Stu’s Reviews- #481- Book- “The Family Upstairs”- Lisa Jewell

Genre: Book         

Grade:  A-/B+

Notable People: Lisa Jewell

Title: “The Family Upstairs “

Review:    Well written, gripping novel that takes place over 25 years. Set in London and the south of France, the story of family whose lives are taken over by a cult like figure and eventually imprisoned in their own house. The story nicely pulls together the narrative of the teen children who escaped the horrors and the baby left behind. Not as depressing as it sounds, short chapter and a very quick, quality read. Started pretty slow, and I almost gave up, but eventually gathered a very nice rhythm.

Green Mountain Redux

Greetings from Scum Pond:

“But every so often something shatters like ice and we are in the river of our existence. We are aware.” …………………………………………………. Louise Erdrich

“It’s all a passing show…. Just watch it.” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Anagarika Munindra- Ji

“Find the cost of freedom, buried in the ground. Mother earth will swallow you, lay your body down” ………………………………………………………Neil Young

Wienie, Wienie Quarantinie,

Up the mountain, green-green scenery,

Big brown bear, at front door preening,

Inn’s a mess, we can’t stop cleaning,

Pandemic blues, the streets are teeming,

Houses, houses…fate careening,

Wienie, Wienie, Quarantinie.

Last two weeks a blur….too much even to Blog last Sunday………whirlwind of leaving the heartland…..Last supper with kids an Bebe filled with tears….saying goodbye to our lifeline after months of time together….and then ….The House (the old one)…trying to get it ready to sell without being there… burst of cleaning, fixing, removing all evince of rodents…..end of months of updating and purifying……and keep our fingers crossed……naturally, as soon as we left, got two offers as we were driving away… now IN Contractus…….with any luck will be down to two houses by end of July….and then, really time to say our goodbyes, which we have studiously avoided through constant work back at the farm, regular hot tubbing and doing laundry….but the soul must have its rest…and the end is not in sight….

Leaving the new abode tuned out more emotional than expected….maybe it is just that it has been the Corona safety zone for months…our own castle and moat from the storm…..but it is also a lot easier to get ready to leave a 40 year old house than a 175 year old house….bet on that…….In our curbside pickups last week at grocery and Walmart, kept count of people wearing masks inside the stores and it hit a bit less than 30%…which is frightening….too much too soon…..greed Trumps safety….think there’s gonna be hell to pay…..

We had last bursts of social discourse before we left…more than in months….had Zoom cocktails with Phil et Maux (a first for us), socially distanced drinks on the deck with our realtor and fiancé, hands off cookout with The Nave and Suba an a garage side visit from our King of lawn mowing neighbor, Roger, across the street…who left us with reams of wipes, sanitizers and gloves for our journey (medical supply business)…plus he turned to be the community Yenta, regaling us with tidbits of choice gossip for folks from each house in the neighborhood………………..

The leaving and the drive east were uneventful, which is a first……very, very hot drive days, but newly fixed AC worked and Lucy slept for nine straight hours…no doubt in preparation for her patrolling duties on the Mount. We bit the bullet and stayed at our usual Marriott in Binghamton, which astoundingly is following a policy of five days between guests in each room…. with contact-less check in and outside entry to our condo like unit…seemed pretty safe…. ardent readers will remember this as the place of the fiery explosion last year when Stu tried to boil water on the stovetop where Jenn had placed the fridge shelf she had taken out. Though the room has gotten over the smell …. hey still had not replaced the missing shelf whish we surreptitiously took with us to avoid hellfire and brimstone…

Had the good fortune to run into local radio station somewhere in the middle- of – nowhere NY….and learned that the next day was the start of “speed week” in New York…..which fortunately I understood did not mean you could speed without penalty….the next day the patrol was out in abundance, trying to match their 24,000 tickets issued during last years “Speed Week”….but we were ready for them and arrived without citation for the first time in many years…also had a chance to hear Governor Cuomo’s daily Corona briefing…..WOW……it’s like a sermon from the mount….can we just all decide to have him be our fearless leader?….

Arrival back at The Inn was as expected…only worse……………. after being gone for two extra months….had phone troubles, usual infestations, grass two feet high in places, no hot water, broken dishwasher and multiple leaks…..oh give me a home, where the buffalo roam….something tidy and small, with a housekeeping staff and just one of them, please….needless to say, we have been at it for days, and starting to feel a smidgen on top of the chaos…..Friday brought an onslaught of our local peeps…who we had to hold at bay with stun guns…..Jewish Pig Farmer an Ms. JPF showed Friday night to bring us dinner and stayed ten feet way…but it went downhill from there….the Masseuse in the Trailer burst into the house with arms wide open foe hugging , before I made her, at gunpoint, go get her mask and stay at the threshold……then an endless stream…… we tried shouting about our two week Quarantinie requirement (which may be lifted this week be Herr Guvnor) with only moderate success…….Our local grocery, Hannaford, offers on line ordering and pickup, but no curbside (Boo!)…so yours truly entered a store for the first time in over 3 moths, with my Hazmat suit on….vey impressed with over 90% of shoppers wearing masks…….clearly very low incidence in these parts and getting better quickly, but also getting ready to re-open in earnest…and we know what happens when that happens……

Very uncertain about the whole thing about Race is like in the mountains, since everyone is white…and we have no TV, so cutoff from the 24-hour mind bend of protests and police rioting, which is a relief and somewhat unsettling both…….

Woke Saturday morning to the wafting through the window sounds of Bob Marley, which signaled the return of the Jamaicans down the hill……Lucy immediately joined them for the day……and we had to tie her down when the aromas of roasted goat began to drift up the in the evening….while The Queen hauled endless wheelbarrows of grass clippings in circles around the yard, I rolled down the mount to Wallingford and picked up dinner at Sal’s’…which we ate on the porch in barely 50 degree weather……an adjustment to be back to 70 degree (if lucky and not this weekend) days and 40 degree nights….

The Yard is a mess, the house is overwhelming, The Queen is running round (unkempt/ uncut hair flying in the wind…we have neither had a cut in three mints, and reverting to late 70s-early 80s dos) in circles with a jug of vinegar in one hand and her phone in the other to listening to a podcast on why vaccines are bad, ….But…The Pond…..can you say PRISTINE?

Gotta get tromping through the weeds and ticks and try to get the old machines up and running and stop water from flowing in various house orifices……………. River deep…Mountain High…

In A Gotta Da VITA….Baby…………….Stu

Another week in the time of Corona

Greetings fellow travelers:

Hope everyone is having a good holiday weekend…the official start to the Bizarro summer…. drove over to babysit Bebe yesterday and every restaurant parking lots were full, traffic was huge, and the parks we overflowing with cars and people…. guess we’re officially back to normal now…. are we nuts or what………we are preparing to flee to the mountain remoteness in the next few weeks…before The Apocalypse…and it is or constitutional right to not give a shit about anyone else….do you feel me?

So- really, what is there to say…. we eat, we drink, we sleep, we work on both houses, we pay the bills, make a few calls to stay in touch, binge watch serial TV, mow one yard, then mow the other yard, paint, prime, stain, fix things…. then start over…breaks to be Nana and Papi a few times a week…and that’s all she wrote…………………

Esoteric fact of the week…the passing of Ken Osmond…. the infamous Eddie “you look lovely today, Mrs. Beaver” Haskell……you have to be of an age for this one…

Feelin fine, the world’s all mine,

Early mornin’ chills, I still can get my thrills.

That woman’s Baa-aa-aad…. The Best I ever had.

I’m gonna get me to the graveyard on time…now,

I write poems, but none of them rhyme …. now.

No more side roads, I’ll go on the main line…now,

Can’t you tell that I’m feelin’ just fine…wow, wow, wow, wow…………………………………………………………….” Ten to One” ……………………….1976, Columbus, Ohio

Match The Quotes Time-  

  1. “I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix….”
  2. “The truth is more important than the facts
  3. “I think most people would understand what I would think about the current American President’s handling of the Pandemic, but it’s probably better sometimes not to say it.”
  4. “One day…it is like a miracle…it will just disappear”
  5. “Book ‘em…Dan-O”
  6. “Here and now, boys…. here and now”
  7. Pipe dreams and fantasy schemes, it never turns out quite the way it seems…The faster you run, it’s just that much longer to go”
  1. Aldous Huxley
  2. Ferlin’ Norris
  3. Alan Ginsburg
  4. Yak Lord
  5. The Donald
  6. Tony Blair
  7. Frank Lloyd Wright

And that’s all I got………………….Stay….Safe….


Stu’s Reviews- #473- Book- “The Tattooist of Auschwitz”- Heather Morris

Genre: Book  

Grade:  A-

Notable People: Heather Morris

Title: The Tattooist of Auschwitz

Review:    Oh, my, my…this is a troublesome book…as it should be. The true story of Lale Sokolov, who unwittingly became the man who tattooed the numbers on everyone who came to this pit of hell from 1942- to 1945. Morris befriended him in the last years of his life (he did in 2006) In New Zealand and recorded his true story-told in novel from. This is brutal…just brutal…but must reading in my boo. I swept through it in three days-hard to read, hard to put down. Morris is not the worlds’ best writer, but the story is so gripping, so compelling……how could this happen? It’s also, by the way as story (like a million others) of indomitable will and extraordinary desire to survive….and retain your soul and dignity in the process. OY!

Wastin’ away again in Coronaville……………………..

Sloane with Papi glasses 5-10-20
What is wrong with this picture?

Welcome to this Apocalyptic Post- Modern Sunday:

“When the cart stops, do you whip the cart or the ox?” …………………………………………………………………………………. Huai- Jung

“I fix nothing, I let it go” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Jean-Paul Sartre

“Ashes to ashes, dust into dust, Buildings will crumble, bridges will rust. Mountains will disappear, rivers will dry up. And so it goes with everything but love” ……………………………John Denver

You would think that with staying at home for the most part, there would be little to say…which is probably true…but not really prohibitive for such as we….

Let’s get back to it…. NOW……how many of you are going out to restaurant? A bar? a gym?………….maybe a little overdue haircut or get the old nails done? Let’s all just go out and see how quickly we can infect each other…. maybe take a rifle or a Swastika to show what we are made of…. c’mon people now, smile on your brother………………

The Granddaughter update- Quin-Lily turned three this past week….have not seen her in months but we have our twice weekly portal….this week she evicted her parents from the room, and in between bedtime stories asked Nana and Papi …”how was your day today?”….three is interesting….littlest Baby Harper, is growing like a weed…not seen her since week one…..Virus-strain!!!!!!!!!!!!!….Bebe Sloane continues to be our lifeline (along with her parents) and this week we babysat while Tess and Jake went on a contact-less date…she led us in circles for three hours…what an age  to watch the bloomin’….

How about a little Obamagate? We count on the Moron-in- Chief for our daily dose of laughter in hard times……. but seriously?

The weekly drive in da country……………………..Headed east this week on an overcast and threatening day (thunderstorm season in the heartland)….counted the % of people wearing masks (going down)and the number of people with big tractors mowing their small yards (going up)…and found a little trail to take a silent walk…..did the contactless lunch stop , and watched the birds….Ohio has a subtle beauty in the coming of spring and farm season…not quite like driving around in the Greens…..but you gotta get out of the house once in a while…right?

Three houses and counting…. we are total indentured (or maybe dentured?) slaves to our houses…keeps us pretty busy during The Plague…….are pretty settled now in the new abode….and spending a lot of time trying to make the old homestead more sellable…..this week we had new carpet put in all the rooms from Guy The Capet Guy….who has poor social distancing boundaries…so when we met with him we had to set up a card table on the driveway and wear our masks and gloves….but it was CHEAP…even though we had to spend two hours cleaning up after the mess they made. Yesterday we spent the whole day painting and staining over at the homestead like a couple of 40 yard olds…our yard boy canceled on us last minute we had to do it selves…which led to much moaning, creaking and drug taking…..The Queen got through the day by chanting her own little Haiku as she brushed and rolled:

“Working-working on old house,

      We fight……then we get it done” ………………………………………………………Her form is not great, but you get the idea…. partly brought on by yours truly getting the old beast resurrected tractor (given last rites an ten year ago and ignored since) stuck in the giant mud ruts in the soaked side yard…for the THIRD time this week….and since we have to fucking social distance –could not ask for help…and had to push it out ourselves…this left TQ a bit perturbed with moi (and very muddy in sexy sort of way) …

Seems like time to think in earnest about heading back to the Greens…. recently named best state in old US of A in staying out of the way of The Plague….in Mt. holly, we are social distanced by definition….

And that my friends…is enough


Love in the Time of Corona

Welcome to Corona-land:

“Does anybody really know what time it is; does anybody really care” ……………………………………………………………………. Robert Lamm (Chicago Transit Authority)

“He gets up in the morning, slaving for bread, sir / So that every mouth can be fed………Ah, Ah, Ah…The Israelites” ………………. Desmond Dekker

“While I am busy with little things, I am not required to do greater things” …………………………………………………………………………………Sir Francis De Sales

Happy Mother’s Day to all, for whom the Foo shits. Since I can’t really even fathom what day it is anymore, it is difficult to conjure a Blog about the past week…. what should I say? …………………got up…took a shit……let Lucy out…let Lucy in…. checked my e-mail…. made an English muffin…. had another small shit…made a few calls……hung some pictures…. searched for missing items The Queen has hidden in her baskets………talked to the realtor…..took a nap…read a book…mowed the yard to keep up with the neighbors’ four times a week mowing…took a faux shit(just gas)….Blah, Blah, Blah….you got the point..

So, what to do? How about The Blogs’ TOP FIVE Coronaesque Good, Bad and Ugly??????????…. Yes, Yes…. please Ferlin’…tell us about the TG, TB&TU

THE GOOD (editors’ license to name six)

  1. No Schedule to conform to
  2. Netflix, Prime TV, PBS, HBO, Showtime
  3. Having TWO HOUSES to work on to keep us busy (not to mention a third to keep track of)
  4. Family time-seeing Bebe Sloane (and her parents) 2- times week ……Max being here for seven weeks
  5. Zoomin’
  6. The surprising and virtuous leadership of Cuomo, DeWine, Newsom, Whitmer…and all the Governors who have stepped up to fill The Void

THE BAD (even more editors’ license)

  1. No Schedule to conform to
  2. No Sports…not even Pro Bowling to watch
  3. Little Income
  4. Not seeing Quin-Lily and New Baby Harper (and their parents) …and Max going home
  5. No GYM
  6. Waiting for on line orders to get here (Amazon excepted)
  7. Losing John Prine


  1. The pathetic leadership from the White House and all its Talking Heads
  2. All The M
  3. “ME” people- buying all the TP and disinfectant wipes, gun carrying twats demanding their personal freedoms
  4. All forms of HazMat Gear
  5. 24/7….and I mean 24/7 for months …… with your loved one

Had a birthday last week…. presents from friends and family keep dribbling in as the efficiency of the beleaguered mail systems will allow…. Jennifer yesterday received an overdue package and gave me a poster (which we spend 2-3 hours fighting about where to put up) that probably says it all about RELATIONSHIPS in the Time of Corona:

                                                                      In spite of ourselves…………We’ll end up a’ sittin’ on a rainbow
                                                                     Against all odds…………Honey, we’re the big door prize

                                                                     We’re gonna spite our noses……………Right off of our faces
                                                                     There won’t be nothin’ but big old hearts…………Dancin’ in our eyes.

That’s all she wrote (“Dear John- please send my saddle home”)…………………………….Stay Safe


Plague Blog #2

Greetings Mask-Wearers:

“You beat the grass and probe the Principle

Only to see into your nature.

Right now…. where is your nature?” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Zen Koan

“A permanent state of transition is man’s most noble condition” ………………………………………………………………Juan Ramon Jimenez

Who’s makin’ love to your old lady…. while you are out makin’ love?” ………………………………………………………. Johnnie Taylor

In honor of the recent Passover (quite late as usual) …an extremely lapsed (maybe even disappeared) Jew, offers Ten (maybe twelve) questions for this Sunday’s sermon. Answers below you can match to the question:

  1. Should we be reopening our states amidst the Virus concerns?
  2. What do you do when you have 244 pieces of art to hang in your new house and can’t agree on any of it?
  3. What is it like to have dozens of masked people go through your house and tell you everything they don’t like about it?
  4. Is it safer to go back to Vermont during The Plague or stay put in Ohio?
  5. What kind of role model is Mr. Pence when he refuses to wear a mask in a major medical facility that requires anyone entering to wear one?
  6. What does one do on their birthday during Quarantine?
  7. What does Lucy do when she is freed up from her new fenced home and gets to go nuts back at the old homestead?
  8. How cute are toddler granddaughters?
  9. What happens when you can’t get a haircut for months?
  10. Should you wear a mask to go to the toilet?
  11. Is Zoom better than Sex?
  12. Why is this year different than all other years?

Answers…or not….

  1. See the “Dirty Girl” picture
  2. Such a wonderful opportunity to spend time with your loved one(s)
  3. Why not? Only 233K more people projected to die by the end of June as a result
  4. Tell them to F___ Off
  5. Blow up your TV throw away your paper, Go to the country, build you a home, Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches, Try an’ find Jesus on your own
  6. It will mess up his hair, for Chrissakes.
  7. Depends on the quality of your internet connection
  8. A picture tells a thousand words
  9. Tie up The Queen and start hanging…
  10. Not if there is someone in there waving a gun and ranting about their freedom to choose
  11. Does The Pond wait for anyone?
  12. You revert to Your Sixties CHE look

And that my friends….is ENOUGH!!!



Good morning star shine……. The Earth says Hello…………

“The truth is rarely pure and never simple” ………………………………………………………………. Oscar Wilde

“Let what comes come. Let what goes go. Find out what remains.” ……………………………Ramara Maharshi

“You have got to shitting me!!!!!” ………………………………………………………………………………. Yours Truly

So what do you do when you are sitting in Central Ohio under lock down, and it’s the time to return to The Inn at Scum Pond? And, what do you do after six weeks of barely leaving the house? And, what do you when it’s just one more cold and rainy April day in the Heartland?

I’d say…………………………………………… it’s time for……………………… some Bloggish……………………………NO?

First, and foremost, I hope you are all well-and staying safe. We are not aware of anyone we know having contracted the scourge…and hopefully it has stayed that way. Wear your masks, wash your hands, stay home as much as possible.

I am really out of practice with this, and not sure anyone really (except maybe Sister Jane who has patiently waited months for a sermon) wants to hear notes from the heartland…. but it is Sunday morning after all…and I need something to do. So, a short starter update. Feeling a little rusty….  and feeling a little anxious (picture Beetlejuice) ………………………

We have not left the house, for the most part, for six weeks….so I currently have The Queen tied up in the closet after being together 7/24 for 985 straight hours……

The Prodigal braved a flight to San Diego on Thursday after being stranded here for seven weeks when the shit hit the fan during his five-day visit for Tess’s birthday in early March…. now back home and quarantined….

We get to see Tess, Jake and Bebe 2-3 times a week…and that is our social contact…. the kids monitor us daily to ensure we have not had other contacts …they are the Virus Police……Bebe has grown into a little person (a mensch) …dashing around and creating picture opps at every turn in the last few months…and can now say Nana and Papi…. we are all missing Max after the most time together in a few decades……

Downside on grandkids is that we don’t get to see our equally beloved Quin-Lily in Cleveland …we could be shot crossing the county border….and our newest little angel, Harper……the scourge strikes again

Jen and I are recovering well after downing a quart of Windex at our Leaders’ advice…. feeling very clean though…. The Greeks clearly know their shit……………

As many of you know, just before everything exploded we closed on a new house……great timing….and have spent the last two months moving…finally moving in last weekend with the strong young(er) backs of Jake and Max assisting

So…now have left the Farm…for the neighborhood…quit the traumatic adjustment- one I had hoped to not make while still upright…. but it is a nice house on a quiet cul-de-sac…with four floors mind you…and only a four-minute drive to the old homestead…so we can go back and use the hot tub 2-3 times week…. we are getting pretty settled and I have recreated my office space circa 1990 (doubtless causing some form of PTSD for my old colleagues who get this) ….

The Queen has totally organized the kitchen bathroom, bedrooms and basement (she is not allowed near my office) ….and I spend my days wandering around saying “Where is ____?” …. eventually I will be able to find the toilet paper, my shoes and my checkbook…. We have also been invaded by her newest passion……BASKETS……at last count we have 83 baskets of varying shapes and sizes in every closet, drawer and shelf…all color coordinated, mind you…hopefully, this too shall pass….

We now have three houses and no income…a unique opportunity for self-reinvention…. until we can sell the old beast down the road….it may be the worst time in history to sell a house…as in who wants to go to someone else’s house for showing with the CRUD looming…. somehow, we had six showings this week…but no takers…probably a result of a soaking wet basement and yard and occasional critters roaming the walls and attic…but hopefully that too shall pass….

After every showing we wait a day and go in with our HazMat suits and a gallon container of wipes to prepare the house for the next showing….and to do laundry…no washer/dryer in new house because we don’t want to let anyone in to deliver them…. can you spell conundrum?……

So, this week I recorded (who loves Zoom?) two trainings for the Caribbean folks in Dominica……which is better than nothing, but not quite like being there…. quite the surreal experience having people do group exercises when they are not allowed to congregate…I wore my gas masks through an entire training and roped Jennifer into doing a series of role plays with me on supervising difficult people…doubtless a PTSD experience for her……

 We have removed most of our stuff out of the old homestead, but left some big ticket items for “staging”…whatever the hell that is…including our beloved sectional couch, where I had been spending the majority of my time for the last month…so now both Lucy and I are clinically depressed over nowhere to lay around….and Lucy is boycotting the fact that she now lives with a fended in yard and can no long spend her days running after chipmunks and squirrels on the back forty…but change is good….right?

Well… I said this would be short Ramble…and, as usual, I lied…. but enough is enough….

Stay in touch, be well, keep up the fight, put up a sign in your yard for Uncle Joe……change is good, right?

Your brother in arms,


PS- I cant figure out how to add pix to the blog on this new host site- so you have to look at the e-mail version for the few pics this week. Will try to get Max to help me figure out how to add media

Papi’s Big Adventure- Day Eleven- Antiqua: in ZEN

Long night…long day……

Turned out room was right above all night Drunken Disco last night…almost moved…but late…and room offering had twin bed….and even more Motel Sixish… can you say earplugs..

Up at 6…at buffet when opened…got e-mails sent from last night…wolfed down bread, cheese, juice…taxi at 7… long, but very good training day…both sessions had folks dancing… weird space out at the airport….

Had first Caucasian in training…Brit UNICEF woman on assignment….who unbelievably knows our friends Alex and Faith in Mt. Holly…..and has been there…how many degrees?…

Traffic here unreal…more cars than people….agreed to have the locals give me a ride back (stupidly not spending unnecessary taxi fare)…turned out be another “Bus”….and had to go to capitol first…hour and a half getting back to the Den of Iniquity….

Finally, had a building meltdown at hotel front desk, when they said they could not print my boarding pass (American Airlines-can actually print one for first time after six LIAT flights).. and would have to go back to room, bring laptop down to WIFI zone, ..and send them and e-mail with my reservation….NOT…Papi and manager had talk at that point…and got escorted to super-secret private room with computer to TCOB….

Ate at Mexican “ala carte”….at least had table service….found a WIFI spot with light…and an outlet….and voila…..

One politically incorrect note for the night….even very attractive Carib women have ungodly butts sticking out…how does this happen?

Lounging and recovering tomorrow until late afternoon flight to the homeland….getting closer….Papi be home soon….

Papi’s Big Adventure- Day Ten- Antiqua: Finding the “Mericans

Hell might be a Caribbean all- inclusive resort full of drunk Americans and assorted others- getting their money’s worth on food and drink all day…but more on that later….

Did I mention that no one…I mean no one puts on their car AC in the Carib…..even if its 100 plus out…….

The SL airport at 6:30 am was an experience…almost got the anal cavity search….could not explain to them what the Netty pot was for (a bomb?)…

For a laid-back culture….the Eastern Caribbean, in general, has more rules than anywhere I’ve ever been…and except for the mini terminal near our house in Vermont, this is the smallest airport ever been to…

Cab drive from Antiqua airport to hotel on south end of island….as a maze of back country roads and major league ruts…and my guy was speedy….got to hotel early…room not ready….sat by beach and had a few pina coladas (all inclusive)….finally got into room, which is the equivalent f 70s Motel six (TV mounted on the ceiling)…and no WIFI in this building!!! all know how that makes Papi feel…they were going to move me at some point, but I said fuck it…and decided to be limited…but with a magnificent view….from 4th floor (tenement walk up quality) balcony…

Grounds are great…great background vistas…trying to figure out how to manage two days with a bunch of drunk Americans (some Italians, and British Ilse types)..who are hellbent on getting their monies worth..

Ocean is great…found the secret small quiet pool in the back with no one there…..trying to be strength based about the whole thing…

Got at least five bureaucratic emails today from the Wash. morons…I seriously doubt at this point I ma going to be willing to come back in January…you should see the shit they send me…and never say they fucked up …let me count the ways…

Gonna run out of battery/light at the remote bar I found on far end property..…trying to weasel my way into the “ala carte Italian “ to avoid the dreaded buffet (can you say cruise ship?

Gone from endless Christmas music to endless 50s….oh boy..

How many more days?