Novel Review- Brown Dog

Genre: Novel

Grade: A
Notable People: Jim Harrison
Title: Brown Dog

Review –OK- I am a serial reader…can’t stay away from the writers I like and as I’ve said before, I believe jim Harrison to be our greatest American living writer. He happens to also be the absolute master of the novella form- a disappearing art. Harrison at one time was viewed as the second coming of Hemingway with his folksy, macho, great north woods, man against nature style…but he softened considerably over the years and has written a series of novels from the first person feminine- which really blew away his critics. Twenty year ago- he introduced the world to Brown Dog (BD)- a some % Ashkinabe Indian in Michigan’s UP- who is a man living by wits alone. Some see him as a n’er do well, others a modern version of Huck Finn. Some may be put off by his sexual encounters (he describes his lack of concentration and getting trouble as a “pussy trance”)- but he is quite lovable and in his own way, quite the pure American philosopher. So after 20 plus years- Harrison has assembled all his BD novellas into one chronological book offering and updated it with a new one. These are fascinating in that they are sequential- but each one also can stand alone- as he recaps all the previous works subtly in each one. I laughed, I cried, I decided to move to the UP and have my own trance. Love this stuff.

Film Review- Ida

Genre: Film

Grade: A-
Notable People: A bunch of famous Polish people
Title: Ida

Review –Being back in Ohio for Tess’ wedding allowed for a quick post wedding trip to the local art house to see this magnificent off the wall movie set in Poland post WWII. We don’t get these movies up in the mountains. Dark, haunting, beautifully shot and acted- the story of a novice nun who is getting ready to take her vows at the convent she has spent her whole life in- and is forced by the mother superior to connect with her only living relative- a tortured soul aunt who holds the secrets to her past. A very complex and moving film that will leave you thinking for quite some time. Unrelenting, foreboding, haunting. May be hard to find this one- but worth the search.

Novel Review- Unspeakable

Genre: Novel

Grade: B (but a good B)
Notable People: Sandra Brown
Title: Unspeakable

Review –full disclosure- this is somewhat of a trashy read. When I travel- I get tired of lugging big hardcovers- so I recently went searching in our inherited library for books our benefactress, Karen, left behind. Well- she had interesting taste. This is a mystery novel that takes place in south Texas and is kind of formulaic- but quite entertaining nonetheless. I can’t say it is very well written- but it sure kept my attention. So- it has a deaf femme fatale character, a Marlboro man with unclear motives, an eighty- year old sheriff who is being forced to retire before he is able to resolve his issues with a thirty year old murder, two of the most sociopathic brothers to grace the written page, an insatiable slut, and a massive halfwit killer who is only deterred from torturing people by available popsicles…what’s not to like? It builds to a massive climax (not one you would have a smoke after) that is reminiscent of the end of a John Wayne movie. So it’s all in all not too great- but I really liked it. Take it to the beach and lie in a chaise lounge…you’ll love the deaf woman.

Novel Review- The Sea Runners

Genre: Novel

Grade: A-
Notable People: Ivan Doig
Title: The Sea Runners

Review –I’ve really enjoyed Doig’s work over the last year. This one is a departure from his usual Montana frontier stories. Takes place in mid-19th century Alaska- called New Archangel, which is true and it was a Russian Territory at the time (Sitka area). I guess Sara Palin was right after all and the Commies did walk across the Bering strait. At the time, it was common practice for the Russians to take indentured servants from Sweden for 7-10 years and make them slaves there more or less. This is the story of four Swedes escape adventure and small canoe paddle down the wild Pacific coast all the way to the freedom of Astoria Oregon. Exceptionally well written in a Hemmingway- Melville- esque man against nature style. Short book- fascinating read.

Music Review- Linda Ronstadt- Duets

Genre: Album

Grade: A-
Notable People: Linda Ronstadt, Frank Sinatra, Anne Savoy, Aaron Neville, James Taylor, Emmylou, Dolly and more
Title: Duets

Review –2014 release of duet tracks cut with great singers throughout Linda’s career. Very poignant in light of her current battle with Parkinson’s and forced retirement from singing. Nothing ground breaking or even new here- but a testament to the power of one of the great voices of our times. She is one for the ages.

Music Review- John Nemeth

Genre: Album

Grade: A+
Notable People: John Nemeth
Title: Name the day

Review –This guy was on several must listen lists in last year so I ordered one of his albums. WOW>>>>>this is blue eyed R&B at its finest. Hall and Oates, Steve Winwood, Van the Man, James Hunter…all have nothing on this guy. White man from Montana gets the itch and starts belting Stax Volt type numbers- sounds like he is in the studio with Booker T and stave Cropper and sounds not a little like Otis Redding. This guy is really, really good. You WILL be moving your feet.

Music Review- Arthur Alexander- Lonely Just Like Me

Genre: Album

Grade: A++++
Notable People: Arthur Alexander
Title: Lonely Just Like Me

Review –I recently went out to find a few albums on CD that I only had on record and this gem was one of them. Had not listened to him in years and was stuck by what a masterpiece this was then and is now. At the time Arthur recorded this in 1993 he had been out of music business for over 20 years and was a holy roller preacher in Chicago. He had been a favorite of the Beatles and the Stones (opened for Beatles on early tour) but had fell on hard times. He came back , made this incredible album and died shortly after. There is a voluminous back catalog of his albums from the early 60s. He was a really amazing songwriter in addition to being a sterling singer and guitar player. This IS R&B as it should be…the songs of longing, despair and renewed hope reverberate through the years. If you have never heard him- shame on you- go out and get this album.

Music Review- T- Bone Burnett

Genre: Album

Grade: A
Notable People: T-Bone Burnett
Title: T- Bone Burnett

Review –The legendary music producer, who has been the favorite of every acoustic and country- rock musician for 20 years once made his own albums. Since then he has gone on to fame with both recordings and movies (he recently did the music for True Detective). But this album (his first and self-titled)from the early 90s was quite a gem. Drop dead beautiful arrangements, flawless musicianship, great harmonies and wonderful song choices. This album was on my constant playlist then and has returned now after I recently got it on CD because I missed it.

Music Review- Lake Street Dive- The Bad Self Portrait

Genre: Album

Grade: B+
Notable People: Lake Street Dive
Title: Bad Self Portrait

Review –This band has been one of the darlings of Rolling Stone for last year. Kind of a throwback group- with nice blend of pop and acoustic music. Good arrangements and musicianship and the lead singer is a Bobbie Raitt meets Linda Ronstadt sound alike. Very nice music- though I did not find myself moved by it.

Film Review- Nymphomaniac- Volume 2

Genre: Film

Grade: B to A minus- depending on your mood
Notable People: Directed by Lars von Trier, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Stellan Skarsgard, Willem Defoe, Shia Labeouf
Title: Nymphomaniac- Volume TWO!!!!-film

Review –well, I’m sure the title has gotten your attention and made you have a number of questions about this one- all of which probably have merit. So last Friday Jenn was out for the night and I was thinking about heading out to see a movie- but the theaters were filed with a bunch of teen crap. Then I checked the alt theater at OSU and they had this film. The reviews were pretty good (not as good as volume one- but who knew where one could see that) and the director rather distinguished- with a notable supporting cast. I thought I’d go- but it was an late afternoon show and I could imagine the lolls single guys get in such a venue- and also maybe did not want to be joining the other single guys who might be patronizing the movie. Instead I waited for Jenn to go the next night and made it a “date movie” (interesting logic there). Well…it’s mostly a bizarre tale of alienation, sexual frustration and being a social misfit. Sort of hard to watch due to its brutal honesty, masochism, sadism and just pathetic characters- it was still quite heady; Charlotte Gainsbourg, Skarsgard is brilliant, is quite q piece of work and great small parts for Shia Labeouf and Willem Defoe. The Swedes seem to have a knack for making movies about sex neither sensuous or erotic. You have to be in a certain mood for tis one…but line an quality reviewer I am now looking for Volume One.