Film Review- Gatsby

Genre: Film

Grade: B

Notable People: Leo DiCaprio, Toby McGuire, Carey Mulligan, Directed by Baz Luhrmann
Title: The Great Gatsby

Review I was big fan on Fitzgerald and his work as a youngster and have probably seen all the incarnations of this book on film. This one is ambitious and pulls off a certain panache that makes it a really extravagant film. The party scenes really are spectacular and evidence the decadence and debauchery of the time and place very well (we saw it in 2D but those scenes would be worth seeing in 3D). The sets, costumes and cinematography are superb. Leo is his usual extraordinary self as Gatsby and the supporting cast is first rate. Nothing really new here; the plot is pretty well known and this version is not revelatory. It was almost a see at home film for me- except the big screen makes it worthwhile. Nothing brilliant here- but worth seeing if you really like film.

Film Review- Mud

Genre: Film

Grade: B+

Notable People: Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Sam Shepherd, Tye Sheridan, Directed by Jeff Nichols
Title: Mud

Review Very interesting film set in rural Arkansas mostly about growing up in the river culture and trying to survive and become a man. Eye opener on McConaughey’s talents (immense). Shepherd is old, wily and weathered in a great short role. Reece plays totally against type. A very moving film though it dragged in places and lost its way a bit. Beautifully shot and nice score. Tye Sheridan is a star in the making.

Novel Review- Snow in August

Genre: Novel

Grade: A+

Notable People: Pete Hamill
Title: Snow in August

Review Best read I’ve had in last year. I think this may be Hamill’s “Great American novel”. A truly moving story in post war Brooklyn (Hamill’s principle muse)about an immigrant Irish boy coming to terms with his father’s death at the Battle of the Bulge, his growing sense of prejudice in America, his struggle to believe in something bigger than himself, his passion for the Brooklyn Dodgers AND the coming of Jackie Robinson- and his amazing friendship with a newly immigrant Rabbi. This may be the best book ever written about that time and place. Vivid writing, luminous characters and chills to be found as this novel / fable unfolds. A brilliant book.

Novel Review- Cinnamon Kiss

Genre: Novel

Grade: A

Notable People: Walter Mosley
Title: Cinnamon Kiss

Review If you’ve never read any of Mosley’s Easy Rawlins books- you are missing an amazing piece of American culture. Easy is a part-time private dick and part-time criminal in post war LA. Mosley started writing these books in the immediate post war period in which LA was beginning to evolve (think Chinatown) and has continued , bringing it and Easy into the 60s. This book takes place as the 60s are exploding in both LA and San Francisco. It’s a hard boiled page turner but also a wonderful snapshot of the American Black experience. Easy is an incredibly complex character and his friend Mouse might be the most dangerous yet lovable character in the history of fiction. Mosley is a master and this is one of his really good efforts. When I get in big trouble- I want Easy and Mouse in my corner.

Film Review- Arthur Newman

Title: Arthur Newman

Genre: Film

Grade: B+

Notable People: Colin Firth, Emily Blunt, Directed by Dante Ariola

Review Quiet and quirky film about two people trying to change their identities and lives. Nice cross country story; moving at times; with two very fine performances. Did I mention Emily Blunt? Well, she’s a keeper and Colin Firth is just plain excellent in everything he does- even affecting a very mid American accent. I thought this movie was really sweet and liked it a lot.

Film Review- Place Beyond the Pines

Title: Place Beyond the Pines

Genre: Film

Grade: B

Notable People: Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Eve Mendez, Ray Liotta, Directed by Derek Cianfrance

Review Interesting film, with a complex plot and excellent characters. Went on too long for my taste, and suffered once the incredible Ryan Gosling is no longer involved about half way through. Bradley Cooper just does not carry it the way Gosling does. Mendez is really good and Liotta is his usual fearsome self, maybe a bit exaggerated. The teens who are integral to the movie are exciting newcomers. A pretty good summer movie- though falls a bit short of its sizeable ambitions.

Novel Review- Rain Gods

Title: Rain Gods

Genre: Novel

Grade: B

Notable People: James Lee Burke

Review If you are a Burke fan- this is probably an “A”- for others not so much. Burke has serialized the Dave Robicheaux books for years- but has maintained a sideline series about Billy Bob Holland a small county Montana lawman. This is one step removed and is about Billy Bob’s elderly cousin- Hackberry Holland- a lawman in remote south Texas. Korean war vet, recovering alcoholic, man of many old demons..and a genuine sage- Hack is a pretty interesting character in a good yarn with all the eccentrics you could ask for. Not too demanding- a good quick summer read.

Film Review- The Company You Keep

Genre: Film

Grade: A

Notable People: Robert Redford, Shia LeBouf, THE Julie Christie, Susan Sarandon, Nick Nolte, Richard Jenkins, THE Sam Elliot, Brit Marling, Directed by Robert Redford
Title: Cinnamon Kiss

Review If you are over 50- this is a great, must-see movie. Under 50- still really good. A cast of mid-elders to die for. Redford is magnificent, Christie is an old man’s wet dream…I LOVED this movie. Sixties underground radical decides to turn herself in after 30 years on the run/hide- and sets of a chain of events with her former colleague radicals in hiding. Heady movie with lots of conundrums (how often do you see that word in a movie review?). Made me want to out and march in the streets- or go into hiding. Nolte and Jenkins are sleepers. Redford is a prize.

Music Review- “Cold Fact”- Rodriguez

Genre: Album

Grade: B+

Notable People: Rodriguez
Title: Cold Fact

Review Got the album for my birthday and finally had a chance to listen to what the buzz has been about. I’m sure everyone knows the story; Rodriguez (not sure if he has first name?) was a late 60s- early 70’s singer-songwriter from Detroit- who made couple of well reviewed albums and then disappeared into obscurity and menial labor jobs for almost 40 years. Unbeknownst to him- he became a cult in south Africa and had a massive following there; a couple of producer types found out he was alive (long believed dead) and tracked him down a few years ago. There was a great documentary made on him “Looking for Sugarman”and his career has been renewed with vigor (and fortune). This is a re-release of his first album from 1970 and I really like it. Very melodic, catchy tunes, good lyrics and nice musicianship. It’s a time capsule- with classic folk rock with a psychedelic edge to it. His voice in reminiscent of early Jesse Colin young. This is like finding a time capsule; if you’re interested in antiques- go out and get it.

Novel Review- Sunset Park

Title: Sunset Park

Genre: Novel

Grade: A/A-

Notable People: Paul Auster

Review Have you read any of Auster? Well- he may be the most intense novelist writing today and this book is no exception. Very interesting tale of young man who runs away from everything for eight years after semi-accidentally killing his step brother. The book moves from South Florida to a shabby abandoned house in Brooklyn. The characters and relationships are really good. And angst…well Auster just does angst. Probably not for everyone, and I found the end disquieting- bit I really liked this book. Auster is tortured and brilliant.