Novel Review- A Permanent Member of the Family

Genre: Fiction

Grade: A-
Notable People: Russell Banks
Title: Stories- a Permanent Member of the Family

Review –Banks periodically publishes books of short stores-which I find to be a relatively lost art that few do well. Banks does it well. His stories move back and forth from his small hamlet in the northern Adirondacks to Miami Beach-two places that he actually lives. They are very dark. Mostly about sad and lonely people who find themselves at a crossroads- and more than not make the wrong decision. Not uplifting and somewhat depressing but the quality of his writing and the richness of his beat down characters make the read worthwhile. He is one of our gems of living writers and still going very strong.

Novel Review- The Confessions of Al Capone

Genre: Novel

Grade: B+
Notable People: Loren Estleman
Title: The Confessions of Al Capone

Review –Surprisingly well written and good light read. It’s a long one- that can be read in small increments. Estleman departs from his usual mystery genre to tackle the story of an FBI clerk handpicked by J. Edgar to infiltrate the Florida estate of a dying Al Capone. I won’t tell you why he is chosen since that is part of the premise- but he is quite ill suited. The narrative vacillates between wartime Miami where the story is being recorded and 1920’s Brooklyn and Chicago as Capone tells his story to the man he be lives is there to be his confessor. Vivid portraits, very well researched- a compiling portrait of both men(Capone and Hoover) and the times. I have a weakness for gangster stuff- but this is a good one.

Film Review- The Grand Budapest Hotel

Genre: Film

Grade: A-
Notable People: Directed by Wes Anderson, Ralph Fiennes and a cast of thousands
Title: The Grand Budapest Hotel

Review –Wes Anderson is the King of WHIMSY and FABLES…… one does it better. A delightful movie. No real substance (although I wondered about how much allegory was going on here)- but a very fun ride. Fiennes is great. The movie is a who’s who of comic genius. Willem Dafoe dos great turn. I want to go there…

Film Review- Her

Genre: Film

Grade: B+
Notable People: Joaquin Phoenix, Scarlet Johansen, A very nice I-Phone, Directed by Spike Jonze
Title: Her

Review –Both a very sweet and disturbing movie about love in the age of technology. Jonze is an out there filmmaker and his commentaries about modern life are usually quite thought provoking. You probably all know this is the story of a lonely guy who writes love cards for other people for a living. He falls in love with his operating system. Amazingly, this is not all that unbelievable as portrayed here- thanks in large part to the incredible (voice only) role played by Scarlet. Phoenix is great, as usual. Can’t really decide if I loved or hated tis movie; thought it was slow in places, but also hard to put away. It made me sad

Film Review- Philomena

Genre: Film

Grade: A-
Notable People: Judi Dench, Steve Coogan, Directed by Stephen Frears
Title: Philomena

Review –From a autobiographical book, this is true story of British woman trying to find the son that was taken away from her fifty years earlier by devil-nuns. Judi, Judi, Judi…she is too much and hearing her curse like a sailor is worth the price of admission by itself. This is a touching movie of loss and resolution beautifully played by two very fine actors. Loved it.

Film Review- The Hobbit- Desolation of Smaug

Genre: Film

Grade: A-
Notable People: Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Sherlock Cumberbatch, directed by Peter Jackson
Title: The Hobbit- Desolation of Smaug

Review – Really had skipped over seeing this- and then looking for a movie last weekend- and nothing but teen-age spring break crap at the theaters- so we bent and went to the “dollar” theater (it was actually $3.75 for the 3D extravaganza) to see the latest in Jackson’s epics. Despite only moderate interest- hard not to get enchanted and caught up in the spectacle. Thought the 3D was really good (and all those people in the glasses in theater is a surreal site if you peek). Whirlwind of a nonstop adventure that must appeal to all our subconscious machismo- brotherhood- loyalty- adventure genes. Liked it a lot- must see it in theater on big screen. Sherlock makes quite a dragon.

TV Review- True Detective

Genre: TV

Grade: A++++++++++++++++++
Notable People: Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson
Title: True Detective

Review – An eight hour weekly mini-series on HBO- this is the best thing I have ever seen on television. Who knew? The two of them together bring out the absolute best work each has ever (and may ever). Ominously filmed, beautifully scored, with dialog from Leonard Cohen meets the Velvet Underground…this is DARK. Get HBO, find a friend who has it, pirate it off the internet somehow…..beg, borrow, steal or kill….the cultural event of the year.

Novel Review- The Eleventh Man

Genre: Novel

Grade: B+
Notable People: Ivan Doig
Title: The Eleventh Man

Review – I have been reading most all of Doig’s stuff for the last year and was really impressed with his “Montana trilogy”. This one continues the Montana-centric work with a few of the same characters and places but a way different story. It’s really good story about the members of an undefeated mythical college football team and their forays during WW Two after all elven of them had joined up. The narrator is a team member who is assigned to a propaganda unit to write stories about the entire “Supreme Tem” throughout the war. The book is a bit predictable throughout which made it less interesting- but well written and pretty amazing accounts of the various locales of the war where the boys are stationed. Not his best effort- but a good read nonetheless.

Film Review- The Monuments Men

Genre: Film

Grade: C-
Notable People: George Clooney, Matt Damon, Cate Blanchet, Bill Murray, Jean DeJardin, John Goodman, Hugh Bonneville, Bob Bonaban, Directed by Clooney
Title: The Monuments Men

Review – this is an important story from WW Two that has not been previously told. It deserves to be told. Someone else should tell it. The movie may have used every cliché from every World War Two movie ever made. These guys can’t really need the money that bad? Great cast- total waste of talent. Stay home and read a book (I have some suggestions!)

Novel Review- The River Swimmer-

Genre: Novel

Grade: A
Notable People: Jim Harrison
Title: The River Swimmer

Review – New set of two novellas from the man I believe to be our greatest living American writer. Frist one continues his theme of apparently autobiographical aging in the woods of northern Michigan. Second one is a real departure and a stunner – which has been his career calling card. This is great writing.