Novel Review- Nowhere to Run Genre- CJ box

Title: Nowhere to Run

Genre: Novel

Grade: B+

Notable People: C.J. Box (Author)

Review: This is the seventh or eighth serial novel in a series about Joe Pickett- a Wyoming game warden. Fast paced, good characters (especially the mysterious falconer and ex CIA guy Nate Romanowski). Not the best plot in the series- but a very fast paced and good read. Very descriptive of the northern Wyoming terrain. If you are a serial reader- try Box out.

Novel Review- Known to Evil- Walter Mosley

Title: Known to Evil

Genre: Novel

Grade: A-

Notable People: Walter Mosely (Author)

Review: If you have not read Mosely before- this will be treat. It’s a new series based on a hard boiled NYC detective an former mob guy that has the usual charm and wonderful dialog from Mosely’ wonderful Easy Rawlins’ books. A great look into the African American psyche and the best one liners of any author I’ve ever read. Captivating story and great eye for setting

Novel Review- The Farmer’s Daughter- Jim Harrison

Title: The Farmer’s Daughter

Genre: Novel

Grade: B+

Notable People: Jim Harrison (Author)

Review: A fine book of three novellas by the legendary author of Legends of the Fall; combines his usual Hemingway-like portrayal of Montana and the UP of Michigan with an unusual male sensibility of a story told through female characters. Returns to the classic Brown Dog character(BD)of previous writings and includes a beautiful coming of age tale of a young woman in remote Montana

Novel Review- Red Herring- Archer Mayor

Title: Red Herring

Genre: Novel

Grade: A

Notable People: Archer Mayor (Author)

Review: This is about the 20th in the long running Joe Gunther detective series by Vermont author Archer Mayor. For my money- it is the best yet of what has been a consistently wonderful series. If you have not yet made the acquaintance of Joe Gunther and Willie Kunkle- you could do worse than starting with this one. If you are a regular or occasional fan- you are in for a treat. Compelling story, wonderfully descriptive writing and great characters make this one hard to put down.