Music Review- Mudcrutch

Title: Mudcrutch

Genre: Record

Grade: B+

Notable People: Tom Petty and several of the Heartbreakers

Review: I’ve been listening to this album , released a couple of years ago, again. Very classic 70’s county rock from Petty and his original Gainesville band- which included two of the Heartbreakers and Bernie Leadon’s (Eagles fame) brother. Nice harmonies, jingle jangle guitars and classic songs of the era. A nice little record.

Novel Review- Nowhere to Run Genre- CJ box

Title: Nowhere to Run

Genre: Novel

Grade: B+

Notable People: C.J. Box (Author)

Review: This is the seventh or eighth serial novel in a series about Joe Pickett- a Wyoming game warden. Fast paced, good characters (especially the mysterious falconer and ex CIA guy Nate Romanowski). Not the best plot in the series- but a very fast paced and good read. Very descriptive of the northern Wyoming terrain. If you are a serial reader- try Box out.

Novel Review- Known to Evil- Walter Mosley

Title: Known to Evil

Genre: Novel

Grade: A-

Notable People: Walter Mosely (Author)

Review: If you have not read Mosely before- this will be treat. It’s a new series based on a hard boiled NYC detective an former mob guy that has the usual charm and wonderful dialog from Mosely’ wonderful Easy Rawlins’ books. A great look into the African American psyche and the best one liners of any author I’ve ever read. Captivating story and great eye for setting

Music Review- Low Country Blues- Gregg Allman

Title: Low Country Blues

Genre: Record

Grade: B

Notable People: Gregg Allman

Review: First solo album in many years from this blues rock legend with the voice of gold. In good form with good guest players and the classic keyboard sound from the Bros. nothing major new here- but a good return to roots and a welcome return from the near dead.

Novel Review- The Farmer’s Daughter- Jim Harrison

Title: The Farmer’s Daughter

Genre: Novel

Grade: B+

Notable People: Jim Harrison (Author)

Review: A fine book of three novellas by the legendary author of Legends of the Fall; combines his usual Hemingway-like portrayal of Montana and the UP of Michigan with an unusual male sensibility of a story told through female characters. Returns to the classic Brown Dog character(BD)of previous writings and includes a beautiful coming of age tale of a young woman in remote Montana

Novel Review- Red Herring- Archer Mayor

Title: Red Herring

Genre: Novel

Grade: A

Notable People: Archer Mayor (Author)

Review: This is about the 20th in the long running Joe Gunther detective series by Vermont author Archer Mayor. For my money- it is the best yet of what has been a consistently wonderful series. If you have not yet made the acquaintance of Joe Gunther and Willie Kunkle- you could do worse than starting with this one. If you are a regular or occasional fan- you are in for a treat. Compelling story, wonderfully descriptive writing and great characters make this one hard to put down.