Stu’s Reviews- #247- Novel- Avenue of Mysteries- John Irving

Stu’s Reviews

Genre:  Novel

Grade  B-

Notable People:    John Irving

Title:  Avenue of Mysteries

Review: I had this book for six months before I read it- waiting to savor my 30 year relationship with Irving’s books. Alas, it was not to be….this was a struggle to get through and literally took me weeks and weeks. There is no question that Irving is a brilliant writer, and a legend of his generation. But, he has gotten carried away here with way too much symbolism, religiosity and ruminations….with very little real relationships or action taking place. It was very depressing, and obsessed with death as a theme, without the usual Irving caricature of such events. Almost no likeable charters, an those that are…..die. Way to heady for most people to be interested in….and I missed the bears, Vienna, wrestling and all the warmly expected themes of 30 years of writing. Where is GARP when we need him?


Now it is REALLY Fall in the Greens

Good God, Ya’ll: (Website still being transferred- so no link again this week- up soon)

“ I Leave, You Stay, Two Autumns”…Buson

Well, our 75 and sunny has turned into days high in the low 50s and night at freezing…Fall abounds. the leaf changing has slowed quite a bit after a crazy early August jump. And now most is seeming pretty green except for the wonderful red maples…which are RED! Very busy week at Scum Pond- so it’s time for the ZEN news (too tired and cold to do more)

We love Chinese in Rutland…East Restaurant…classy and adventurous…have developed addiction to the roasted duck with pine nuts…. Steve the fish maven says he will have to ship it to us this winter..

Stu made like Paul Bunyan this week, with Jenn’s considerable help (and advice)…spent full day taking down, cutting up and moving trees…in about another week should be able to stand up straight- I keep asking Jenn….”do you know how old I am?”

THE POND….don’t ask…no rain, looks like Mesa Verdi and fills up with fu__ing apples every day from the tree that now hangs over the lengthened empty pit….so every other day have to rappel down to pick up a hundred apples…Jenn made me do this project…Honest!

Went down to the cult like Spring Lake Ranch, as semi-invited guests, for their annual outdoor harvest dinner. This is 75 year old treatment center for wayward young adults…beautiful fall late afternoon, strange but nice people, and they produce all their own food, so dinner was a treat, albeit somewhat weird (they kept asking, “and who are you?”).

And then there is the post office and the mail in small town Vermont. We have a PO box because to have a mailbox we’d have to walk a half mile and cross a major highway…so the stop at the PO is dally event…which also happens to be in the general store…the hub of village life and home of all the yentas…stopping at the PO has to be strategic since it’s only open about 3 hours  day and we have to go when it’s open since we get these little yellow cards in our box that tells us that we have long delayed packages (Amazon Prime ‘s 2 day guarantee takes about week to find us)…so I usually stop on my way back from gym and lunch in Ludlow and ALWAYS run into one of the yentas…this week I ran into our State Rep, Dennis, who, is the major yenta in town, and he usually covers two topics with me: 1- reminds me I will always be a flatlander and 2- updates me on the status pf pot legalization……talk about being Pigeon-holed…

Thursday was our outing day this week- and it was an incredible fall day- so we headed down to the Weston Priory and illicitly lunched before cruising down to Londonderry and Peru (really) for a drive up a dirt road where we found the ubiquitous Appalachian Trail and did a short 2 mile hike, which turned out to be straight up and took hours…but provided quite the view. Having earned our supper, we headed for “Vermont night” at the prosaic Landgrove Inn- a three course Prix fix dinner with all the charm of what you think of when you think of a Vermont country inn

While we ate, the exhausted Lucy passed out in the car…we believe Lucy is the most stress free being on the planet…she can drop down and sleep anywhere , any time and in any position…check out the photo of one of her stress free catnaps….

We had a special treat this weekend- heading down to old, old Woodstock (“feel the cool night’s breeze”…Van Morrison)…to the legendary Ramble at Levon Helm’s barn. We had not been since Levon passed a few years ago, but were drawn to see a group called The Weight perform…for those of you who share my invaluable insights, THE BAND, set the standard for American rock music ..most of them are gone now, but this is a BAND tribute band….an unusual one since all of these guys played with THE BAND at one time….and they have created the most amazing simulation of the beloved music. It’s a magnificent setting- only about 150 people in a beautiful barn with fireplaces and unusual level of dialog between the musicians and the audience… after two and a half hours of inspiring music, I felt like I had sung two sets myself as I could not help (to the likely chagrin of those seated next to me) to sing the fourth harmony part on every song…

And only in the northeast…we were able to dine at midnight at an all-night classic diner (THE Ambrosia- love the Greeks!) after the show…on our way back to spend the night in Albany….So, Albany…did you know that Albany was founded in 1610 by Henry Hudson who was trying to find a quick way to China (a little lost, no?). Very cool old city, with buildings that look like the Dutch are still presiding over the town. We stayed on State St., which was originally called “Path of the Woods’-  named by the original inhabitants, The Mohawk Indians. who were then unceremoniously booted…but not before they named everything with funny Indian names…so… the Mohawk name of for “Path of the Woods” is Ske-nek-ta-dee…got it?

We should have been home in two hours this morning, but got distracted as only Vermont can do, and wound up taking an old favorite-the 20 miles Kelly Stand road, a dirt gem that weaves in out of amazing ponds and over the mountain where Daniel Webster spoke to the devil. (honestly, there’s a plaque)

So home now, and readying for a three day fall outing tomorrow up to the Islands (yes, we do have islands here, dear)…so gotta go….what happened to the Zen, anyway?  Check the myriad of photos from this week’s adventures, and,

Stay strong, be peaceful and love one another right now (right now, right now)








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Fall Heats up in the Greens

Good Yontif Fellow Travelers:     (Please note- the blog will not be available this week on my website , as we are moving to another domain host (Whatever that is). Once the transfer is established, I will post this on the website retroactively…so for now…this is it)

“It is the greatest manifestation of power to be calm” Swami Vivekananda

Calm- schmalm….where is the rain? Every day it starts out looking like rain and by noon it is 75 and sunny…blah, blah, blah…the POND continues to look like the Grand Canyon. We had a few days where we had highs in the mid-60s, which seemed like the true Fall arrival, but then back up to the temps that have created record highs here every day for a month. Global warming-schmobal warming…

Despite the warmth- the subtle changes are abounding. See the very unusual early morning mist and the fine late afternoon fall light. See the leaves turning rust and gold at every bend in the road. Feel the brisk night air as the harvest moon rises. But, I digress……..

This week was Jennifer’s’ birthday week- a big one, not in years, but as her first brunette birthday. We celebrated with a dinner on the town, at the fabulous Roots in Rutland and then to the very cool Paramount theater to see the everlasting Robert Cray band…a man who has not aged an iota in 35 years .Max and Tess very thoughtfully got Jenn an inversion table, so she could hang upside down while picking organic vegetables….which arrived in a massive box in front of our door several days early. I rushed out to cover up the box as it had its content labeled everywhere and then had to ask her to help me schlep it in. All good- until a second box arrived the next day (Amazon must like Jenn-they sent her two) and had to repeat the whole adventure…running out of big enough sheets….We celebrated her birthday when I got home from traveling on Thursday night. She loved her gifts but would not agree to keep the Donald bobble head I had gleefully gotten her (“get that out of my house”) I guess I have to find a Bernie one.

My overnight trip to DC was quite an adventure. To get there I drove 2 ½ hours to Hartford, ,flew to Baltimore, took a train to DC, and walked a mile and half with my luggage (in 95 degree swelter) to my hotel…then repeated it backward the next day. Left DC in heat of 94-arrived back in mountains at night to 42…apparently global warming misses us at night.

Got out for a hike on the Appalachian trail this week with Lucy- quite the serene place …and then hit the Chester autumn fest on Saturday, where we found the beer garden away from the leaf people, and Lucy found Ms. Indy to romp with.

Just said bon voyage to our guests from the south of France. Toe-mah and Ludie (maybe not their real names) who were delightful. She is a “chiropractie”- but we could not convince her to fix us up. They said the stay was plus-perfect (got to hear the pronunciation to appreciate that). Night before we had Gigi; a Jersey girl here to be a fanatic and run the annual Spartan race at Killington.

Now everyone is gone and Lucy and I are recovering. Trying to catch our fourth movie in 3 weeks this afternoon, if we get motivated to drive down to the Bellows Falls Opery house…only one hour drive to see a movie.

And, that’s all she wrote…for now

Au revoir, mes amis.

Monsieur Stuard





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Stu’s Reviews- #246- Film- Hell and High Water

Genre:  Film   

Grade  A

Notable People:    Jeff Bridges, Chris Pine, Ben Foster, Directed by: David Mackenzie

Title:  Hell and High Water

 Review: Dusty, West Texas shot film about two brothers becoming bank robbers to remedy the sins brought against their family by the oil- greed consumed local banks. Pine and Foster are excellent as the one go out in a blaze of glory and one sullen, reluctant brother. Bridges owns the role of the about to be retired Texas ranger – hoping for one last gasp. Dark and gritty, compelling, full of sadness. On a par with the Coen Brothers “No Country for Old Men” film a few years ago. and…great West Texas outlaw music to boot. This one’s a keeper. (and only drove an hour each way to see it!)

September Comes to the Greens

Beloved earthlings and flatlanders:

“I am the grapevine, you are the grapes”   Western Koan

See THE Pond………it rained hard this morning…for the first time in six weeks, which might possibly relieve me from pumping water (with three 100 foot hoses, which leads to no water in the house0 )down to the pond to try and fill up the dry canyon….we will need rain for seven days and seven nights if it is going to fill up before next spring…friend Phil says that I am Captain Ahab and THE POND is my WHALE…….

See the Barn Roof…who came up with this color shingles…let me search around the house and find the project-maven………

See Jenn’s hair…and then send her a sympathy card with deep thoughts …she is traumatized by her brazen switch to being brunette…

See our new favorite secret hiking place-…..just down the road a bit, but I can’t tell you where, or I’d have to kill you …short hike down to a magnificent gorge….nude swimming possibilities…warm rocks to sit on for lunch….only crawfish in Vermont!

See bad music fest and good music fest…we did the haul up to charming Randolph last Sunday for their “New World” music fest…turned out to be confined to a small tent with lots of daytime  drinking, people were not friendly, and they did not care for Lucy…NOT…so back down route 100 we buzzed to catch tail end of the Blues and Folk Fest at Calvin Coolidge birthplace in Plymouth (learned that CC was the first hang glider!) ……..gorgeous setting, God-like day, great acoustic blues, folk and jazz,,,…and a good place to hide out from the Labor Day tourist blitz

See Stu and Jenn go to find a movie…an hour an ten minutes each way to the  grand old hamlet of Brattleboro to see the new Woody Allen movie, Café Society…not complaining, absolutely worth the drive (see the review)..and had Thai dinner in the bargain…but still, can’t we have adult movies and ethnic food in the mountains?

See Lucy swim…the girl hates the water, but she hates it much more to be separated from her pack…so we spent an incredible early fall day kayaking at nearby Lake Nineveh with no one else there (got to love post Labor Day mountain life), with the little beast hurtling herself into the water each time one of our kayaks drifted away from the other one. She wound up swimming the entire lake in her littler orange life vest…….her tiny legs churning, nose snorting, head proudly and barely above the surface….that was Friday and she has been sleeping ever since……

Jen is outside scouting out more projects for the day (yesterday we cut down, cut up and removed a massive dead tree)- so I have to finish this and go hide for when she comes searching for me…heading to Dartmouth this afternoon for a bit more culture…

Enjoy the coming of the leaves and spread peace and love…..and register to vote in multiple states.




PS- check out photo #1- it is the shot that was featured on front page the statewide newspaper from our participation in THE Garden tour…The Inn at Scum Pond is quite impressive, no?


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Stu’s Reviews- #245- Film- Cafe Society

Genre:  Film   

Grade  A

Notable People:    Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart, Steve Carrell, Parker Posey, Corey Stoll, Blake Lively,  Written and Directed by: Woody Allen

Title:  Café Society

 Review: The Wood-Man is back! I must admit that I have an unbelievable bias towards Woody’s movies- so they are almost always an “A” in my book- though I’m sure many would disagree. My leanings are large enough that we drove an hour and ten each way to Brattleboro to see the new offering (you don’t get the Wood-Man in the mountain cinemas)..and totally worth it. This one is a convoluted love story set in LA and New York in the 30s. Eisenberg follows in a long recent line of actors channeling what Woody used to do himself…. and does it really well. Stewart is too cute for words and Carrell is magnificent as a fast talking big-shot Hollywood agent. Check out the lighting, and the costumes and the general attention Woody gives to detailing the era….and the story…what’s not to like? It has 30’s Cinema sirens, legendary studio types, Errol Flynn legends, mobsters, the usual Woody-Jewish mother (“if Jews believed in the afterlife, we’d have a lot more customers”), great shots of New York, and a perfectly cast cameo from Paulie-Walnuts (The Sopranos). As expected, the music is marvelous and the whole production creates an aura only Woody can give you. And though he no longer appears, Woody narrates the whole shebang. Added bonus- at every twist and turn, an older woman in the rear of the theater would loudly shout ”OY”…..Loved it. Want more……and soon.

Stu’s Reviews- #244- Film- Florence Foster Jenkins

Genre:  Film

Grade  A-/B+

Notable People:    Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant, Simon Helberg, Directed by: Stephen Frears

Title:  Florence Foster Jenkins

 Review: Well- we finally got to movie up here in the mountains. Surprisingly, the local teen action flick cinema had this one- not sure why. Guess it is the drawing power of Meryl Streep. Wild story about an infamous patron of the arts in NYC in the 1940s, who was determined to have her own singing career, despite not being able to carry a single note. Alternately funny and tragic, it is decent movie, elevated to much loftier heights by Streeps’ typically virtuoso performance. Since she is actually a quite talented singer, she had to learn to sing really off key opera in a convincing way…and boy, does she. Grant does well as her kept and doting husband, and Helberg is magnificent as her reluctant accompanist. The acting makes it a passable A-.



End of summer in the Greens

Happy Labor Day weekend to all:

“You shall LOVE your crooked neighbor, With your crooked heart”  WB Auden

We’ve had a busy week in Mt. Holly, our home town. Summer is rapidly turning into autumn…see the leaf changes in the pix. The weather here has been Vermont perfect- with days around 75 and nights around 50…which is great, except we’ve had no rain for two weeks now, and the Dam POND is not making much progress in its return…see the discouraging photos. Stu has taken to running 10,000 feet of hose down there to try and fill it up for an hour day, which A- is like eating crumbs for dinner and B- takes all our water pressure to get down there, leaving us with no water in the house. Guess, we’ll have to wait for a good tropical storm to come through.

After my last dispatch last Sunday, we spent nine hours cleaning up the post excavation mess. Bob the Pond guy is a true excavating artist/fool, but he does not seem to have a watch and he does not really clean up…so we schlepped and dug and cut our way into semi-permanent stooped positions, until it looked back to semi-normal. Of course, we have put down a half acre of grass seed and mulch whim is undoubtedly wilting due to lack of rain. We may not really have THE POND until the spring! And, we did not account for enlarging the POND, with a huge apple tree that now hangs over it and is dropping its fruit into the limited waters. We cut it back as much as we can for this time of year, but more will have to wait until spring…in the meantime the returning frogs are delighted with the green balls ever falling into the murk.

On the ever present projects front, we had a surprise visit form Brian, the hippie electrician, who showed up unannounced after four weeks of trying to get him here. Like many Vermont, tradesman, he applied his Zen to our barn breaker box which had previously had a swarm of wires hanging every which direction and now we have a much improved system, which will only result in electrocution of you get within a foot of it. And yesterday, Jay and the Americans, our ADHD roofers show up to put in the barn roof, which is halfway done as we speak- see photos of backside. I’m hoping this will be our last home improvement project of the year…though Jenn is out  there  making lists and thinking about more gardens, paint and bedding.

By the way, on the topic of the joys of country living, our tractor has not started without a jump all summer and the deck has been mowing rocks more than grass- so we finally got around to that issue this week. Got the beast miraculously starting and ordered a bracket, which might keep the deck off the ground. Said bracket was three inches large and nine bucks an then took around seventeen hours to get on…but voila, Jenn is now a mowing fool.

We had two sets of BnB guests this week. Tom and Jerry (no shit) from New Jersey, who we spent a manic evening and morning talking to and around. She is nice Jewish girl from the burbs and he an Italian plumber whose dad was  a painter for the Mob. They liked it so well here, they are now looking to buy a house down the road. Last night we had a couple an their aunt form The Netherlands. It was Marlene’s’ 30th birthday –and Jenn baked her a cake. We worked the community supper last night, so they arrived after we got home, and we spent a few very nice hours mulling about American work permits, living in greater Boston and why the Trumpster might be the end of the world as we know it. They went to bed, they got up, they left…the perfect guests…we love the Europeans…and especially those who don’t really speak any English. You can see the birthday pix and in the photo show.

Amidst all the projects, deadlines for a manual I am writing, side trips for work and day to day bedding decisions, we have been pretty house bound for weeks (more prisoners to the POND GUY)- so took of mid-week for a trek up to Middlebury. Another perfect day found us haunting Costello’s’ most famous Italian deli (mama looks like Mama Corleone and cooks like her). We found a walking tour of Middlebury which led us around in circles for two hours ..the chamber of commerce probably needs to hire someone new to do their tourist brochures…….and then headed up into eh mountain pass to the wonderful Robert Frost nature trail, whir we romped for a couple of hours and Stu recited “Stopping by Woods on a snowy Evening”, in fifth grade recital mode, at least six times. The drive back at dusk was illuminated by the wonder of leaves changing as we watched them.

So- we are in getting ready to leave Jay and  the Americans to finish the barn roof today and we head up to Randolph for their annual Arcadian music festival. We are trying to find every opportunity to make nice with our Canadian neighbors, so when they build a wall to keep all of the trump-ites out, they will let us come live there.

Hope you are all having fun  and thinking about us…..a lot…..


The Stu

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The Mountains, the POND, the Leaves

Bonjour mes amis:

“It’s been a long time coming…it’s been a long time gone”   David Crosby

Lots and lot of mountain movement, (not the bowel kind) in the last week…so let me simply  present the Zen and LOTS of photos:

THE POND is on the brink of completion. Bob the Pond guy is a magician with the excavator, albeit one without a watch…..he appears- he disappears. Arriving at 8:30 means maybe arriving at 11, thus, we have been Pond prisoners for most of the last two weeks, but the damn thing now resembles a massive archeological dig- we are now in search of wooly mammoths. The whole thing is now amazingly larger with rock gardens and steps and we have a new secret area, which was once woods, that is a primeval graded pit of fertile life-filled soil. Jen spends her days out there consulting with Bob, cleaning rocks and ledges with a broom and scrubber (really) and saving the water lilies. The frogs have started to come back from vacation. We will be done today and then wait for the rainmakers to do their thing. The photo display of the process is sacrosanct. Check out the collection of long buried kitchen strainers from my years of futile skimming in the kayak.

The exercise machine extravaganza is now fully erect, though we are less than erect as a result – more like orangutans, once we finished the assembly. One can now never leave the barn and be fit as a fiddle.

Like Bob the Pond Guy, Steve the Mower Goy (should be guy, but it fits and WORD recognizes the double entendre), is equally reliable (not) and works on VSCT- Vermont Standard Contractor Time. We have been jump starting the tractor all spring and summer and waiting for Steve TMG to show up and fix it, but, alas, waiting is the Devil’s idle time, so last weekend we got the damn thing started and wired the dragging deck into a position that will now mow grass instead of rocks, so another contractor-less job completed with smoke and mirrors. All of this completed during my extended break from last week’s Blog……

Made a visit to the metropolis this week to see family and deal with the nursing home bureaucracy. Spent the night in faulty towers with cousins Sherry and Joel (without Jenn and Lucy, who stayed home to excavate with Bob), had a second reunion dinner with the extended Paul tribe (Chinese dinner for eight, of course)- these are  50 year lost and re-found cousins-  and then spent a sidewalk steaming NYC day in the horrors of my childhood friend and mentors, Bob’s nursing home captivity. After a year of trying , got them to take him to look at a possible assisted living home placement in the Bronx, which he rejected before we even arrived…there is no future in being a do-gooder.

Given all the erecting and digging and stone cleaning, not a lot of time for recreating in the mountains this week, but my music club did our annual performance on the town Green music series in the midst of thunderstorms and Stu and Lucy wandered around checking out the rapidly expanding fall colors…global warming/schmobal warming- so what if the leaves start to change at the end of July. We finished the week with the last major show of the season at the Weston Playhouse –an intense presentation of Arthur Miller’s “All My Sons….I think it is safe to say Miller had some issues with his pop…which obviously led him into the waiting arms of Marilyn Monroe…..maybe she also was  able to, say, dig ponds, fix tractors or assemble workout machines?

Well, Jenn just came in covered with mud and smelling of pond waste…so I better go out there and advise. Till we meet again,

Stu- Bear



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Stu’s Reviews- #243- Novel- If the Dead Rise Not- Philip Kerr

Genre:  Novel

Grade  A-

Notable People:    Philip Kerr

Title:  “If the Dead Rise Not”

Review: I have been fully absorbed this summer with these Kerr books about the rise and fall of the Third Reich. Gunther is a wonderful protagonist- full of both heroic traits and frailties. … a very, very reflective tough guy. The material and the basis in historical truths is fascinating. What an unbelievable culture. This one finds Gunther in Berlin in 1937 trying to stay out of the Nazi’s sight and then in Havana in 1954 where he has been forced to escape due to his SS affiliation. It’s an amazing portrait of Cuba during the Batista regime and right before the Castro takeover…..and full of American gangsters. These books are worth their summer weight in gold.