Film Review- The Theory of Everything

Genre: Film

Grade: B+
Notable People: Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones, Tom Prior, Emma Watson, Directed by James Marsch
Title: Theory of Everything

Review –This an ok movie- but a wonderful story-incredibly inspirational…so an A for the story and a B for the movie gets the B+. Redmayne is a revelation as Stephen Hawking (even the droll Hawking gave him a two thumbs up). Tears seemed to come freely with this movie, and it is an Exceptional story. If you don’t know anything about Hawking’s life- there’s’ a lot to like here. And, by the way, Felicity Jones, as Jane Hawking (who wrote the book the film is based on) is a subtle but undeniable hottie. Very English, pretty slow moving, but definitely worth a Netflix look or discount movie house visit.

Novel Review- Shadow of the Wind

Genre: Novel

Grade: A+
Notable People: Carlos Luis Zafon
Title: Shadow of the Wind

Review –An absolute masterpiece! A book within a book within a book…the story takes place in Barcelona during and after the second world war- but traces backwards to the nineteen teens. Sweeping, dramatic, engulfing, rich characters, magnificently written. . The work of really great writer with an excellent translation. My book of the year.

Film Review- Birdman

Genre: Film

Grade: A-/B+
Notable People: Micheal Keaton, Zack Garafalo, Naomi Watts, Edward Norton, Emma Stone, Directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu
Title: Birdman

Review –I gave this film a split score because it is just not for everybody. A washed up actor, famous for his role as “The Birdman” in the early 90’s tries to revive his career and his life with a serious Broadway play from a Raymond Carver book. This may be the best behind the scenes on Broadway reveal ever and the music- basically a drum score- is amazing. And the camera work…a masterpiece in angles and lighting. Keaton is a returning wonder (Beetlejuice lives!) and the supporting cast are fantastic- but the story moves very slow an seems a bit lost a times (like the characters). For serious movie student- this is a must see. More casual moviegoers may well not like this film.

Film Review- Mockingjay

Genre: Film

Grade: B+/B
Notable People: Jennifer Lawrence, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Stanley Tucci, Elizabeth Banks, Woody Harrelson, Julianne Moore, Directed by Francis Lawrence
Title: Mockingjay

Review –well- this is not a great movie. Some people feel it’s just a bridge to the final installment…making us wait another year. The dialog is rather basic, they go for all the possible clichés and the story seems drawn out. That said, it was still a pretty exciting movie. Lawrence is luminous and Hoffman, Banks, Tucci and Sutherland are really perfect for their roles. It also feature a who’s who of character actors you can see on the best HBO, Showtime and Netflix shows…and they’re all quite good- it’s worth seeing on the big screen as an event…maybe less so as a work of film art. Ergo the mixed rating. Needs more Woody Harrelson…

Film Review- St. Vincent

Genre: Film

Grade: B+
Notable People: Bill Murray, Melissa McCarthy, Naomi Watts, Directed by Theodore Melfi
Title: St. Vincent

Review –Bill Murray, Bill Murray, Bill Murray….enough said, right? Pretty predictable movie, no surprises here…just nothing to write home about…except Naomi Watts is hilarious as a tough nosed but warm hearted Russian hooker and then you have….Bill Murray, Bill Murray, Bill Murray… he’s too much…..I actually liked it a lot.

Novel Review- Shadow Song

Genre: Novel

Grade: A-/B+
Notable People: Terry Kay
Title: Shadow Song

Review –I REALLY liked this book- but I may be skewed on this one. Writing is good- not great, but the story tugged at my heart strings. Georgia boy comes to the Catskills to be a waiter at one of the traditional resorts in mid 50s- meets rich Jewish girl- impossible future. Book lovingly portrays the culture of the classic Catskills as well as its decline. Filled with symbolism, and a very nice forty year love story at its heart. It made me weep at times but maybe that is because of my own mirrored experience. The back of the book had a rave review from Barbara Bush (Honest)- but I recommend it in spite of that.

Novel Review- Motherless Brooklyn- Jonathan Letham

Genre: Novel

Grade: A-
Notable People: Jonathan Letham
Title: Motherless Brooklyn

Review –DAMN, SHIT, PUKE, CRAP, FUCK……Letham just won all kinds of awards for his most recent novel about growing up in an upstate NY commune in the 50s. This is an earlier one about a half ass detective (not really) with Tourette’s Syndrome (ergo- my opening) in Brooklyn. Funny, acerbic, titillating (that is not a Tourette’s thing) –a good story –very eccentric. You’re’ going to love Lionel Essrog and his crazy patch work of Tourette’s mumblings and shouts. I’m on the trail for the rest of Lethem’s books.

Novel Review- Proof Positive

Genre: Novel

Grade: A
Notable People: Archer Mayor
Title: Proof Positive

Review –In the interest of full disclosure, most of you know that I consider Archer to be a friend (though he may consider me to be more of a benign stalker)- so I could be biased, but I thought this was great read. For my money, it may be his best in the series to date, which is up to 22 or 23 (years and books). I told him via e-mail recently that I read the opening and felt like it was in the great Dash Hammett /James M. Cain/ Film Noir tradition. It did not disappoint after that. Joe Gunther and his crew take on a far reaching mystery that has Vietnam, crooked US senators, Philly hit men, kidnapping, house invasions and the secrets of an eccentric hoarder. What’s not to like? There has been some interesting expansion of characters and relationships within the series as well. Archer seems to get better all the time at story line and character development…and if you like sense of place (read VERMONT) he can’t be beat. Jennifer did feel the need to write him and ask him if there would be conclusion to the end of the book, so she was a little unfulfilled, but I did not share that need (and I’m not telling the answer). Long may Joe and Archer run.

Film Review- Boyhood

Grade: A++++++
Notable People: Ellar Coltrane, Patricia Arquette, Lorelei Linklater, Ethan Hawke, Directed by Richard Linklater
Title: Boyhood

Review –THIS IS FILMMAKING….best movie I’ve seen in years- unique, groundbreaking, masterful. Drove over an hour each way, in the rain, to Dartmouth to see this last night (no art films in the mountains)- and it would have been worth three times the trip. Linklater is a master of his craft. He has been on cutting edge for last 20 years with all kinds of novel approaches but this one takes the cake. Basically, he filmed this movie about family and growing up over 12 years with the same actors in the same roles- coming back once a year to film again. The kids really grow up on film and the parents go through all of life’s stuff before our very eyes. Hawke, Arquette and Linklater’s daughter, Lorelei, are fabulous. Ellar Coltrane in the lead role is magical and mystical. This is one great film. Go, Go, Go….NOW

Novel review- – The Rope

Genre: Novel

Grade: A-
Notable People: Nevada Barr
Title: The Rope

Review –Nevada Barr has written a couple of dozed novels in this series (how can someone named Nevada Barr not be worth reading?). Anna Pigeon is a national park ranger who gets involved with pretty complex mysteries- each book in a different national park. Barr herself is a former ranger- so she knows the terrain. This one is interesting in that, although written in 2012, it is the story of origin about how Anna becomes a national park ranger back in the late 80s. It takes place in Lake Powell and Glen Canyon in Arizona- and is a pretty good nail biter. Barr writes pretty well for the genre and her characters are noteworthy. Good summer read –and a good intro to the series.