


“It is June. I am tired of being brave.”…………………………………………………………………………………………………….Anne Sexton

“May my heart be kind, my mind fierce and my spirit brave”……………………………………………………………….Kate Forsyth

“I’m Hangry!!!!!!!!!”………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Berry Family vacation mantra between meals

“Beyond Valium,
Peace is knowing one’s child
Is an internist.”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Haikus for Jews

We hear from our friends that it has been sultry and steamy in the Midwest and down East this week, but it’s mainly been a steady mid 70s in the Greens- rainy and cold early in the week and very nice last 4-5 days….but Monday is a scheduled high of 49 degrees….go figure. The wet/cold to warm/sunny has produced the desired greening effect and all is now in full bloom across the valleys and foothills and the snow is gone from the ridges…well, hell, it is June.

This has all led to a burst in gardening activity- often from dawn to dusk- for our master gardener. Plants, mulch and assorted yard tchotchkes have become our bread and butter. Apparently ,we are signed up once again for the Mt. Holly Annual Garden Tour, which will lead to a frenzy in July ….culminating with a host of gabardine clad folk traipsing across our property with cameras and comments. We also had to mow and trim twice this week- what is up with that….maybe there can be too much Green?

The new dishwasher is now in and and running after our experiment in learning hard-wiring…only resulted in several minor jolts…none requiring the defibrillator….

It was a pretty slow week, overall, with the only things moving pretty much the grass…while we hung about and considered home improvements, pickup trucks, garden tools and baskets and what to eat three time a day that does not have carbs or sugars… I think chocolate counts ok?

We went out to The Chop House in Ludlow for the early bird dinner special, which has a very giant salad bar that is very nice…but the real treat was that the mains came with either rice pilaf or garlic mashed….oh man, oh man….how good is that shit?

And, we went to dinner mid-week at our friends’ Beverly and Rick’s down in Chester. They are my mama and papa folks who feed me three times a week at Java Babas for my post gym lunch (limited these days to small plates of vegetables and scoops of meat salad). We drank too much and we certainly ate too much, ending with key lime pie and chocolate cake…which led to ‘Jen passing out on the way home from sudden toxic carb/sugar overload. I was fine but gaily stayed up until four in the morning, prowling the house in search of projects to accomplish (let me just rewire that dishwasher). We were early for dinner so took a short drive into Chester, where we hit a stalled traffic construction zone (really) and so headed north up some dirt road. This led us to an area we had not seen before, which appeared to be primarily inhabited by some brand of survivalists (one house boasted eight cameras in blood red Charles Manson writing on the barn). We did not get lost and made it to dinner on time.

Friday, our first guest of the Airbnb season arrived…a nice woman computer nerd from Boston visiting her son for parent weekend at our local neighborhood treatment center. Which led us to genuinely clean the house for the first time this year, since we have been mostly living in three rooms. Since we have to appear to be straight out of better homes and gardens, this required a full day of cleansing and hosing…. which I guess gives us more rooms now to hang out in and consider carbs. Our guest coming seemed to throw us off schedule kilter, and we were up and ready to go at six am on Saturday morning. So, we headed up the next mountain to Shrewsbury to make out annual pilgrimage to the Throne of the Trout King. The King now has 28 trout ponds and three buildings of holding tanks. We had been trying to pin him down for weeks to get our Pond Bacteria in before I have to get out in the kayak with my strainer…..but he is quite busy and pretty wired to boot. Check out the pond foxes at his estate…and harken whilst he regales us with a half hour of enchantment on his pending colonoscopy. This is what I’m talking about when I mention the fun times in the mountains.

We also came home with a bucket of crawfish and 20 brown trout…so Ya’ll are welcome to come up and fish and have us a N’Awlins boil……that is, if the 40 year old snapping turtle (who reappeared last week) does not eat them all first…

After the Tout King extravaganza, and the fish deposited back in our lovely Pond….we drove down to Rutland for farmers’ market day. The Market is back in full swing…and many of the vendors were thrilled to see their friend, Lucy, again…..who thinks this is the best place in the world, with dogs of every size and persuasion and scraps of food under all the market stalls…..and then she gets to go to her second favorite place, the next door Walmart, to sniff out the bottom shelves and make the yellow vested staff’s days…never knew a dog who loves shopping as much as she does. Loaded down with a trunk full of yet more plants, we returned home to more planting and more searching the fridge for something sugar free to eat…

And that is all she wrote….Dear John…I’ll send your saddle home…

Go Cavs….happy June….take a whiff….


Stu’s Reviews #328- “Book” – “The Disappeared”- C.J. Box

Genre: Book

Grade: A

Notable People: C.J. Box

Title: The Disappeared

Review: This is the most recent of Box’s Wyoming Game Warden Joe Pickett series….and after 15 years of these, the best to date. If you like The West, Falconry, government conspiracies, wild and wooly characters, and great descriptions of Wyoming……plus magnificent yarns…these books are for you. Read it in a whirlwind.

The Alleged Start of Summer in the Greens

Happy Memorial Day weekend to all, and humblest thanks to those who have given their lives for our freedom:

“I am anti- war, not anti-warrior”………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Bernie Sanders

“America will not be cheated any longer, and especially will not be cheated by foreign countries charging people much lower prices for medicines”………………………..Donald Trump

“People who live in glass houses should not throw stones”……………………………………………………………………..Geoffrey Chaucer

“What I am, I am: and let it be enough”……………………………………………………………………………………………………..D.H. Lawrence

“Jews on safari —
Map, compass, elephant gun,
Hard sucking candies.”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Haikus for Jews

Ah, life in the mountains. Yesterday was a hot and sticky mid to high 80s-summr in blooming….this morning is in the mid 40s and going to just crack 50 later….ya just never know.

This week was a sad week for us. After months of downward spiral, injections and forced pill taking, we had to put our beloved old kitty, Niko, to sleep. She had quit eating and was basically living under the bed. Once a robust 15 pounds, she was down to five and half. So, we took her on Wednesday, and had her put gently to the next kitty world. The house feels a lot emptier without her prowling around, talking nonstop to us. Niko was originally Jenn’s mom’s cat, but we have had her since she passed ten years ago, and it always felt like a little bit of grandma Pat was with us in the house. A very sad moment, as we hovered over her on the table, dripping tears down, as she drifted off to sleep. She was one of a kind.

But it wasn’t all sad, as life rarely is.

I am in the process of having the full Monte Vermont medical experience. Having had some pretty debilitating muscle and joint problems for several months, and not finding an exact reason, have been exploring some alternatives to try and deal with it, apart from taking steroids and walking around in a perpetual state of road rage. This has led to some interesting experiences. I found an eccentric doctor with non-traditional methods at Dartmouth, who I spoke with several times this week. Let’s just say the man is precise and quite unequivocal in his view of his own magical cures. When dealing with him, it feels very much like talking to Frazier’s’ bother, Niles , on the old TV show, if you know what I mean. I cannot get in to see him for three months (apparently quite the demand for the magic bullet), but he emphasized (at least five times) that I have “express, consent permissions” (he really said that) to call him daily to see if he has had a cancellation. This may be quite an experience . I also have at least six different mountain folks offering to make me potions guaranteed to rid my joints of all toxins…and our friend, Linda, made a trip down from the lake, to offer her healing in the form of a large suitcase filled with some kind of hydro-electric, ultrasonic, photon-enhanced electronic device with wands that light up blue (like in Star Wars) that you wave around your body parts for ten minutes and ostensibly clears out all the bad juju. Once we warmed up the device, I immediately got a jolt of electric shock for unknown reasons before having the wand miracle for the allotted ten minutes. All of this to be able to get out of bed a little easier in the morning……

As a result of the joint issues, I sometimes cannot find a comfortable sleep position, and one night this week, after lots of tossing and turning, headed off to one of the other bedrooms to try and sleep without mowing Jenn or Lucy down. I went to one of the small dark bedrooms and snuggled in for few hours of sleep, only to wake to find I had been lying in a vast pile of mouse turds that had been gifted over the winter. Apparently, we had not gotten to cleaning out this room yet. Jenn was horrified….but I wondered if there was not some possible healing component to this?

Thursday, we had young Ian over to work with us on some outdoor projects. Ian is the son of our friends John and Linda, and maybe gets a bit fuzzy at times from a slight overuse of psycho active substances. Initially, he showed up the day before for his Thursday appointment time, and then, once here, fought with our old weed Wacker for about an hour to get it started. I had left him to it and was in the house finishing a work project, and could hear him screaming at the machine, so went out to check and found him circling it and periodically kicking at it, while lashing out with various creative epithets. I gave him some Gatorade and got the machine started for him, which seemed to go well until he ran out of line, and shut it down to re-string it. At which point, the screaming and pacing began again. I again went out to assist and coach him to get it started without beating it to a pulp, which he did, and went out to resume whacking, which seemed to be going very poorly. So I again went out to help him and found that he had no string line on the whacker to make it work, which he had apparently forgotten was why he had had shut it off in the first place. Ian is a nice kid, but good help is hard to find in the mountains.

While he was in mortal struggle with the Wacker, I managed to get out the chainsaw and cut down and cut up a tree…mountain work is never done…..

Wednesday night, after putting Niko down, we were blessed to have the Jewish Fish Monger offer to have us come over and watch the Cavs- Celtics game 5 with him and have him feed us. So- went over to his classic bachelor shack (we cleared the couch of piles of dirty clothes to sit down) and had a totally Yiddish inspired version of Italian food and then had to endure his whooping as the Celtics trounced the Cavs. It was a good distraction and only required four or five Tums apiece after the ethnically challenged meal.

Thursday night, we continued our mission at home- remedying our broken dishwasher. We went to Home Depot in Rutland after talking them into giving us 10% off the already drastically reduced sale price on a new Whirlpool- so that we would not have to make the dark of night, sneak-over drive to the hated New Hampshire….. just to save the sales tax. The HD manager was slightly incredulous at our request, but probably thought we were so strange that he agreed to the “tax abatement” discount. So we now have all out supplies to hard wire the dishwasher; including a special medical kit for mid-level electrical shock treatment. After an hour in Home Depot, we were so exhausted, we had to go to have Chinese at our beloved East.

So…back from a break from my early morning Sunday scribbling- after a short trip down to the lovely town of Wallingford for their annual town wide yard sale day. We had no needs per se- but still came back with a car filled with other people’s junk, to add to our own junk ….including some kind of early-Americana schlock, painted wood liquor cabinet, that is now searching for a home. It is truly amazing the shit that people collect, and then sell to other people to collect and then sell, etc., etc., ad nauseum….

And then…yesterday the JFM and I had made an all-day drive down to Boston to see the Sox play at Fenway. He got second row field box tickets for free from one of his fish guzzling customers, so we set off early in the morning for the 3 hour plus drive down to his hometown of Newton, where we parked and took the T (short for “train?) down to the city. But first, we had to make quick stop at Barry’s Village Deli (his boyhood haunt) to pick up $100 worth of deli sandwiches, which we initially consumed sitting on the floor of the packed train to the delight of our fellow travelers who stood all around us smelling the air to figure out what in the hell was happening in that train car. The stadium seats were incredible (and cushioned), it was incredibly hot and muggy, and the Sox won big. The crowd was delirious and we saw a couple of balls pounded off the famous Green Monster. Steve had four tickets so he invited two old rock and roll playing friends to meet us ….brothers Johnny and Vince from the Boston North end classic Italian gene pool. The guys vaped their way (not tobacco) through the whole game and kept a nonstop dialog going for three hours…..Goodfellas, good fun. On the trip back we stopped at a roadside park to have part two of the deli deluxe, with corned beef, pastrami, brisket, sour tomatoes, pickles, cole slaw, rugalach (you get the picture), sitting on a park bench at sunset while the mosquitoes had an orgasmic frenzy over both us and Barry’s Deli. As part of my herbal recovery, Jenn had had us trying to not consume carbs or sugar, which I had done very well on for a week (losing an amazing 7 pounds)…and which was more than reversed with yesterday’s eating frenzy (totally worth it).

Jenn, meanwhile volunteered for another community supper at the Oddfellows hall, and came back with 14 pounds of leftover baked ham…which is probably dead on for the caveman diet….

And now, my friends, I do believe it is nap time on bleak Sunday afternoon.

Be well, try to love one another right now, right now, right now…..


Ferlin’ Stu-Man

Stu’s Reviews #327- “Book” – “Greeks Bearing Gifts”- Philip Kerr

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People: Philip Kerr

Title: Greeks Bearing Gifts

Review: This is the most recent in Kerr’s very long running Bernie Gunther series. The books started taking place in Pre-War Berlin in 1939 and have now followed reluctant Nazi Bernie, through much sturm and drang, to 1957, where he finds himself acting as a pseudo insurance adjuster first in Munich and then in Athens. Kerr’s’ books are historically vivid and rich with characters and story lines and this one is no exception. I was captivated by the mostly true story until I thought it fizzled out a bit at the end…seeming less plausible after being so dead on for 500 pages. But, I’ll line up for the next one anyway.

Spring has Again Sprung in the Greens…and Aunt Sadie Comes to Town

Guten Tagin:

“I was lying in a burned out basement, with a full moon in my eyes
I was hoping for replacement, when the sun burst through the sky”………………………………………………………………….Neil Young

“When I die, I wanna go out like my granddad did. Passed out in his sleep…not like the other screaming passengers in the car”……………………..Willie Nelson

“The sparkling blue sea
Reminds me to wait an hour
After my sandwich.”………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Haikus for Jews

Spring has definitely sprung in the mountains, though it is still pretty cool-had a night in the 20s this week….and pretty rainy. Not much has happened this week, aside from the greening of the Greens, so thought I would try to do some choice updates and leave it at that…plus…well, you have to wait…

The trees….are all green and blossomed overnight this week

THE POND- is full and spouting water from the fountain twice a day for several hours….none of our trout farm citizens seem to be apparent after the winter…no carcasses… where did they go?

Baby Quinn turned one year old and ate cake…with Nanna Jenn in attendance

Jenn got back Tuesday from five days cavorting in Cleveland….and has been buried somewhere out in the garden ever since …I believe currently lying under two yards of mulch

Tess and Jake are closing on their new house in a few weeks and have sold their current one…movin’ on up

Max is closing on his new and first house, in Paradise, also in few weeks…..movin’ to the other side of the tracks

Tess had a slight fall up (not down) this week on the basement stairs….and hurt her finger, but the baby did not come out

The CAVS remain alive after thrashing the C’s last night

The Jewish Pig Farmer and his bride….are now The Jewish Pig and Solar Farmer…..they are doing weight watchers with some success, but go out to dinner once a week , and all bets are off…..we went to eat with them last night at Mojo in Ludlow….and they ordered everything on the menu….we were there a long time…

We have finally installed our new SMART TV and it has totally outsmarted us…..we have no idea how to work it

Nikki, the post mistress, has applied for a better paying job at a PO over in hated New Hampshire….and has disappeared without telling anyone…..but WE know….

Kevin, the Walrus Dump Master, suggests Jennifer should come live with him for week, and fill up his garbage

Without any sensible people around right now, the Folk Club has become the out- of- control jammin’ club….someone is a bad influence…

Keven, the cantankerous owner of the General Store….had a near fatal fire this week overnight……only hours after telling us how much he hated his place and wanted to get rid of the store…subtle!

The Jewish Fish Monger is getting us tickets to go to Boston and see the Sox next weekend…..I’ll be sure to wear my Cavs t-shirt and earplugs

After a month of Jonesing……Stu went off to Waterbury this week for a Governors Council meeting and an overnight at the Marriott….and thought about just moving in there…..there is really good Thai food across the street, a hot tub, mountain views, and no house projects or pickup trucks looming

AND…our baby, Lucy, is going to turn four in a week or so…we took her on an early birthday treat to the market yesterday, where she encountered a pet pig on a leash…she was in disbelief and thought she had gone to hog heaven…especially when the pig started shitting in the middle of the market, which Lucy thought was expressly for her to roll around in..…suitably aromatic, she then went shopping ta Walmart, where she is loved no matter how she smells………………………..

So…you are probably wondering what is it with Aunt Sadie….and what the hell she has to do with The Blog? Well, truth be told, I was thinking yesterday afternoon that I did not want to do the dam blog thing this week, and maybe I could pacify my angst ridden readers by just telling a story…..then it morphed into a few short sentences about the week as a lead in to the story…AND…the story…..and then I got into the whole thing, and you get the above ranting..…but I promised the story anyway. So the story you get.

My Great Aunt Sadie worked in the Garment district in the city for almost 50 years. This was during the Golden Age of this place, where 90% of the all the world’s clothes were produced in this tiny corner of the big city that stretched for eight blocks by four blocks centered on 7th Avenue in Manhattan in the high 30s. The enclave flourished in the 1920s up through the 1970s before China started making all our clothes a lot cheaper. Sadie was a master seamstress working in one of the zillion sweat shops for 12 hours day, six days week for all those years. But, every day at noon sharp, she walked over to 7th and 38th, and met up with her coffee klatch colleagues of Yiddish speaking, Eastern European immigrant women for a light lunch and little master Yenta activity. Some herring, a bit of chopped liver, a smoke and a glass tea….and then she would head back to the shop to work until long after dark. One particular overcast and drizzly day, Sadie was on her a back to the shop- when a tall, gaunt man jumped out at her from a doorway along 33rd St. He had on a long raincoat and boots showing underneath. The man blocked Sadie’s’ way, and opened his raincoat to show her his naked boy underneath. Aunt Sadie stood there in the drizzle, looked him up and down for several minutes..….and in her very heavily accented English, said (you have to hear the accent!)……..”you call that a lining”……………..

Let the sun shine……….
